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Chapter 1493 The Shield of the British Empire

A small accident that happened on the streets of Moscow would not affect the empire's assistance to the Roman Empire. After all, the Roman Empire had already used 300,000 people to submit letters of surrender.

Of course, in the eyes of many people, this small incident that happened in Moscow is simply not worth mentioning, and almost no one will pay attention to it. After all, this kind of thing is simply normal.

Similar things had happened in the past, which were nothing more than violent activities by bold fanatics who opposed the Tsar.

Although the incident in Moscow did not attract the attention of the outside world, within a few days, information about the incident was sent to London and presented to Mansfield Cumming.

"Regarding the bank robbery that occurred in Moscow, the basic situation was found out - it was organized and carried out by a group of socialists. Although the bank was the main target of their attacks - in order to obtain funds for activities, they also used

The method of spreading leaflets was to arouse the public's hatred against the Roman officialdom. Within the Roman Empire, there were widespread radical groups opposed to the tsarist rule..."

Listening to the report from his subordinates, Mansfield Cumming's brows knitted together. As the head of MI6, he was vaguely aware that this seemed to be an opportunity. If this opportunity was seized, MI6 could not only

Prove your own worth and even end this war.

Now MI6 has only been established for three years!

Five years ago, Chief of Naval Intelligence Charles Ottley was appointed Secretary of the British Defense Council. When his assistant Maurice Hankey was in charge of the national intelligence agencies, he was surprised to find that there was not even a single British agent in Europe.

This reality, as surprising as it is, is such that most countries assume that the UK has the most extensive and sophisticated intelligence apparatus in the world.

In order to change this situation, three years ago, with the support of the Defense Committee, Ottley proposed the establishment of a Secret Intelligence Service to be responsible for all matters of intelligence collection. This proposal was approved by the cabinet.

It divided the Secret Intelligence Service into two parts, each responsible for the same areas of work abroad and domestic. The foreign part was led by Lieutenant Colonel Mansfield Cumming of the Royal Navy, and later expanded into the British Army Intelligence Directorate Six.

Although Cumming's background does not seem to be particularly suitable for secret intelligence work, he still performed his job well, and when he accepted the appointment, he was promised that he would not be responsible for the activity funds paid to the unit.

Make no restrictions.

Faced with such attractive conditions, Cumming was naturally very willing to take on it. In the past three years, Cumming racked his brains to establish overseas intelligence networks including Ming Dynasty, Rome, France and other enemy countries. This network may not have the Naval Intelligence Service

Successful, but it has been working effectively, like this intelligence from Moscow, which is the most obvious example.

"Broad opposition..."

With this in his mouth, Lieutenant Colonel Cumming held his pipe in his mouth and walked to the window. There was a lot of rain in London in spring. He stood in front of the window and looked at the various umbrellas coming and going on the street below.

The director of the British Empire's MI6 service first took a puff of cigarette, then held the pipe, as if thinking about something, then he picked up the pipe again, took two silent puffs, and then said.

"Is there any way we can get in touch with them?"


"I'm talking about the opposition within the Roman Empire. We should get in touch with them."

"Get in touch with the opposition? Why..."

Vernon Kyle, who stopped suddenly, looked at the Lieutenant Colonel, his eyes lit up, and he said with some excitement.

"I understand, are we going to use those opponents to create civil strife within Russia?"

Nodding, Lieutenant Colonel Cumming said.

"Russia is a country that can mobilize tens of millions of troops. Maybe their army is stupid and their generals are incompetent, but as long as they get good equipment, they will be like a flood, destroying everything, including of course the German defense lines.

, although the "Battle of Tannenberg" they launched failed, one thing we can see is that this "steam roller" still has terrifying power. In the following days, it won the victory of the Ming Empire and France.

With the help of their rights, this steam roller will only become more powerful. If we want to prevent them from crushing us in Europe and Persia, we cannot just rely on the power on the battlefield..."

After a pause, Lieutenant Colonel Cumming, who was holding the pipe, took a puff of cigarette and then said.

"In addition to the power in war, we also need to use their internal power. There are a large number of groups in Russia that oppose Russian rule. Among them, since the suppressed minority groups, such as the Turks, appear to be docile on the surface,

But they long for independence in their hearts, and even some Poles do the same. Well, the largest number are socialists and Narodnaya Volya. They have been insisting on opposing the tsarist rule for many years. They are the force we need to use.


Holding the pipe in his hand, Lieutenant Colonel Cumming raised the corners of his lips, and then a smile appeared on his face, "The enemies of our enemies are our friends. They need to obtain funds through robbery, but if we provide them with funds,

What about providing weapons?”

Later, Lieutenant Colonel Cumming continued:

"This may not cost much, it may only cost a few hundred thousand, or one or two million pounds. We only need to select some people, support him, and provide him with money. Of course, we can also provide money to the Turks."

Providing weapons, which were readily available - after all, the Germans captured hundreds of thousands of weapons at Tannenberg, we provided these weapons to anyone willing to shoot the Russians, whether they were Turks

, be they Poles or Finns, as long as they are willing to shoot at the Russians, then we can arm them!"

"Yes, sir, I think this is a good idea."

Vernon Kyle looked at the Lieutenant Colonel, thought for a while and said.

"But we need to choose a suitable person, someone who is willing to cooperate with us. After all, sir, we are now enemies of the Roman Empire."

"They are also enemies of the Roman Empire, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend!"

When Mansfield Cumming said these words, there was no joy on his face. He stood there quietly, just looking out the window, looking at the pedestrians coming and going outside the window, and then he sucked it in again.

Smoke comes, he said after blowing out a puff of smoke.

"I believe there will always be someone willing to cooperate with us."

After that, he deliberately cast his eyes on the portrait of Her Majesty the Queen on the wall, and suddenly, he said again.

"It's like there are people among us who are cooperating with the enemy."

"Cooperating with the enemy? Do you mean spies?"

"Yes, I believe that someone among our senior officials has betrayed the British Empire, or that spies from the Ming Empire have infiltrated among our senior officials."

Cumming nodded and said.

"Intuition, although it is just intuition, but I believe that this must be true..."

Vernon Kyle looked at the leader with doubt.

"If it is true, then who could it be?"

"That's the answer we need to figure out."

Cumming thought for a moment and then said.

"I have been thinking about this issue since I founded this agency. I believe that there must be spies from the Ming Dynasty within the British Empire. We can send spies to them, and they can also send spies to us. This is inevitable.

And I believe their spies were sent earlier and may have even bribed some of our top officials, which is one of the reasons why we are at a disadvantage in this war."

After expressing his deepest guess, Cumming looked at Vernon Kyle and said.

"So no matter what, we have to find a way to find those people! If we can't find those people, maybe we will lose this war."

"If it is true, for the benefit of the British Empire, we must get rid of those spies. The only question is, do we have any clues in this regard?"

There are definitely no clues in this regard, and even the fact that there is a spy is Cumming's personal speculation.

Do they really exist?

It wasn't until Kyle left the office that this idea popped up in Cumming's mind again. Although he didn't have any evidence to prove that those people existed, the more he was told, those people must exist.

Not only do they exist, but there are many more...the only question is where are they?

The old group has died and a new book club group has been established: 739209015. Everyone is welcome to join and discuss and deduce the plot together.

(End of chapter)

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