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Chapter 1471 Trojan Horse

The latest website: www. What is the so-called private conversation?

In fact, they are secret decisions made by politicians in private. They do not deal with certain matters through official channels, but through private means.

Sometimes, as the world situation changes, many things do not happen in the offices of decision-makers. It can even be said that they are unknown to the public at the beginning. In this way, they can avoid many things from the outside world.


Of course, this kind of secret politics can never be seen in the light.

But a secret is still a secret.

For James Bond at No. 10 Downing Street, as the Chief Secretary in the Prime Minister's Official Residence, in his eyes, there are almost no secrets in the British Empire. After all, he is the top of the pyramid of civil servants in the British Empire.

However, despite his high status, the area of ​​his office in Downing Street is only...a dozen square meters.

The office is small, but has great power. In London's political circles, many people even call the chief secretary of the Prime Minister's residence the "shadow prime minister."

What is a Shadow Prime Minister?

To some extent, more than 75% of the decrees in the Prime Minister's Office are drafted by the Chief Secretary, and about half of the suggestions are provided by the Chief Secretary.

Although on the surface, the British Empire seems to be governed by the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party in turns, behind those professional politicians like running water, there will be a group of elite civil servants of the empire. They hide in the shadow of the politicians and control the huge British Empire.


For nearly a hundred years, it was the elite civil servants who ran the empire, advising politicians, formulating plans, and executing decrees.

There is a joke circulating among high-level civil servants in the British Empire - "As long as there is a secretary, even an idiot can be prime minister."

This is definitely not an exaggeration, it can even be said to be a well-known fact. Because politicians will change and cabinets will fall.

But imperial civil servants are eternal.

It's just that the imperial civil servants live in the shadows a lot of the time, just like James Bond. Like his predecessors, he has been working in this office where there is no sunlight, but this does not prevent them from controlling the world.


In other words, it affects the fate of the British Empire.

As in the past, many documents sent to the Prime Minister's residence will also be sent to the chief secretary's office. Of course, these documents also include a lot of military and political secret information.

Among these intelligences, one caught his attention. This intelligence score made James Bond extremely shocked. He said that what shocked him was the amount of information stored in this intelligence.

"There must be British spies among the upper echelons of the Ming Empire. In other words, British spies have penetrated into the upper echelons of the empire. They can at least have access to intelligence from the upper echelons of the empire."

It is not a simple situation, but a piece of strategically valuable information that will definitely not be shared by more than ten people in the Ming Empire.

But who could obtain such information and then sell it to the UK?

Although he was extremely shocked, James Bond still performed his duties conscientiously, which was to simply analyze the value of this information and then sort it out in his mind.

An hour later, James Bond came to the Prime Minister's office as usual and offered his views on certain issues.

That afternoon, at 4:30 p.m., James Bond got off work, exactly the same as before, the same route, the same actions, almost no difference, except that he mailed a letter.

More than ten hours later, the letter arrived in the hands of the recipient. After receiving the letter, the recipient immediately went to the telegraph company and sent a telegram with a recipient address in Spain.

Everything is completely the same as before.

Although the process of transmitting information was very cumbersome and complicated, almost 30 hours later, this information was sent to Qian Zizhuang of the Zhongdu Investigation Department.

After receiving this information, although the information seemed a bit alarmist, Qian Zizhuang suddenly laughed out loud when he saw this information.

"It seems that our "Trojan Plan" was successful."

"Project Trojan" was a plan formulated by the Investigation Department to provide false intelligence to the United Kingdom. The core of this plan was to provide false information to the United Kingdom to cover up the real operation. In order to implement this plan, they had

Some preparations began - not only did they deliberately allow the infiltration of some British spies, they even took the initiative to provide intelligence to those British spies. In order to win the trust of the enemy, they even deliberately provided some real confidential information. This is a spy

A special way of playing the game.

Everything is for cover, or the implementation of the "Trojan Plan", and the core of the implementation of this plan is the need for one or several spies that the British can trust. Their spies. Now after years of preparation, the "Trojan Plan" has finally

Implemented successfully.

"Boss, for now, our "Trojan Plan" is only half successful, but we have just transported the Trojan horse into the city. The most important thing now is whether the British will believe this plan."

"Right now we are just transporting the Trojan horse in. Can we convince the British that we still have to wait and see what the next step is?"

"So, boss..."

Feng Jinglun looked at the boss and said.

"Then my suggestion is that we should implement the next step, well, it may convince the British that the intelligence is authentic."

"Indeed, let's implement it according to the original plan?"

In fact, no matter how perfect the plan is, the most important thing about whether you can convince the enemy in the end is not how you implement these plans, but whether the enemy and your friends will believe the authenticity of the intelligence, and whether you can convince the other party of these plans.

Some special work is required to confirm the authenticity of the plan.

This also means that a large amount of "intelligence" needs to be provided in the coming days to support the authenticity of the core intelligence. Of course, this is not a problem. After all, they have been preparing for a long time. In the coming days,

, there will be more than a dozen British spies to prove the authenticity of that intelligence to the British.

In the following time, they discussed the details of the plan for a long time. When it was about to end, Qian Zizhuang looked at Feng Jinglun and asked.

"Currently, this is all the intelligence work we do in the UK. So is our work in the United States still going well? The UK is the key, but the United States is the core."

“We work in America”

Feng Jinglun.

"As in the past, it has always been very smooth. After all, there are too many immigrants in that country. Our people can easily obtain a disguised identity and can enter certain key positions without hindrance."

This is the biggest benefit of conducting intelligence work in the United States, a country of immigrants. Of course, the empire also has similar disadvantages. This is the fundamental reason why the British can use bannermen to infiltrate the empire. Because the empire cannot infiltrate everyone

Immigrants undergo strict identity checks because there are too many immigrants after all.

"Since the war broke out, the intelligence they provided has played a very important role in the war."

(End of chapter)

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