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Chapter 187

From the moment they set foot on this land, the city that appeared in front of them brought an unprecedented impact to Zuo Zongtang and others. The most intuitive impact was not even the black smoke from the steamers in Nanhua Bay and the towering Western sailing ships.

sail clouds.

After all, the "Great Eastern" they boarded when they came here was the largest merchant ship in the world. After such an experience, they certainly would not have any feelings for the ships in the bay.

But this city!

Both sides of the spacious streets are lined with buildings three or four high. Now Nanhua has long since outgrown its original creation. The solid masonry buildings on both sides of the main street have long replaced the original wooden houses. Even with the steel mills, steel rolling mills and

Cement plants have been put into operation one after another, and reinforced concrete buildings are becoming the mainstream in Nanhua.

What is more intuitive is the green landscaping of the city. Urban planning engineers from Britain, France and other countries have carefully planned Nanhua. Although the grasslands and parks are still very primitive, the lush green spaces and neat planning are...

What domestic cities don’t have.

On the way to the hotel by carriage, Zuo Zongtang, like everyone else, was surprised at the smoothness of the road and looked at the dark road.

"Jiayu, why is this road so smooth?"

"Brother Zuo, this road is a unique asphalt road in Nanhua. It is paved with stones and asphalt. It is only found in Nanhua in the world. Even in Europe, it is just a stone road. When many Europeans first came to Nanhua,

I’m also very surprised by this!”

When Ding Bing mentioned the admiration of foreigners, he looked proud.

Asphalt pavement was very new even in Europe and the United States in 1860. In fact, the reason why Nanhua paved asphalt roads was entirely because there was a lot of asphalt left over from coking. It was a waste to accumulate so much asphalt in the factory, so Zhu Xianhai personally

An asphalt gravel frying machine was designed and an asphalt pavement was paved in Nanhua. Compared with the common stone horse roads in this era, this gravel asphalt pavement has low laying cost and low technical difficulty. It is also smoother and more durable.

, Now it has even become Nanhua’s business card.

"Even foreigners admire me!"

Zuo Zongtang and others couldn't help but look at this road a few more times in surprise.

In addition to the buildings on both sides of the street with completely different styles from Chinese to Western and the asphalt roads that foreigners admire, what is even more refreshing to Zuo Zongtang and others is the pedestrians here.

When they arrived at the Atlantic Hotel, even though it was already past six in the afternoon, there were a large group of workers in overalls in the square in front of the hotel, following the instructions and practicing military posture. There were also many women watching around them.

, there is absolutely no taboo between men and women when it comes to showing up.

"One two one, one two one...!"

Amidst the orderly commands, Zuo Zongtang was a little surprised to find that the formation of these strong men who were training looked even more orderly than the "Chu Army" he had trained. They looked extremely serious when training, and even

The clothes he was wearing were all wet with sweat.

After standing there and observing for a while, Zuo Zongtang said in confusion.

"Who are they? Are they soldiers?"

It must be the soldiers. If nothing else, it’s their spirit. Even the soldiers he used to have didn’t have that spirit.

These people are not only soldiers, they may also be elites in the army.

"What kind of soldiers are there? They are just ordinary people! In Nanhua, everyone must undergo military training, and the number of military training hours per week must not be less than ten hours."

"Military training?"

"Yes, I just train like a soldier. On weekends, I go to the shooting range to practice shooting!"

"What? Shooting practice?"

"Yes, military posture, formation, and shooting are all compulsory courses. Everyone must undergo military training!"

"Everyone? Regardless of gender?"

Su Shijing and others were surprised.

"Yes, everyone! Even women should take it easy and participate in low-intensity training, at least to master shooting skills. According to the Lord, "Be a farmer in farming time, and be a soldier in wartime." This is the rule of the Han people's ancestors. The Han people must

If you want to survive in this land of tigers and wolves, you must regain the martial tradition of the Han family, otherwise you will end up being a slave to a foreign race here!"

The phrase "slaves of alien races" made Zuo Zongtang and others look a little strange.

After careful observation, Zuo Zongtang found that the people here seemed to be obviously different from the people in China. It was not because the men cut off their braids and had Western-style short hair or short hair that was a few inches long, nor was it because of the way men and women dressed.

But their spirit!

Both men and women looked energetic.

In fact, their clothes are similar. The men wear indigo or gray uniforms, and the women wear long skirts of the same style and similar colors. Although the clothes are monotonous, it is certain that their spirits are obviously different from those seen in the past.

People who are used to it.

Their faces did not have the numbness and confusion that are common on ordinary people's faces. Instead, they were full of vitality, and even their eyes were shining.

Not to mention men, even women are like this.

There is light in their eyes!

I don't know why, but Zuo Zongtang had such an idea in his mind. Such expressions should not appear on their faces. Aren't they all poor people who were sold as "piglets" and lived in a foreign country?

Shouldn't they look sad?

Looking at Zuo Zongtang, Su Shijing and others who were thoughtful, Ding Bing said with a smile.

"Do you feel like they are different?"

"It's really different."

"Actually, many of them have only been here for half a year, but in these six months... they have completely transformed!"

Ding Bing sighed.

"In their words, it is only at this point that you know what it is to be a human being? What is the life that a human being should live."

"What is a person..."

Pursing their lips, Zuo Zongtang and others just buried this problem in their hearts.

Why, how come they don’t know that in the Qing Dynasty, even if you are an official, you are considered a human being, but when you meet a Shangguan, you are not considered a human being. As for the people, are they living a human life? The government is exploited and oppressed by the gentry.

, there are many ordinary people who do not have enough food to eat or clothes to cover their bodies.

And what about this?

Just by looking at the rosy faces of the men and women, you can guess how they live their lives. In fact, there is no need to guess. Whether it is in the waiting room on Yangshan Island or on the boat, they not only have enough to eat, they even have meat every other day.

, this is how people live.

"Hey, although the life of the common people is a little easier, they are still far away from their ancestral land. They are poor people who have left their hometowns and are unable to return to their roots!"

Liu Dian's sigh made Ding Bing raise his eyebrows and sneer.

"Humph, what's the point of leaving your hometown? If the people of the Qing Dynasty are not even afraid of living, how can they be afraid of leaving their hometown?"

The people were not even afraid of living, so of course they were not afraid of leaving their hometowns. This seemingly casual retort made Zuo Zongtang and others sigh, and they all fell into deep thought as they looked at the men and women training in the square.

In this era, the life that the people lived in the Qing Dynasty was indeed worse than death.

After thinking about it, Zuo Zongtang said.

"People can live and work in peace and contentment here. There is nothing better than this so-called paradise!"

That night, Zuo Zongtang and others who stayed at the Atlantic Hotel even forgot their surprise when they saw the elevator for the first time, and also forgot the "fearing the heavens" feeling of being in a six-story high-rise building. After all, each of them had too much in their hearts.

Lots of questions.

In comparison, tall buildings and elevators are nothing worth mentioning.

This chapter has been completed!
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