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Chapter 1450: Total silence

Latest website: When tens of thousands of British people jumped out of the trenches to attack, the observation balloons behind the Ming army discovered their movements.

When the British army carried out the artillery bombardment, the soldiers once again withdrew into the artillery holes. It was not until the British-German artillery bombardment extended back that they once again occupied the surface position. Only at this time did the soldiers who came out pour out the heavy machine guns

Everyone moved into position.

After the machine gunners entered the shooting position in front of the trench, they immediately pointed their black muzzles at the open area in front of the position.

"Keep formation!"

"Keep formation!"

In the empty no-man's land, the British officers kept shouting to maintain the formation of the infantry formation.

Although the British who had withstood the test of the Boer War did not form a neat queue like the Boer War, they still used the large skirmish line used in the Boer War. There were more than 60,000 British troops, and they formed such a swaggering line.

Launched an attack along the skirmish line!

In fact, the British were arrogant. They believed that it would be difficult for those Ming people to survive under the fierce artillery fire for twelve hours.

Besides, they used poison gas.

Millions of artillery shells, plus a lot of poison gas!

When the two work together, not to mention humans, even the rats in the field will be poisoned to death. This is simply a guarantee of victory!

Naturally, there is no need to worry!

Even the British said they were forming a skirmish line, but their formation was not much different from that during the Napoleonic Wars. The 60,000 British troops lined up in a scattered or square formation and launched an attack in a swaggering manner.

In fact, the British cannot be said to be arrogant. At least on the surface, almost all the barbed wire fences on the Ming army's positions were destroyed. The wooden beams of the barbed wire fences were either broken or blown into the sky. However, the British obviously forgot

Even if the wooden beams of the iron wire are blown apart, the iron wire will still be there and will still hinder their attack.

"Quick, quick, the British guys are coming up, the British guys are coming up..."

In the trench, Wang Youyu brandished a pistol and shouted at the soldiers, but his shout was not very loud under the cover of the gas mask.

However, his shouting was not needed at this time, only some movements were needed. With the shouts and guidance of the officers, the soldiers quickly entered the trenches.

Although the poisonous gas was deadly, it also provided them with cover. Although the surrounding artillery was rumbling, but under the cover of the poisonous gas, it was almost a blind artillery fire with no accuracy, and it did not cause much damage to the soldiers.

Although the soldiers wore gas masks, when they rushed to the bombed-out trenches and endured enemy artillery fire, in the green poisonous fog, the faint sound of Scottish bagpipes could be heard. Listening to the battlefield

There was a strange sound of bagpipes, and the soldiers in the trench looked up and were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Through the poisonous fog that had faded, they could clearly see countless British soldiers lined up in long lines on an open area that was unobstructed, like the surface of the moon, walking towards them. Their pace

Slow and seems a bit heavy.

"Keep formation!"

Holding the rifle, Sergeant Major Doug kept shouting orders.

"Keep formation!"

With the orders of the officers and sergeants, the skirmisher lines became more and more orderly. If it were placed in the Napoleonic era, such a skirmisher line would be absolutely amazing. After all, many of these people are new soldiers. They

Being able to form such a queue is very unusual in itself, and of course it is a proof of good training.

Their pace was slow because they were carrying heavy baggage. In addition to carrying 200 rounds of ammunition and two grenades, many soldiers also carried field telephones, pickaxes, shovels, wire shears, and even homing pigeons.

Most people carry more than 30 kilograms of luggage, and some people even carry more than 50 kilograms.

These British soldiers, who were carrying too much supplies and were driven onto the battlefield like donkeys, marched step by step on the battlefield with heavy steps.

Driven by heroic dreams and the fantasy of going home for Christmas, more than 60,000 British officers and soldiers, led by officers, marched in skirmish lines on the battlefield, shoulder to shoulder with British troops in neat formations.

In this way, they advanced slowly towards the Ming army's position.

