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Chapter 1468 Open the door and check your health during the Dragon Boat Festival)

Latest website: On the vast ocean, a white cruise ship is sailing at full speed. Its scissor-shaped bow gently cuts through the waves, stirring up waves of snow-white waves. The water foam is flying like pearls and splashing on both sides of the ship.

Then it slipped into the sea and drew a white wave trail at the stern.

What ships can sail freely on the sea during wartime?

The Spanish merchant ship flag fluttering in the wind on the mast shows its identity.

Even in the midst of war, the trade rights of neutral countries are still protected by international law. Although there will inevitably be conflicts between the trade rights of neutral countries and the restrictive rights of belligerent countries, this is not a problem.

As early as 1975, at the initiative of France, various countries held a conference in Paris in an attempt to formulate a set of regulations regarding the trade rights of neutral countries during the war.

Why did France propose this initiative? This is completely a conspiracy - only by ensuring the trade and free navigation rights of neutral countries can it be guaranteed that during the attack on France and Russia and Turkey, Ming merchant ships can continuously deliver supplies to them -

—Of course, this assumes British intervention.

However, as the country with the largest number of merchant ships, the United Kingdom is also very interested in the right to trade during wartime. After all, they suffered losses during the Civil War. Because of this, in the meeting, the trade rights of neutral countries were compared to the blockade of belligerent countries.

Quan Lai still prevailed. All participants supported the neutral countries to continue business as usual. Even the objections of a few naval admirals were vetoed by their own civilian officials.

Of course, this kind of free trade rights also has certain restrictions. Goods are divided into three categories: absolute contraband, which includes items for military use only; conditional contraband, which is items for both military and civilian use;

and non-contraband goods, including food. Only the first category of goods can be confiscated by the belligerent countries after the belligerent declares a blockade; the second category of goods must be proven to be destined to a hostile country before they can be confiscated; the third category of goods cannot be confiscated at all.

It cannot be confiscated.

Although after representatives of various countries signed the declaration, another British interest, the "sea control" faction, claimed that the maritime superiority that guaranteed Britain's survival had been betrayed. They launched a campaign against it in the press and in parliament. Claiming that this

A declaration would render the British fleet useless; it was a French conspiracy. Although the London Declaration passed the House of Commons, it was never approved by the House of Lords.

But in May 1995, the House of Lords in London passed the London Declaration with miraculous speed. Why was this?

"We need the flag of a neutral country."

A neutral flag and a merchant shipping company registered in a neutral country were enough to allow supplies to enter the UK through the blockade.

"The French shot themselves in the foot."

Of course, this stone hits everyone in the foot. After all, when British and American ships fly the neutral merchant flag to transport supplies to the UK, the imperial merchant ships can fly the flag to transport supplies to France and North America.


It is hard to say who is benefiting and who is harming the "London Declaration", but what is certain is that the flag of a neutral country is a talisman on the sea.

Just like this ocean liner, it can sail freely during wartime.

However, no one would have thought that this cruise ship was not only equipped with cannons, but also had a different scene inside - inside the bridge, a group of British Royal Navy officers were discussing something.

"What's the speed now?"

"Twenty-two, sir."

The navigator loudly reported to the captain.

"Twenty-two Days..."

While the captain lowered his head to study the chart, the first mate next to him drew a route on the chart with a pencil, then picked up the slide rule on the side and began to calculate quickly.

"Looks like we've caught up, gentlemen."

Before the first mate could calculate the result, the captain turned around and announced loudly to the officers on the bridge, with a proud smile on his lips.

"Well, gentlemen, I hope that in the upcoming battle, all of us can fulfill our duties and fulfill our responsibilities for the glory of the Royal Navy and the glory of the British Empire!"

"Yes, sir!"

The officers and soldiers on the bridge all raised their chests and saluted the captain. After returning the salute, the captain ordered.

"Okay, raise the Royal Navy flag!"

After a British Royal Navy flag was raised, the mail ship continued to move in the predetermined direction. Soon, a lookout man shouted loudly.

"Ship spotted ahead!"

"Where is it!"

The captain picked up the telescope.

The lookout replied loudly:

"Bearing 17 degrees, she is coming towards us."

The captain picked up the telescope and looked forward. After observing for a while, he said.

"It seems she is the one, what do you think?"

Putting down the binoculars, the captain turned his head and looked at the first mate.

"Judging from the time, it should be her, sir."

"Keep the course, slow down to twenty knots, and let's move closer. Contact the "Valkyrie" and act according to the original plan. We will arrive at the contact point to meet them within the scheduled time."

"Yes, sir."

As the distance between the two parties narrowed, the outline of the ship in the distance began to slowly become clearer.

"It's her, it's her!"

The first mate shouted excitedly.


"It must be her! It's exactly the same as the one in the album. The Mexican Empire "Apollo" cargo ship has a displacement of 8,500 tons and a top speed of 12 knots. Its registered company is the Mensa Steamship Company of Mexico, and the registration time is


"Very well, gentlemen, success or failure depends on this. Order the entire ship to prepare for battle."

"As you command, Captain."

The distance between the two sides slowly got closer. It was not until they got closer that the Mexican sailors on the "Apollo" cargo ship noticed that the cruise ship was actually a warship flying the Royal Navy flag.

Yes, this ship is the British Royal Navy auxiliary cruiser "Revenge". This is a cruise ship with a displacement of 7,800 tons. After the war broke out, it was requisitioned by the Royal Navy for maritime escort. This time, it came to carry out special operations.


"Send signal!"

The captain gave the order coldly.

"This is the British Royal Navy auxiliary cruiser HMS Revenge. Please inform us of your identity, departure and destination, and the cargo you are carrying."

When the "Vengeance" sent an inquiry to the "Apollo" cargo ship with a light signal, it had already forced it. At this time, the distance between the two sides was only a few hundred meters, and the outlines of the sailors on the other side's deck could be distinguished. Of course,

You can also see the "Vengeance" pointing its black 6-inch cannon directly at the "Apollo".

Facing the muzzle, the Mexican captain on the "Apollo" would dare to resist. Although he didn't know what kind of wind the British had taken and went to the South Atlantic for "inspection", he still answered truthfully.

The "Mexican Empire Apollo" departed from the Port of Nanhua and was destined for the Port of Tampico, Mexico. The ship was loaded with 2,400 tons of machinery and auto parts, 560 tons of rubber, and 1,425 tons of rubber.

tons of textiles…”

As a neutral merchant ship, if you want to ensure safety on the sea, you must answer honestly.

"Mexican Empire Apollo, please stop the ship immediately for inspection."

The Royal Navy auxiliary cruiser "HMS Revenge" issued an order to stop the ship for inspection.

The old group has died and a new book club group has been established: 739209015. Everyone is welcome to join and discuss and deduce the plot together.

(End of chapter)

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