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Chapter 177 Prince, this thing is invincible

Good arms dealers will not only sell arms to both warring parties, but they will also stimulate the outbreak of war or help escalate the war so that they can sell more arms.

Only in this way can one be a competent arms dealer.

As an arms dealer, Liu Kunpeng certainly knows the key. He is not worried about breaking the balance. Only when the balance is broken can there be more business.

How can they buy more arms without breaking the balance?

While talking, the two came to the ironclad ship.

Li Fugui slapped the thick armor hard, and then said.

"Such thick iron armor cannot be penetrated by guns or cannons. If it is placed on this boundary, it is simply like a crab, a domineering character..."

When he was proud, he said again.

"Brother Liu, you never expected that this armored ship was actually built by Nanhua ourselves!"

"How long did it take to build it in Nanhua?"

Liu Kunpeng's face was full of disbelief. He even looked at it carefully a few times. He couldn't believe it at all. After all, he knew what Nanhua was like.

How could a ship be built so quickly, and what was built was an ironclad ship?

Of course, he didn't know that this so-called ironclad ship was actually just a wooden shell inside. There were similar things hundreds of years ago.

"No, it is estimated that in a few years, more than ten years..."

Pointing to the "Great Eastern" which was as big as a small island in the sea, Li Fugui said with a smile.

"We can guarantee that when the time comes, we will all be able to build such a big ship."

While speaking, Li Fugui said again.

"We, can we really build such a big ship by then?"

Liu Kunpeng's eyes were full of disbelief. In his opinion, this ship could hardly be built by manpower.

"Definitely. Didn't my boss say that anything that foreigners can do, we Chinese can do the same, and we can do it better!"

Staring at the "Great Eastern", Li Fugui said.

"I asked someone to find my nephew in my hometown. This time, I will go back to Nanhua with the ship. Let him go to school and study abroad. In the future, we will build such a big ship. Brother Liu, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Liu Kunpeng's face darkened. Seeing this, Li Fugui remembered that Liu Kunpeng had never found his brother. His brother was also snatched away by Changmao like him. After so many years, he might not have known where he died.

Where is it?

"Hey, look at my mouth. I just want to interrupt you. Take this ship to Suzhou as soon as possible. Prince Zhong Qiansui is there now. I also heard that he is preparing to attack Shanghai again!"

"Attack Shanghai again? Hasn't Zeng Tietong surrounded Tianjing now? Why doesn't he return to Tianjing?"

Liu Kunpeng said in surprise.

"Over in Shanghai, there are Governor Li's Huai army, foreign gun teams, and foreigners. Even if an army of hundreds of thousands of people attacks them, they may not be able to defeat them!"

Liu Kunpeng, who has lived in the Shanghai Concession all year round, certainly knows the strength of the local area, and also knows that with Changmao's combat power, it is impossible for an army of hundreds of thousands, just to make up the number, to conquer Shanghai.

"That's right. If King Li Zhong loses his troops in Shanghai, he might transfer troops from King Kang of Hangzhou. It's a matter of time whether Hangzhou can hold on."

Li Fugui nodded and said.

"The owner's message in the telegram is very clear. Let us sell the ship to him as soon as possible, and then find a way for him to solve the siege of Tianjing. We cannot let him lose his troops in Shanghai, and there is also Hangzhou. In any case,

We have to help them defend it, even if we send our people. Only by defending Hangzhou can we continue to do business with them. However, the most urgent task right now is to sell the ironclad ship to King Zhong. With it, he can clear the

This is not the way to Tianjing!"

A seemingly inconspicuous ironclad ship with a mere weight of less than 400 tons can play a role beyond people's imagination. Even Li Fugui can see that such a ship is unsinkable and can carry a door.

What changes will an armored ship with huge guns bring to the battlefield?

Moreover, it was King Li Zhong and his men who had been fighting for many years.

Like everyone else, King Li Zhong was dumbfounded when he saw this two-masted steamboat coming toward the river, puffing out black smoke.

"Your Majesty, this cannon is the most advanced ten-inch cannon in the world. It has nearly a hundred kilograms of shells. With it, Your Majesty's ability to attack a city is like tearing paper..."

Liu Kunpeng doesn't know whether the ten-inch Dahlgren cannon is the largest cannon in the world, but what is certain is that neither the Longhair nor the Qingyao have such a huge cannon.

"Your Highness, with this cannon, we won't have to worry about being unable to attack Qingyao's fortress. It's not like we're just playing with the Qingyao city wall under the Tianjing City..."

"Isn't that right? Your Majesty, the Heavenly King has issued several urgent orders for us to return to Tianjing. Originally we were worried about Zeng Tietong Tuweizi, but now we don't have to worry about it. Besides..."

Zeng Tietong's "earth wall" has always been a thorn in the side of the Taiping Army. Why was Li Xiucheng unwilling to reinforce Tianjing? To put it bluntly, he was not sure of defeating the "hard stronghold and stupid war" by digging trenches and building walls.

The Hunan Army was unable to escape.

Outside Tianjing City, Zeng Tietong's Hunan Army built dozens of fortifications. They ripped them down one by one and bombarded them with cannons. There were not so many cannons and not so much gunpowder. They piled them with human lives.

It may be possible to exhaust all the people, and it may not be possible to capture all those "local besiegers".

But if such a cannon is used, it will be different... maybe it will blast away with one shot!

While his subordinates were talking to each other, Prince Zhong Chitose walked to the huge cannon that was as tall as a person. He first looked at the huge cannon for a while, and then looked at the cannonball that was as big as a human head.

"Good guy, this cannonball is bigger than your head. If this cannon hits it, it will definitely blow the city away!"

As he spoke, King Li Zhong knocked on the hull of the ship again, and the crisp sound of metal made him shocked.

"This is……"

"Ironclad ship! Your Majesty!"

Liu Kunpeng banged the hull of the boat hard and said proudly.

"My lord, look at the hull of this ship, which is covered with a layer of iron armor that is one inch thick. Not to mention that bullets cannot penetrate it, even if the cannon hits it, it is like scratching an itch. If the Kingdom of Heaven purchases this ship, even if it is

The Hunan Navy has thousands of boats and hundreds of ships, but it is definitely no match for it."

"What! Iron armor!"

Everyone was shocked and struck the hull of the ship with their palms or swords. The crisp sound of metal made them all look surprised. Iron armor is good, but iron armor... can't be penetrated!

"And it also has weapons specifically designed to deal with small boat-attached crabs. Please take a look, Your Majesty!"

When the words fell, Liu Kunpeng shouted to the bridge.

"Xu Mingwu!!"


"Aim at the target ship on the port side and fire."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Mingwu on the bridge shook the handle of the Gatling gun, and the sound of gunfire rang out while he was breathing. Along with the rapid gunfire, 20 mm thick lead bullets flew out, but

In just the blink of an eye, the small wooden boat was filled with sawdust flying everywhere, and the board was full of fist-sized holes. Before they could recover, the small wooden boat was about to sink.

"What kind of gun is this? It shoots so fast?"

Looking at the stunned people, Liu Kunpeng said proudly.

"The five-barreled Gatling machine gun, Your Majesty, this gun can destroy a speedboat with just a few shots. Moreover, even if its bullets are exhausted, the Hunan Navy is no match for it..."

This chapter has been completed!
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