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Chapter 206 Conscience Buyer

The war is still going on, everything has started, cannons are firing one after another, mortars, rifled cannons, smoothbore cannons, fierce artillery fire continues to hit the heads of the federal army, and the continuous exploding shells destroy

overcame federal resistance.

Robert E. Lee, riding on his war horse, stared at the north like this. Although his army had lost more than 10,000 people, he was still attacking towards the north.

"It's not enough for us to drive Meade out of Gettysburg, we have to get to Washington!"

Once again, Robert didn't know whether he was convincing others or himself.

"Merely destroying Meade's Army of the Potomac will not win us the victory. The North has more workers and more people. By the time they exert their full strength, victory will be within their reach. Now, they have captured

Vicksburg, if we cannot capture Washington, then what awaits us will definitely be defeat. If we work harder, we can force them to retreat..."

"But, can we capture Washington? General, we have lost more than 15,000 people, and it will take at least a month to regain our strength!"

Armitist's question made Robert shake his head.

"Can we defeat the Union and capture Washington?"

General Robert E. Lee said as if talking to himself.

"This is not important at all. What is important is that we have no other choice. The Army of the Potomac led by General Meade is Washington's last strength. Meade's Army has suffered heavy losses, and now no one can defend it.

Washington, of course, we also lost a lot of troops, maybe we can't capture Washington, but at least..."

Looking north, General Robert E. Lee said.

"By attacking Washington, we can get people who support us in Maryland to stand on our side, which will further strengthen our power,"

After thinking for a while, Robert E. Lee said again.

"More importantly, no American will vote for a president who loses their capital! His term is almost up!"

"No American will vote for a defeated president!"

Little did Robert E. Lee know that someone thousands of miles away in the southern hemisphere had made the same judgment as he did.

"Lord, do you mean that the Southerners really have no hope of winning the war?"

Qian Deshan said with some doubts.

"Then if we have been busy for a long time, wouldn't it be in vain?"

Playing chess with the lord, Qian Deshan said.

"My lord, sometimes I really don't understand this. Maybe I am too stupid. The United States is so far away from us. My lord, you are deliberately plotting against him and supporting the south. Why are you secretly supporting the kingdom of heaven?

, I understand, but what about the United States? What does it have to do with us?"

"Mu Zhai."

Persisting with Heizi, Zhu Xianhai smiled.

"Today's world is no longer the world in the eyes of our ancestors. The earth is like this chessboard. If you want to have a place on this chessboard, you have to participate in this chess game. In this chess game, it doesn't matter how far or near it is.

Friends, I only have interests. Supporting the Confederacy is to delay the rise of the United States. A strong United States will definitely be detrimental to our development. After all, the United States does not want us to rise. After we rise in South America, we will definitely have interests with them.

Conflicts, the current layout, are for potential conflicts in the future."

The long-term strategic layout of the international world is better than that of Britain, which has been stirring things up for hundreds of years. Unfortunately, our side... still knows little about it, not because they understand it, but because they simply don't understand it.

I don’t understand the world.

And this is why Zhu Xianhai sent Zuo Zongtang and others to study abroad, to give them a clear understanding of the world before reusing them. Only in this way can they understand how to play this game in this world.

"How can we allow others to sleep beside us? A strong United States is not in our interests, so we must seize the opportunity to weaken it. Unfortunately, the South is too weak..."

When the chess pieces fell, Zhu Xianhai sighed.

"Even if General Lee won the Battle of Gettysburg, so what? It still hasn't fundamentally reversed the balance of power between the North and the South. The North has tens of millions of people and a large number of factories, but what does the South have? Does it rely on cotton?

?There is not a single cannon-casting factory in the entire South, and there are only a few arsenals. The failure of the Confederacy was that its economy and comprehensive strength were not as good as those of the North, so it was destined to fail. Even if Gettysburg won, it would just be a delay.

Slow down the process of failure, but it will eventually fail.”

Qian Deshan said after listening to his lord's explanation.

"Then we have done so many things, but haven't we still not changed the overall situation?"


Zhu Xianhai shook his head and said.

"However, sometimes the variables in the war are not the war itself, but politics. After Lee won the Battle of Gettysburg, his troops marched into Washington, which would have caused an unprecedented blow to the morale of the North. If Washington was lost

Endless wars and failures will further reduce the people's confidence in Lincoln and the war. Then Lincoln will definitely not be elected next year. After a new president is replaced, the war may end and it will be through peace talks. The United States

It is very likely that it will fall into division."

After dropping the chess piece, Zhu Xianhai smiled.

"And this is the purpose of our game in the United States. Not only can we make a lot of money through material smuggling, but we can also divide the United States and further weaken potential opponents or enemies through material support to the south."

When he said these words, Zhu Xianhai seemed a little proud. After all, he planned all of this personally. Standing on the shoulders of historical giants, his strategic layout is definitely no worse than that of Britain.

Even far more than the British. After all, historically, the British plan during the Civil War... ended in complete failure.

Of course, a key factor in Britain's failure was that Britain failed to end the war in person and could only watch helplessly as the north blocked the south, leaving its own side alone?

Not only did they build a new type of "breakthrough ship" to specialize in trade with the south, but they also set up corresponding enterprises to carry out smuggling trade. In a word, they made money and defrauded people!

This is the real master!

"It's a pity that our shipbuilding technology is a bit poor. Otherwise, if we support a few more warships from the south, the results may be very different!"

"Lord, if we can build an armored ship, won't we?"

Qian Deshan smiled.

"If it doesn't work, just sell them a few boats!"

In response, Zhu Xianhai shook his head and said.

"They don't look down on those armored ships. They just sell them to those who have never seen the world to make some money."

He is the only one who can sell so many "fake and shoddy" ships at such a high price. Of course, this is also due to the power of buyers. If there are no good buyers, such ironclad ships will definitely not be sold. Less

It can't be sold at such a high price. No wonder in another world, merchants all over the world are willing to do business with me in the Qing Dynasty, because such money is simply money delivered to the door.

It's a pity that there are only one such conscientious buyer in the world.

This chapter has been completed!
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