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Chapter 289 Descends from the sky

The grass swayed gently with the cool morning breeze. On the open grassland, a towering iron tower was tied to an airship. The airship was more than 70 meters long, and it looked very spectacular.

Under the mooring tower, in the shadow of the airship, several officers and sergeants in black uniforms were gathered around and calculating something.

"After arriving at the destination in a while, Monkey, you are responsible for aiming and dropping the bomb."


The monkey grinned.

"What a way to drop bombs from the sky to the ground!"

"Even if you still have this aim, you're just blinding yourself!"

"Try it first. In fact, dropping bombs is just a matter of mathematics. Just do some calculations..."

Before Wang Xinyue could finish speaking, Ma Guangming smiled.

"Captain, look what you said, our math is mediocre and we really can't calculate it."

"That's easy. Just design a tool later. Okay, let's not talk about it anymore and let's test it!"

Wang Xinyue waved his hand, and the five crew members climbed up the tower with him and then entered the airship. After they boarded the ship, they moved the shells into the airship cabin on a cart.

"There are a total of forty rounds of 150mm artillery shells. Please count them!"

The 150mm shells are mortar shells. These shells with tail fins weigh 35 kilograms and are extremely powerful. 40 rounds of shells are neatly stacked in the cabin. After counting the shells, Ma Guangming closed the cabin door.

A few minutes later, the airship that was freed from the mooring tower slowly took off into the air. Amidst the roar of the propellers, the airship flew slowly and climbed into the sky. Wang Xinyue, who was sitting in the helm cabin, saw that the houses in his sight became more and more...

Coming smaller and smaller.

"Two hundred meters!"

As time went on, it took almost ten minutes for the airship to finally rise to an altitude of 1,500 meters.

After reaching this high altitude, Wang Xinyue turned and reset the steering wheel that controlled the elevation, and then said to the first mate Ma Guangming next to him.

"Keep this altitude and I'll confirm the target heading."

After that, he stood by the cabin and picked up the sextant to measure the latitude. In fact, Wang Xinyue, as the captain, originally wanted to be a captain - a ship on the sea, but his results were not ideal. By chance,

He later became the captain of an airship. The reason why the captain was selected from among the sailors was because positioning in the air required navigation knowledge, such as using a clock to measure longitude and a sextant to measure latitude. This pioneering aviation

In the age of technology, the application of navigation knowledge is the simplest method.

After quickly completing the position measurement, Wang Xinyue drew the route on the map and immediately reported the new position to the deputy captain. Then the two of them used the steering wheel to control the rope to adjust the navigation, sailing at a speed of thirty kilometers per hour.

The airship flew in the sky like this. Five hours later, the airship finally reached its destination.

"Target found!"

After Ma Guangming found a huge white cross on the ground, he pointed at the target and said.

"20 degrees to the right front!"

While adjusting its course, the airship slowly descended to an altitude of 800 meters!

As the target approached, the monkey in the cabin looked at the marks thrown with lime on the ground, rolled a cannonball from the side, pulled out the safety bolt, and threw it directly from the hatch.

The shell directly cut into a black spot.

Then, he threw another one. Whether he could hit the target or not basically depended on luck...


In fact, Li Ziyue has always felt that his luck is very good. Seven years ago, he was still playing in the mud in his hometown after eating all the time. But one day, someone came to see him but no one came.

The man brought a letter from his third uncle and several hundred taels of silver, which he asked his father to buy land to build a house. Then his father was so excited that he asked him to follow the man and join his third uncle.

What next?

In the past seven years, he has been with his third uncle, studying and learning at the same time. Later, he joined the island's escort team and became an officer of the escort team. After arriving in Nanhua, although he was still an officer,

But he could feel the contempt of his colleagues.

In the eyes of many people, he was just an officer who relied on connections.

An officer of the escort? Have you ever attended a martial arts school?

What kind of training has he received? In short, his colleagues have various opinions on him. In order to prove his ability, he is very strict with the training of the troops and will personally lead the troops for training every morning.


The sound in the air made Li Ziyue feel a little confused. He had just joined the company. Today's training mission was very simple. He was to lead his infantry company to conduct mobile combat exercises on the grassland. It was nothing more than battlefield searches, leaping forward under the line of fire, etc.

Basic infantry tactics training.

"Company commander, what is this sound?"

Li Chuanlin looked up to the sky, what was the sound?

There is nothing in the sky, but where does the sound from the sky come from?

The voice became sharper and shriller, and suddenly Li Ziyue felt an ominous premonition in his heart. He shouted loudly.

"Quick, lie down!"

The moment his shout fell, there were explosions all around them. The explosions continued to explode around them. One after another, smoke pillars continued to rise, like black mushrooms that suddenly exploded.

, one after another, rising on the ground...

The ground was shaking. Li Ziyue and the soldiers lying on the grassland were dumbfounded. They had no idea where the shells came from. Even if they used their imagination, they could not imagine that the shells came from the sky.

Of course, it must have come down from the sky, but they couldn't imagine that it was a bomb dropped from an airship in the sky.

The airship in the sky adjusted its course while dropping the bomb, trying to drop the bomb more accurately, but the result was very disappointing. The bomb falling from the sky had no accuracy at all, like a goddess scattering flowers, and it did not fall on the target.

, but more of them were still thrown around the target. There was nothing we could do about it. After all, it was God’s blessing to be able to throw like this without a special sight.

Of course, if the target is big enough, such as a city, then there is no need to worry about whether it is accurate or not, and you can just throw it. When the monkeys and others dropped the bomb, Ma Guangming did not forget to take a photo of the scene with his camera.

This was the first aerial bomb drop in human history. Although primitive and crude, it brought about a revolution. Although no one knew what this revolution meant, the photos taken by Ma Guangming with a Phoenix 100 35mm camera,

However, this moment was clearly recorded. Of course, it also recorded a huge and shocking deviation - several kilometers.

Being at an altitude of 1,000 meters, they had no idea what kind of impact the bombs they dropped had on the infantry on the ground. It took almost a minute, and after finally dropping forty bombs, the airship finally returned.


As for the infantry on the ground, even though it had been nearly half an hour since the explosion, they were still lying on the grassland fearfully, not even daring to move.

God knows if the shells will fall again.

"Is anyone hurt?"

Li Zi, who was lying on the ground, shouted louder.

"Third squad leader, pass it on one by one and ask everyone."


Si Dongjie responded loudly, and then the shouts on the grassland rang out one after another. After spreading around, Li Ziyue finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, no one was injured. If someone was injured, he would probably become the name of all his colleagues.


The earth-shattering explosion they had seen before was actually not too far away from them, a full hundred or ten meters away. After another half an hour, after confirming that there would be no more explosions, when they stood up, they could clearly see the situation ahead.

Afterwards, I couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"My mother is here..."

Everyone was dumbfounded - in front of them, bomb craters were scattered on the grassland. If they were to deflect even a little bit, the shells would fall on their heads.

"This, this damn thing was shot by that turtle grandson, no, I don't know if there is anyone here?"

This chapter has been completed!
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