When they jumped out of the trenches, they did not suffer any attacks. It seemed that the Ming Dynasty and the French were really wiped out. Their enemies had long been blown into the sky by fierce artillery. Now, their task is just to clean up.

Just a battlefield!

But they never dreamed that in the poisonous fog that had not yet dissipated, when the soldiers entered the position, the machine gunners carried machine guns and entered the shooting position behind the trench.


Jiro Fujita, who was carrying the gun stand, was breathing heavily, and sweat was flowing down the bridge of his brown nose in the gas mask. Although the Type 2 and Type 2 tripod of the 10-year-old machine gun only weighed 20 kilograms, he carried the tripod and walked into the machine gun shooting.

The process of establishing a position is not an easy matter.

It can even be said to be a challenge to human physical fitness, but all machine gunners know that compared to the old tripods, the performance of type 2 and 3 tripods is extremely good. It is equipped with a spring-type recoil shock absorber, a special fire control device and a

The optical sight holder has some special functions, such as direct aiming and shooting through a telescopic sight, or a periscope-type sight that allows the shooter to hide under the bunker for indirect aiming and shooting. During continuous shooting, the recoil shock absorber can

There is almost no vibration in the gun frame under the action, and no recoil will affect the shooter's observation of the target.

Because of this, the Type 23 tripod with excellent performance quickly replaced the old gun mount.

"Hurry up! Fujita, hurry up..."

Under the supervision of the team leader, the moment Fujita carried the gun rack into the firing point, he quickly unfolded the gun rack, and the machine gunner directly fixed the machine gun on the gun rack.


As soon as the machine gun was set up, the ammunition hand pulled out a canvas belt and quickly locked the belt amidst the sound of bullets impacting.


The moment he released the bolt, the bullet was loaded!

Just as the machine gunner was loading the machine gun, Fujita observed his position. Like all machine gun positions, although his position was a full two hundred meters away from the first line of trenches, it could form a vertical firepower on the front.

, and other machine gun positions formed a perfect crossfire.


This is the most deadly firepower network! It is a tactic developed by Imperial Army machine gun tactic experts who have spent more than ten years and tens of millions of rounds of ammunition.

When the machine gunners entered the position, the artillery observers in the front observation post and the rear observation balloon had already marked the location of the British column on the map, and at the same time informed the rear artillery company by phone that in the past two months,

In the enemy-blocking artillery strikes one after another, the imperial artillery had already completed the test firing of the coordinates of the forward position. Now they only needed to follow the coordinates to send fierce and accurate artillery fire to the British.

The attacking British troops also wore gas masks. This was nothing new. After all, poison gas had been used on the battlefield for almost twenty years.

Carrying a heavy backpack and walking slowly, Sergeant Major Doug panted heavily from time to time. The glass lens of the gas mask was filled with mist from sweat, and he breathed heavily. The Sergeant Major saw some dead birds on the ground.

Son, poison gas not only kills people, it also kills animals.

At this time, the battlefield was extremely silent. There was no chirping of birds or the sound of rats biting. The deadly poisonous gas killed the rats in the ground and the birds in the sky. Now all they could hear were the footsteps of their own people.


For some reason, the sergeant major suddenly felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart. He felt as if his heart was being held by something, and he even felt like he couldn't breathe.

You must be too nervous!

Doug comforted himself like this.

Finally, through the faded poisonous gas, Doug and the other soldiers could clearly see the Ming army's position.

In front of the riddled position, there were bombed and shattered barbed wire everywhere, but the messy barbed wire still blocked their progress.

At this moment, Doug saw the helmets suddenly popping up behind the trenches that had been bombed beyond recognition. People from the Ming Dynasty!

Rush up and kill them all!

Kill them all, seize their positions, and end this damn war.

The moment this thought came to his mind, a sudden strong wind swept across the earth!

The old group has died and a new book club group has been established: 739209015. Everyone is welcome to join and discuss and deduce the plot together.

(End of chapter)

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