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Chapter 249 Beheading

Even after choosing a confidant he could trust, Zhu Xianhai was still a little uneasy. After all, there were many loopholes in this plan.

The only solution to worries is simulation.

Although the simulator currently only has the function of one long-term simulation, Zhu Xianhai has often used short-term simulations in recent years. The shortest ones only lasted a few days, and the longest ones lasted for more than a year.

After several years of use, the current simulator is quite easy to use.

Therefore, he has been preparing for this day. However, before sending troops, of course, he still has to simulate it.


Familiar call, familiar interface, everything is so familiar,

"Start the simulator, the simulation time is thirty days..."

The reason for simulating for thirty days is more to simulate the process of a "surprise attack" and the subsequent short-term situation changes.

[Start simulation.]

[On April 1, 1866, you ordered the army to attack the Chilean Army of the North from Chilian.]

The light screen flashes and the scene loads quickly.


Amidst the roar of heavy artillery, thousands of soldiers jumped out of the trenches and charged towards the Chilean defense line without hesitation. Under the bombardment of heavy artillery, the Chilean defense line had already been crumbling, and the soldiers' charge was like

A huge wave broke through their defense line in an instant.

The Chileans are in retreat!

There is no suspense at all.

In the face of the crushing advantages of epoch-making weapons and tactics, the resistance of the Chileans was nothing to mention. At the same time, on the battlefield, the engineers had just repaired the railway, and a train at the Qilian train station was carrying more than a dozen cars.

The truck set off quietly, and the truck was filled with commandos disguised as Chilean troops.

Without exception, these commandos are equipped with the most cutting-edge weapons of this era - 1861 type revolvers, 1862 type Spencer rifles. Each platoon is equipped with two grenade launchers, and each company has two grenades.

Tling machine guns, in terms of firepower, their firepower can be called the most powerful in the world. A commando team of more than a thousand people can maintain a certain firepower advantage even when facing tens of thousands of people. In this front

In the era of loaded guns, their firepower was absolutely crushing.

The train has departed!

The road was smooth and smooth. Before the commando team set off, dozens of raiding teams consisting of as few as a dozen or as many as dozens of Mapuche cavalry disguised themselves as bandits and penetrated into the enemy's rear. They occupied

Railway station, cut off the telegraph line, intercept the train, and ensure that the commando train can reach Santiago smoothly.

Everything went smoothly along the way. When the train arrived at the train station smoothly at midnight, the lurking spies and the infiltration team that had infiltrated in advance had already taken control of the station. They even prepared carriages, and the commandos directly took the carriages and divided into three groups.

, all the way to the Presidential Palace, all the way to the military camp.

Under the cover of twilight, a carriage drove along the street north of Constitution Square. When passing the Presidential Palace, the carriage stopped. The driver hurriedly got out of the car and seemed to be checking something. The guards guarding the Presidential Palace were lazily

He glanced at it and then looked away. Maybe there was something wrong with the axle or something, but it had nothing to do with them.

In the carriage, several commandos picked up crossbows, aimed at the guards, and then pulled the triggers.


Accompanied by a burst of string sound, six crossbow arrows flew out of the carriage. Before the guards in front of the General Palace could react, the man was hit by the arrow and fell down.

At the same time, dozens of commandos rushed out from the shadows of Constitution Square. They carried rifles and quickly advanced to the presidential palace. They were in groups of five or six, with two people in each group holding steel crossbows.

After entering the Presidential Palace, when encountering the guards, the crossbowman will immediately trigger the crossbow machine to fire.


The dull sound of strings was not very noticeable in the quiet night, but it only took a few minutes for the presidential palace to be cleared out by the commandos, and the guards in the guard dormitory were also unconsciously captured in their sleep.

Even President Peres's guards were directly nailed to the wall by crossbow arrows. As for Peres himself, after the door was knocked open, he had to ask urgently - "Who are you?"

Then, the dignified president of a country became a prisoner!

all the best!

Facing the epoch-making beheading operation, the unsuspecting guards had no time to resist, and the presidential palace fell.

But the commando attack at the military camp suffered heavy losses!

Although the garrison of Santiago had less than 2,000 people and was distributed in two camps. The troops were scattered and the weapons were backward, the raid was still resisted. The sound of gunfire echoed in the midnight night sky, and the city of Santiago was bombarded by gunfire at night.

After waking up, the city also changed.

"It's the rebels! It's the rebel attack!"

Soon, thousands of civil defense teams, encouraged by parliamentarians and politicians, took part in the resistance with weapons. Although the commandos were armed to the teeth, they faced thousands of people.

The Civil Defense Team, composed of civilians, launched an attack on them from all directions.

"Chinamen, get the Chinamen out of San Diego!"

The vast ocean of people’s war!

When the simulation ended, Zhu Xianhai was dumbfounded.

"how so?"

The beheading operation was successful!

There is absolutely no suspense about this. No one has ever carried out a similar action in this era. It was calculated mentally but not intentionally. How could it fail?

But what happens after success?

Who would have thought that we would face another situation - tens of thousands of citizens, instigated by congressmen and politicians, actually took up arms and launched a counterattack against the commandos, trying to retake Santiago. Although the subsequent troops were behind the armored train,

Under cover, the civil defense team's counterattack was successfully repelled. However, under the organization of the congressmen, the defeated civil defense team evacuated Santiago and continued to resist in other places. Even at the end of the simulation, the civil resistance became increasingly fierce.


"The assault actually failed..."

Zhu Xianhai's brows furrowed. The Civil Defense Corps, which is a characteristic of the colonies, is actually just an armed militia to prevent the aborigines from attacking. In the history of every colony, they have played an extremely important role.

Who would have thought that it was this seemingly ragtag organization that caused the entire plan to fall short?

"Things are not as simple as I thought!"

Zhu Xianhai frowned and said to himself.

"It seems the plan needs to be adjusted!"

After thinking about it in his mind for a while and receiving the proceeds from this simulation, Zhu Xianhai started the simulation again.

With simulation in hand, I have the world!

Even if you consume some experience points and get no benefits, it doesn't matter. The key is to avoid those pitfalls...

This chapter has been completed!
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