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Chapter 1490 Emperor Zhu’s Gift

Latest website: www. New York is burning!

Daming is boiling!

When the news of the air raid on New York came, Ming Dynasty was excited!

This is an unprecedented victory!

In the victory after victory, the consciousness of the superiority of the nation and the country penetrated into the bones of the people of the Ming Dynasty. The martial spirit instilled in them for decades, stimulated by the victory, caused the entire country to fall into a kind of admiration for war.


Although the people of the Ming Empire were burdened by the war - the supply of civilian supplies was affected by the expansion of military demand, and the people had to bear the harm of rising prices. However, the war propaganda, the increase in national pride and the worship of the emperor made

People were willing to devote themselves to this war with astonishing enthusiasm.

The news of the victory brought crazy people to the streets. People reveled and shouted. With deafening shouts, people poured into the streets, squares, and parks. In the squares with crowds of people and flying flags, people's

Patriotism eventually turned into bonds. An unprecedented patriotism was flying everywhere in the Ming Dynasty.

Liang Qichao, who had just come to study in the Empire from the Tang Dynasty two years ago, was surprised and even more emotional after witnessing this scene. Being among the fanatical crowd, Liang Qichao could only feel a certain emotion stirring in his heart.

"Long live the Empire!"

The thunder-like roar coming from the ears can even make people feel dizzy, and the human body seems to be in the waves, floating up and down with the sound.

Liang Qichao, who was in the turbulent waves, even lost his way. He didn't know what words to use to describe his feelings. He watched the figures around him swaying in front of his eyes, listened to their shouts, and watched the people get excited.

With an expression on his face, Liang Qichao felt some kind of emotion that he had never felt before. What kind of emotion was this?

People's emotions were agitated and their shouts were deafening.

Everything is impacting Liang Qichao at this time. At this time, he is far from the calmness of the past. There is only some impact from young people. The atmosphere of the environment can affect people's psychology, even their thoughts, and their hearts are excited.

He was so terrified that he roared and roared loudly along with the people around him.

At this moment, he was integrated into this group... Yes, this is a group. This group is not the so-called "grassroots people". It is... a group, an ethnic group, and every Chinese is a member of it.

One member!

In this group, there are no high-ranking officials and no ordinary people. Everyone is a member of the group and a member of it.

This feeling was something Liang Qichao had never felt before.

Not only because of this fanatical patriotism, but more importantly because he felt unprecedented power, which is only stored among all people!


This is the power of all people!


It is the power of the water that carries the boat. Only at this time can you truly feel its power. It is like a stormy wave, making people willing to blend into it, just like water droplets merge into the sea...

Feeling the power of the people, Liang Qichao felt waves of unknown emotions well up in his heart. He was just moved forward in this turbulent wave. At this time, Liang Qichao was no longer a person, but

One of millions of people, they come together like water droplets into the ocean.

Compared to the excitement of the outside world, as the initiator of everything, Emperor Zhu Da himself was very calm. The reason why he could remain calm was because... this is not worth mentioning at all.

"This is just a bombing!"

Taking out a cigar from the cigar box, despite what Emperor Zhu Da said, a few hours ago, he still ordered a small gift to the airship crew participating in the bombing - one for each person.

Box of "Bawang Cigars", this cigar has always been labeled as "Royal Cigar". It originated from the occasional hand-rolled cigar purchased by Emperor Zhu Da during his visit to Cuba. After smoking a loose hand-rolled cigar purchased by a sailor on the streets of Havana, he realized that no matter how

Both the taste and aroma were outstanding, so he ordered people to hire cigarette rolling workers to serve as Emperor Zhu Da's full-time cigar rollers. Hence the name "Bawang" cigar, and it became popular all over the world because of Emperor Zhu Da's favor.

The "Bawang" cigars given by Emperor Zhu Da are naturally for the exclusive use of the royal family, so it goes without saying that its meaning of commendation goes without saying.

As for why you should send cigars?

After cutting off the end of the cigar, Emperor Zhu Da struck a match and lit the cigar. When the red light of the cigarette end flashed, he seemed to see New York burning.

The smoke and fire of New York!

"Your Majesty, although it was just a bombing, it showed the world the powerful strength of the empire, especially the devastating strike power possessed by the empire, which no other country has. I believe that since New York, all countries in the world want to

If you are an enemy of the Empire, you will definitely consider New York’s fate first.”

As the Prime Minister of the Empire, although Qian Degong was inevitably a little excited when he mentioned New York, when he first learned that the bombing might cause hundreds of thousands of casualties, he felt somewhat unbearable.

After all, I can’t bear it...

However, war is war. It is better for the enemy to die than for oneself to die, and it is better for the enemy’s people to die than for one’s own people to die!

"Yes, that was the purpose of bombing New York."

Emperor Zhu Da said with a smile.

"Kill the chicken to show the monkey... New York is just a chicken! Now I have killed the chicken in New York, and the rest depends on whether Russia can eat this chicken!"

Why bomb New York?

It is to tell Russia that the empire is very powerful. The empire's power is enough to win this war, thereby deterring Russia so that they dare not withdraw from the war, let alone become enemies of the empire.

In fact, it can’t be said to be “dare not”.

The main thing is to make them "unwilling" and unwilling to be enemies of the empire, because they will pay a heavy price.

This is the purpose of bombing New York,

"Russia will definitely eat this chicken!"

Qian Degong sneered.

"As His Royal Highness the Prince said, no country is willing to associate with the loser. It is human nature to follow the winner. After the bombing of New York, no matter how much Russia wants to get something for nothing, they will consider one question - whether the United Kingdom and the United States can

Continue to fight this war with such bombing, and still win it! Strategic bombing will change all the balance of power, and anyone with a little sanity can get the answer from New York. The Russians... will definitely get their answer

!Of course they will make their choice.”

Emperor Zhu Da nodded, first smiled coldly, and then said,

"I hope so! Now that I have given this great gift away, it depends on whether Alexander III accepts it or not!"

The old group has died and a new book club group has been established: 739209015. Everyone is welcome to join and discuss and deduce the plot together.

(End of chapter)

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