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Chapter 183 Naturalization

People's destiny always changes inadvertently.

For Hu Xueyan, when he was in Hangzhou, he never thought that one day he would be robbed and sold overseas.

After arriving in Nanhua, although he was unwilling to be an ordinary person, just when he was thinking about doing some business with his savings after the railway was built, he was suddenly entrusted with an important task because of an unexpected encounter - to go to London.

Learn about banking.


Hu Xueyan was neither unfamiliar nor familiar with the banking industry. After all, when he was in Hangzhou, he had dealt with foreign banks in Shanghai. He knew that banks and banks were different, but in what specific ways were they different?

He couldn't come up with a reason. But his understanding of banks was limited to this, but this did not prevent him from learning.

"Can I do it?"

In the lord's office, Hu Xueyan seemed a little hesitant.

"Lord, as for English, I just studied it in night school with Mr. Sato for a few months."

If it weren't for the fact that he could communicate with foreign technicians because he knew English, he would be more likely to be reused. He wouldn't have thought about learning English.

Even until now, he can only do simple conversations. With such a level, he would be able to study in a foreign country.

Is it possible?

"Don't be in a hurry, take your time. When you get to London, you will learn the language and go to school at the same time. You will not be the only one there, but there will also be others, including probably your acquaintances and children in Hangzhou. You will be there next year.

I went to banks and factories for internships. At the moment, the American Bank has just been established. Although the foreign employees hired are quite considerate, in the future, we will always use our own people!"

Although the lord did not make any promises to himself, Hu Xueyan still saw an opportunity with his words.


There will be an opportunity to host a bank in the future!

Faced with such an opportunity, who would refuse?

In fact, in Zhu Xianhai's plan, he did intend to let Hu Xueyan take charge of the bank. After all, in history, the Fukang Bank he founded must have been the largest private bank in Shanghai. But before that, he hoped that he could go to the West to fully study

To understand Western finance, after all, what Zhu Xianhai needs is not a traditional bank, but a bank! A truly modern bank.

Bank, as early as the end of last year, the Bank of America was established and even now issues bank notes - in this era, banknotes in many countries are issued by private banks, not to mention that the United States has hundreds of banknotes issued by private banks.

, that is, in the UK, bank notes issued by the Bank of England and bank notes of private banks are circulated and used at the same time.

Although the scale of American Bank is currently limited, as the population increases, this bank will sooner or later become the most important financial institution in South China.

People, Talents are the key to everything.

As long as there are people, all problems will be solved.

However, when you have people, you still need training. The earliest schools built in Nanhua were not primary schools or preparatory schools, but factory apprentice schools. Among these apprentice schools, the shipyard apprentice school was established relatively late.

Because the shipyard was established relatively late, it was not until May last year that the first stone dock and slipway were built. It started with ship repairs. In fact, it provided maintenance such as cleaning the bottom of the ship for those clipper ships returning from long voyages. In this process

, shipbuilding began.

However, its first batch of workers were indeed trained in the apprenticeship school. At that time, the school was located in a temporary wooden shed next to the dock. The workers studied and worked at the same time. There were apprentices aged 13 or 14 in the class at that time.

, there are also craftsmen in their forties.

In fact, even the apprentices in the shipyard's apprenticeship school now have different ages. After all, the shipyard will allocate some new workers every month. Compared with a year ago, the current apprenticeship school has moved into the red building near the shipyard.

Here, in addition to the apprenticeship classes for carpenters and blacksmiths, there is also an apprenticeship class. The class is full of young people aged 12 or 13 to 15 or 16 years old. Most of them used to study and be familiar with each other, and they can be regarded as good at reading and arithmetic.

In addition to learning shipbuilding knowledge here, they also need to learn mathematics, English and other aspects of knowledge. They are said to be apprentices, but in fact they will go to foreign countries to learn shipbuilding in the future.

Among these apprentices, Li Chenpu was undoubtedly one of the most talented. He came from a wealthy family in Hangzhou, and it was an accident that he came to Nanhua. If it had not been an accident, he would have been beheaded along with his family when the city fell. After all, in history,

After the catastrophe of just four years of war, only 70,000 people remained in Hangzhou, a city of 800,000 people. Only 15 million people survived in Zhejiang, a city of 31 million people. Fully half of the population.

Lost in this catastrophe.

Almost all of the hundreds of thousands of people in Nanhua should have been wiped out in that catastrophe. Now they not only survived, but also embarked on another path that they had never imagined.

Just like the sixteen-year-old Li Chenpu, who originally passed the scholar examination at the age of fourteen, his ambition was to pass the imperial examination like his elder brother, become an official in the court, and shine on his family, but now his ambition is to become a naval engineer.

He is extremely smart. In only half a year, he not only memorized the words in the "English-Chinese Dictionary", but he was also able to understand the teacher's lessons without translating. Even if it was only part of it, it was extremely rare.

Because of this, his name has been included on the new batch of study abroad lists, but he is also suffering from a headache because of this. Many things always bring extra trouble.

"Li Chenpu, did you solve the math problem yesterday?"

Jiro Tetsuda is the school’s mathematics teacher. Compared with European and American teachers who need translation, scholars hired from Japan through foreign companies are undoubtedly more popular in Nanhua. Without exception, they are proficient in orchid studies. They may not understand mechanics or science, but they are professors.

Mathematics and English in middle school and high school are no problem, and more importantly, they can speak Chinese!

Let alone the children of samurai, the children of ordinary people were required to learn Chinese characters, write Chinese poems, and read Confucian classics when they were studying in temples. As for Japanese language teaching, that did not exist, even for Japanese samurai.

In terms of class, being able to speak Chinese and write Chinese poems is a symbol of status that distinguishes them from farmers.

The Mandarin of these people is even better than that of many immigrants. After all, the immigrants in Nanhua are currently mostly from Zhejiang. It is even because of them that the Mandarin pronunciation of the Ming Dynasty has become popular in schools. After all, the Japanese Terakoya teaches

Nanjing Mandarin is the Mandarin of the Ming Dynasty.

"It's been solved, Mr. Tengtian."

Unlike others, Li Chenpu spoke Beijing Mandarin, which was a required course in the official circles of the Qing Dynasty. Anyone who passed the exam would hire a special teacher to learn Mandarin.

Tentian nodded and said.

"Very good, your English is very good. Although English is a must to study abroad, you have to remember that mathematics is very important. If you want to become an engineer, you must be proficient in mathematics. You don't even need to be proficient in English. After all,

One day, Nanhua will also have its own university, and its own scholars will teach students naval architecture in Chinese, but if you don't know mathematics, you will definitely not be able to become an engineer!"

Mathematics is very important. As a school mathematics teacher, Tengtian always takes the trouble to remind every student, lest they do not pay attention to mathematics. There is no doubt that as a teacher, he is very competent.

Even because of his dedication, his score rating is much higher than that of others. If this continues, he will be able to "naturalize" Nanhua and become a Chinese in two years at most.

For a teacher like him who came from Japan, it is definitely a gratifying thing to be naturalized as a Chinese.

After all, after naturalization, not only will the corresponding treatment be improved a lot. Moreover, he can also bring his family here and settle here forever.

After living here for a few months, they were unwilling to return to Japan and experience the suffocating class and lineage again.

No one here will care about this, as long as you work hard, you will always be rewarded.

For example, becoming a Chinese.

This chapter has been completed!
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