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Chapter 1495 The way to conquer the world

The spring of 1996 was destined to be unstable.

After twelve months of warm-up warfare, almost all participating countries had completed war preparations, and millions of troops were scattered on various battlefields from Europe to the Americas and even Africa.

The war is destined to burn more and more fiercely this year. And it will happen in a way that people have never witnessed before.

After entering spring, more and more aircraft, more and more tanks, and of course, more troops appeared on the battlefield in the western United States.

It seems that they are doing their best to send all advanced weapons to the west. They are trying to use advanced weapons to win the victory on the western battlefield. Aircraft, tanks, these advanced equipment that were rare last year have become more and more common now.

If you have advanced equipment, you should always make use of it.

Once again, lying on the huge map table, Arthur MacArthur was drawing something with a red pencil, his brows furrowed from time to time.

"That does not work……"

While he was talking to himself, his adjutant, Major Myerson, came in.

"General, telegram from Washington."

He just raised his head and glanced at his adjutant, and then he buried his head in the map again.

"General, Washington is asking when you will launch a counterattack."

"Counterattack, counterattack,"

MacArthur said directly.

"Do they think that by giving us tanks and planes, we can immediately win a glorious victory? Really, do they think that fighting a war is the same as campaigning, just open your mouth and you can win? What a bunch of wishful thinking. They are simply

Don’t know what war is/”

Complaining, MacArthur drew a line on the map, then he threw the pencil on the table and straightened up and said to the adjutant.

"What did they say in the telegram? Was the whole of Washington and the United States expecting news of my victory?"

"Yes, General."

"I know, tell them that I will do my best to thwart the Imperial Legion's attack!"

"Yes, General. Do you want to eat something now? I have asked the kitchen to prepare breakfast."

Myerson asked respectfully.


MacArthur nodded, then stared at the map again, resting his right elbow on his left hand, and touching his chin with his right hand, seeming to be thinking about something.

As the commander of the U.S. military in California, MacArthur didn't sleep all night. As a soldier, his energy can be described as excessive. Sometimes, he can even stay awake for several days, but the fatigue of the night is still reflected on his face.

There are some signs of fatigue, but if those eyes still exude a look of confidence, it would be easy to associate him with the word decadence.

"General, do you want to get you a cup of coffee first?"

"It needs to be thicker."

MacArthur nodded.

After a while, Myerson picked up the coffee pot brought by the orderly and poured MacArthur a cup of coffee. He handed the cup to the general and said.

"General, your coffee."


MacArthur asked after taking the cup and taking a sip of coffee.

"Myerson, when do you think the Ming army will launch an attack?"

"Like you said, spring, they're definitely going to attack in the spring."

"Yes, just recently..."

MacArthur said directly.

"They have been waiting all winter. Now, now is the time for them to launch an attack. Their goal must be to occupy California. Once California is occupied, we will lose our foothold in the Pacific and our fleet..."

At that time, the fleet will have only one choice, which is to withdraw from the Pacific, or go to Australia to join the British. But by that time, the entire North Pacific will be under the control of the Ming Empire.

The west coasts of North and South America would become a prison for the Ming Empire, and eventually the entire Pacific would become an inland sea of ​​the empire. For the United States, losing California would be an absolute disaster, and what MacArthur needed to do was to stop it all.

"You wait a moment to issue these orders, let the Second and Third Armored Divisions complete their adaptive training as soon as possible, and tell them that I am waiting for news from them. Oh, no, the entire United States is waiting for their good news.

News, after I finish breakfast, I will ask the chief of staff to come to my place. I have something to discuss with him."

While speaking, MacArthur picked up a dozen order documents on the table and handed them to the adjutant.

"Yes, General."

After taking the document, Myerson looked at the general and said.

"Your Majesty General, you seem to be in a good mood today."

"Then you are wrong. Ever since the day when the Imperial Legion resumed their attack, I have not been in a better mood. Do you know what is the most annoying thing in the world?"

MacArthur asked after finishing his coffee and filling his pipe with tobacco.


"It's just uncertainty."

MacArthur nodded his pipe, took a heavy puff of cigarette, and said.

"Although I am sure that the Ming Empire will definitely occupy California, I am not sure whether they will attack from the north or the south."

"The south...that's Mexico. Didn't they say they would remain neutral?"

Myerson said doubtfully.

"Furthermore, judging from the intelligence we have on the target, Mexico has no intention of declaring war on the United States. Moreover, California...if Mexico declares war on the United States, they will definitely demand to take back the so-called occupied territories, and Mexico will receive hundreds of

With an area of ​​10,000 square kilometers, how could the Ming Empire accept the rise of Mexico?"

"That's true, but..."

MacArthur shook his head and said.

"Don't forget, the husband of the Crown Prince of Mexico is the prince of the Ming Empire. There are millions of Ming people living in Mexico. Mexico is becoming another Ming country, or is being "Chinese". God, Myerson, you know

What is the most powerful weapon for those Chinese immigrants?"

"The most powerful weapon? I don't quite understand."

Looking at Myerson who was full of doubts, MacArthur said.

"You should go to Mexico. When you get there, you will find that Mexico is now full of Chinese people. Many of them married Mexican wives, and then what did they do?"

After taking a puff of cigarette, MacArthur said with a slightly frightened tone.

"Just keep giving birth! In their country, there is a saying called "more children, more blessings". They have a fertility that makes people crazy. Whether they are men or women, they have crazy fertility and keep giving birth to children.

In Mexico today, five out of ten children are of Chinese descent. Do you believe it? It only took less than thirty years for them to conquer Mexico with their wombs. No, the wombs came from those Europeans in Mexico.

, European-Indian mixed race and Indian women, they are the women who conquered Mexico, and then they conquered Mexico..."

In fact, it is not just Mexico, but also Cuba. The situation in Cuba and Mexico is the same. More and more mixed-race Chinese people have become the mainstream of the population.

Before Mexico, who could have thought that a country could be conquered in this way? In fact, the Spaniards also conquered South America in this way. The vast majority of the so-called Latinos themselves are of mixed European and Indian descent. Now the Ming Dynasty is just following the same method.


MacArthur, who was holding the pipe, took a long puff, as if to cheer himself up, and then he said again.

"Do you know what this means? It means that everything you said before no longer exists! They may not tolerate the existence of a strong Mexico, but what if Mexicans are also Chinese? Then the problem will arise.


Myerson was stunned by the general's reminder. Mexico was no longer Mexico... When he was surprised, he heard the general say again.

"So, now, we have to solve the problem in Mexico."

The old group has died and a new book club group has been established: 739209015. Everyone is welcome to join and discuss and deduce the plot together.

(End of chapter)

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