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Chapter 333 interests first

"Hey, what a stupid guy!"

In the British Embassy, ​​after learning of the death of his old friend, Edward Thornton couldn't help but say:

"Urquiza may not be on the side of Buenos Airi, but killing him like this will only push the provinces into the arms of Nanhua. Sarento... is indeed not a mature politician."

Regarding the ambassador's exclamation, Ned said.

"Sir, perhaps, this is not necessarily Sarnto's doing. After all, this matter does not do him much good."

"It does not matter!"

Edward Thornton shook his head and said.

"In this kind of assassination, it doesn't matter who the real murderer is. What matters is who benefits more from it. As for the murderer, everyone thinks it was Sarnto who did it because Urquiza refused to send troops to resist South China.

After that, he was assassinated immediately. You see, what a suitable time and perfect motive for the murder. This is enough. The whole world will think that it was Sarnto who did it. As for the real murderer..."

Smiling at Ned, Edward Thornton lit a cigar, took a slow puff, then shook his head and said.

"It doesn't matter at all!"

"Sir, how can it not be important?"

Facing the ambassador's answer, Ned said a little excitedly.

"We can investigate the real culprit and tell everyone the truth so that they can take the initiative to resist Nan Hua!"

Looking at the young man in front of him, Edward Thornton shrugged his shoulders and taught in a persuasive tone.

"Ned, my child, you have just arrived here and do not understand these people yet. For these South Americans, who have Spanish and Indian blood flowing in their veins, they are always wandering between barbarism and civilization.

They often use things like this to deal with their opponents."

Edward Thornton's tone was full of Anglo-Saxon arrogance. He looked down on the Spaniards whose skin was not fair enough. Moreover, these Spaniards in the New World had too much indigenous blood mixed with them.

"Even if the real murderer is found, they may be morally condemned, but that's it. They will even worship such a ruthless character because of it."

"But, but..."

Ned said with a frown.

"If other provinces side with South China, it will definitely be detrimental to Argentina. Wouldn't this be in line with our interests?"

"Haha, Ned, you think too simply. Can you tell me why the other provinces maintain their current semi-independence?"

"Power and wealth!"

After thinking for a while, Ned said.

"In the past few decades, there have been endless disputes within Argentina. On the surface, the central faction and the federal faction have different opinions. The central faction believes that a strong central government should be established, while the federal faction believes that the power of the provinces should be guaranteed. In fact, the central faction believes that the power of the provinces should be guaranteed.

The big landowners who hold the real power in the provinces hope to maintain their status and economic interests through a loose federation. This is the root cause of the differences between the two parties."

"That's right!"

Edward Santo looked at Ned and smiled.

"Do you think the big landowners who hold power in the provinces will give up their power and wealth?"

Holding a cigar in his mouth, Edward Santo said.

"So, even if Urquiza dies, the landowners who control the land and power in the provinces will remain neutral, but their neutrality is in exchange for better returns. Neutrality is their bargaining chip. As for standing there

On the other hand, it depends on who gives more!"

"If we look at this role, Urquiza may have been assassinated by the landlords, because his categorical refusal destroyed his neutral position. He should have offered a price and used neutrality as a bargaining chip..."

Ned frowned and thought as if he had figured something out.

"It's also possible that Sarnto Urquiza's death allowed him to negotiate with the landowners in other provinces."

Standing up and patting Ned on the shoulder, Edward Thornton said.

"Now, does it matter who you think is the real murderer?"

Of course it doesn't matter. Anyone could be the real culprit. Everyone can benefit from it. Who is the only one who suffers?

It's Urquiza.

But he... is just a dead person.

In an instant, Ned seemed to understand something, and he said helplessly.

"Sir, this is politics, isn't it?"

"Yes, in politics, there is never right or wrong, only interests. My child, this is especially true between countries!"

Edward Thornton said with an encouraging smile at Ned.

"As long as you learn this, I think you will become an excellent diplomat one day!"

"Sir, who do you think can win the support of the provinces in the end?"

Ned asked curiously.

"It... still depends on them, who is more eager to win the war!"

"I guess I don't have time to see them!"

In Nanhua Railway Station, facing Charlotte who came to see her off, Zhu Xianhai smiled.

"If they come, when you meet them, remember not to give them anything without answers. After all..."

"What they can give is not what we need, but they have what we need, right? Their land! We need to use their land to win over the locals and win their support. As for those people...

Not what we need."

Charlotte, with a smile on her face, spoke in a very calm tone, not feeling any discomfort at all. She had long been accustomed to all this, and had used land to win over ordinary local people in Chile.

"Indeed, but there is another goal,"

Zhu Xianhai looked at Charlotte and whispered in her ear.

"We are going to create a new empire, and in this empire, a large number of new nobles will emerge. As for the former powerful people in this land, they are just the dust of history!"

Leaning her head on Zhu Xianhai's shoulder, Charlotte responded softly.

"Dear, I know, this is the inevitable birth of the empire..."

The rise of any dynasty means the destruction of an old dynasty, and with the destruction of the old dynasty are the dignitaries of that dynasty. Their status and wealth will be transferred to the dignitaries of the new dynasty. This is historical

Inevitable. Of course, the Bonaparte family understands this truth very well. After all, they rose to power because of the new dynasty.

Standing on the platform, lying on her husband's shoulders, Charlotte warned again.

"After you arrive at the front line, you must pay attention to safety. Remember, my Majesty, I will wait for you here..."

The woman's words made Zhu Xianhai's heart move slightly, and he stroked her back and said.

"Don't worry, everything has begun now!"

This chapter has been completed!
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