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Chapter 257: Dark Night

April 2, 1866.

After a day and night of panic, Santiago finally became calm.

Have you really calmed down?

of course not!

On the streets of Santiago, a group of soldiers in green uniforms with live ammunition ran quickly on the streets. In the middle of each intersection, there were ring-shaped sandbag fortresses, and bright bayonets were inserted into the heads of the soldiers' guns.

, They looked around vigilantly, and the citizens who poked their heads out from the buildings on both sides of the street felt a sense of fear and uneasiness when they saw the scene in front of them.

What frightened them even more was the corpse lying there on the ground - every once in a while a patrol would pass by, and the patrol would shout loudly.

"The whole city is under martial law and no one is allowed to go out. Those who force themselves out will be responsible for the consequences!"

What are the consequences?

The corpses on the ground are the consequences. Those people are definitely not stingy with bullets. Yesterday, from early morning to night, scattered gunshots rang out in the city. It didn’t stop until early this morning. The corpses on the ground were both resistance elements and some.

innocent people.

Faced with such atrocities, even though many civilians had weapons at home, they still rationally chose to protect themselves - hiding at home and never going out.

No one knows how long such a heavily guarded ban will last, but one thing is certain, the vast majority of people will choose to give in when faced with atrocities!

Maybe everything will be over when the provisional government comes.

Amid people's expectations, soldiers with guns were running in formation on the streets. They would always enter certain people's homes from time to time, and then arrest politicians and celebrities directly according to the list without explanation.

"Why do you arrest me?"

the arrested man shouted.

"Citizens, have you seen this? This is the government of Bernardo Riquelme. This is atrocities. They are arresting innocent citizens. Citizens, take action and resist tyranny..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sergeant standing next to him with a gun in hand stepped forward and pointed the butt of his gun at him, splattering blood on the ground.


The girls by the door screamed in fear, and then they watched helplessly as their father, whose head was covered with blood, was dragged by two soldiers to a black prison van.

Prison vans were parked on the streets. On this day, military and police officers went out everywhere and arrested thousands of politicians, celebrities and journalists according to lists.

No one knows where the arrest warrants were issued, and their families don't know who arrested them. All they faced was a group of wolf-like soldiers.

"Excuse me, are you..."

In the next few days, scenes like this were played out everywhere in San Diego.

"You're under arrest!"

Then what?

This person has since disappeared from this world.

Where did he go?

No one knew, in fact, no one knew, at least at the train station, those train station employees working under the guard of the "Confederate Army" saw those people wearing black cloth hoods being herded onto the train.

"No one is allowed to take off their hoods, otherwise they will be shot without mercy!"

The soldier next to the platform was shouting loudly, with a pistol in his hand. The soldiers around him all looked at these people with cold eyes, watching them line up and hold others' shoulders as they boarded the carriage one by one.

Yes, they even lost the courage to speak loudly.

After finally entering the carriage, Justo finally breathed a sigh of relief. Wearing a hood, he leaned anxiously against the back of the carriage, and then sat there like that.

Just half an hour ago, he witnessed Judge Juan being shot in the head by a soldier while trying to argue in the prison car. His body was just left in the prison car and he went to the train station with them.

At the train station, he heard news that frightened him even more - the dead could be cremated directly and then buried casually outside the city.

"There is no need to notify their families. From now on, there will be no such person in this world!"

Faced with such atrocities, Justo was really frightened, and the dozen or so people in the car were also frightened. Then his courage completely disappeared, and he became extremely obedient, with no thought of resistance at all.

Finally, the train carriage was closed and the door was locked with a big lock.

I don't know how long it took, but it wasn't until the train roared away that anyone among these frightened people began to speak.

"I'm a friend of Bernardo Riquelme!"

There was a person in the carriage talking to himself in fear.

"He definitely doesn't know this. If he knew, he definitely wouldn't let me be arrested. We are friends, very good friends..."

"Bernardo Riquelme is a lunatic. Is he going to arrest everyone?"

"This is not an arrest, this is an illegal imprisonment!"

"The law, the law is a joke, in the eyes of Bernardo Riquelme!"

People complained there, and then some people began to take off their hoods, and soon there were exclamations in the dark carriage. Many people were friends, and they were all familiar with each other.

"Justo, you want this too."

Justo, who was huddled in the corner, just responded and then stopped talking. There was only one thought left in his mind - how would Bernardo Riquelme deal with them?

"What do you think Bernardo Riquelme will do to us? He won't invite us to Chilian in this way!"

As soon as the teasing ended, someone said dissatisfiedly.

"A guest? How is that possible? I guess he is trying every means to please his new master, haven't you noticed? Those soldiers don't speak the language of the indigenous people at all. They are most likely Chinese mercenaries from the American Company.


"That's definitely the case. Without the help of those Chinese mercenaries, how could the rebels in the south have occupied San Diego."

At this time, Justo seemed to have remembered something and said to himself,

"No wonder they are Chinese. No wonder they are so cruel..."

In Justo's view, there was only one reason why those people were cruel - they were Chinese mercenaries, and killing people at will was a completely normal thing. Everything seemed to make sense.

"Then, who is going to catch us now?"

Looking at the people in the carriage, since they include politicians, rich people, and professors, in short, there are all kinds of people. It is certain that most of them are social elites, but now they are all prisoners.

Even until now, they don't know who arrested them or why they were arrested.

Looking blankly at the passengers in the carriage, Justo couldn't help but have a question in his mind - where are they going?

This chapter has been completed!
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