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Chapter 376 The French who was scared to pee

The French were blinded!

To be more precise, the French were scared to death!

Originally, this tour group came here not for sightseeing, but to buy things.

Their goal was clear, it was for Nanhua's airship, but who would have thought that before they even saw the airship, they would be scared to death by the car.

They never thought that besides trains, there would be such a magical vehicle on land.

Compared with trains, it is lighter and faster. It does not even rely on railways and can travel quickly on ordinary roads.

And its speed is even much faster than a train.

When the car was running at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour on the asphalt road in the suburbs, amidst the roar of the gasoline engine, the army and navy officers who were originally on guard against each other opened their mouths in surprise and stared eagerly.

Looking out the window.

They couldn't believe what they were experiencing.

How could this car running on an ordinary road be so fast, even faster than a train?

In surprise, the stunned passengers just sat like this, letting the wind blowing from the window blow off their military caps and mess up their hair. At this time, they still had so much to worry about.

Everyone is dumbfounded!

I sat there dumbfounded, looking out the window in amazement at the trees, fields and houses flying past.

It's faster than a train!

Even the fastest train in the world is not as fast as it!

And he doesn't need expensive railroads!

"my Lord!"

Crossing his chest, General Michel couldn't even find the words to describe his feelings at this time.

As a cavalry officer, he usually pays great attention to his manners. After all, he is the confidant of many women in the upper class society in Paris.

And now his military cap was blown by the wind. Not only was his hair messed up by the wind, but even his neat mustache was blown into a mess.

But he still leaned forward regardless, and even stretched his head out of the car window, feeling the oncoming wind. As a cavalry officer, he had experienced such lightning speed, but compared with the speed of riding a horse and riding a car,

, it’s just bullshit!

"Can it be faster?"

General Michel asked a little excitedly.

"Drive faster!"

Wang Yunxin, who has ridden in a car many times before, is naturally very aware of the car's ultimate speed.

So he directly gave instructions to the driver. Upon hearing this, the driver immediately increased the accelerator, further increasing the speed of the car.

"Sir, the speed has reached 50km."

"Gentlemen, his speed is now 50 kilometers per hour!"

When Major Kubel and other naval officers heard this, they immediately let out a burst of exclamation.

"This is so fast!"

"Yes, the speed of the train is only more than 20 kilometers!"

"Can it be faster?"

Before General Michel could speak, someone shouted.


Wang Yunxin also instructed the driver to increase the speed. Now this section of the road is a good asphalt road, and the car can easily reach his maximum speed.

Finally, when the car was traveling on the highway at a speed of nearly 60 kilometers per hour, all the French people in the car felt an unprecedented sense of dizziness.

"God! Maybe this is the limit of human speed..."

General Michel exclaimed, feeling a little dizzy.

In fact, they didn't know that they were honored to be the first passengers in the world to enjoy the "motion sickness" treatment.

It was not because of the bumps of the vehicle, but because of the bumps and the smell of gasoline in the car. The two combined made them motion sickness... and they were fainted by the smoke!

However, they are extremely unfamiliar with motion sickness, but they regard motion sickness as the discomfort of the human body caused by excessive speed. It may even be the limit of the human body.

"Oh my God! We must be the first people to break through the limit of human speed. If we go faster, I can guarantee that the human body will not be able to withstand such high speed!"

At this moment, General Michel seemed to transform into a scientist. He even forgot the purpose of his trip, but spoke about his judgment like a scientist.

Two hours later, the car drove into the shooting range in southwest South China. The simple road made the passengers in the car confused. General Michel, who was used to riding horses, felt dizzy and felt his stomach turning.

It was so overwhelming that he almost vomited it out several times. In order to maintain his image, he even had to swallow back the food that was surging in his stomach.

But human patience has its limits.

Almost as soon as the car stopped, General Michel, who could no longer control himself, rushed out of the car desperately.

With a sound of "vomit", accompanied by a burst of vomiting, his mouth bloomed like a fountain, and most of the others were the same, such as cavalry officers, and naval officers like Major Kubel were not that good. They were used to it.

After being hit by the bumps in the sea, he was holding on to the big mouth of the car and vomiting. While vomiting, he saw the tires of the car and was surprised.

"It actually has rubber wheels. This car must not be cheap!"

Rubber... is really expensive!

Before he could sigh, the overwhelming feeling in his stomach made Major Kubel vomit it out again.

"Gentlemen, would you like some water?"

Wang Yunxin ordered the driver to bring out a box of water from the carriage, and looked at the group of officers who were vomiting and dazed with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Major, for making you laugh."

General Michel said after taking the bottle and taking a sip of water to suppress his nausea.

"No wonder you were able to win the war. It seems that your bodies should be stronger than the Europeans. At such a speed limit, you didn't react at all..."

General Michel had discovered before in the car that the major and the driver had no reaction at all at that speed limit, and the same was true now.

What does this mean?

It shows that the physical fitness of the South Chinese people is stronger and their endurance is stronger!

This is probably the reason why they won the war against Argentina. But he is also a little confused. After all, more than ten years ago, the French and the British easily invaded the Chinese capital. Those Chinese troops were simply unbearable.


But why are the Chinese here so tough?

No one can answer the questions in my heart. But General Michel doesn't care about this at all.

Now he wants to spit out two more times...


what did he say?

Now it was Wang Yunxin's turn to be dumbfounded. Motion sickness...is actually related to the physical fitness of any race?

Although he knew that General Michel's statement was completely nonsense, Wang Yunxin did not explain anything. He just smiled and said.

"Just get used to it. By the way, General, the airship will be here soon. Have you seen the target area in front of you? There are 1,000 sheep there..."

After driving these French guys to a bus, Wang Yunxin pointed to the sheep in the distance and introduced them.

"In a moment, those sheep will be our targets. The airship will throw aviation darts from a height of 300 meters. You will directly feel its killing effect..."

During Wang Yunxin's introduction, although the officers were still a little dizzy, they still picked up the binoculars from the table in unison. A group of sheep were grazing leisurely on the grassland one kilometer away, without any consciousness at all.

Danger is about to come.

At this moment, General Michel heard the sound in the air. He raised his head and saw a huge airship flying in the direction of the sheep. Looking at the slowly moving plane, General Michel


"Major, its speed can be tolerated by humans!"

"Yes, General, its speed must be affordable to everyone."

"That's good, that's good..."

General Michel nodded with lingering fear. What he was most afraid of was that the speed of the airship was unbearable for ordinary people. If that were the case, wouldn't the airship be used only by South Chinese people?

A few minutes later, as the airship flew over the sheep, the sheep that were grazing leisurely suddenly became chaotic, and the white cloud-like sheep suddenly raised clouds of blood mist.


In an instant, the cloud-like flock of sheep was dyed red.

The sheep that were grazing leisurely fell down in droves so silently.

There was no struggle at all during the whole process, and the sheep died quietly before they even had time to run.

Of course, not all of them died. There were still some sheep struggling in a pool of blood. Even through the telescope, you could feel the pain of those sheep.

"This, this is...this is an aviation dart! Oh my god!"

"Damn it! What kind of war is this?"

All the army officers were stunned. They could not even imagine what kind of fear the soldiers would have when facing such death?

But one thing that is certain is that they are now full of sympathy for the Argentines. You must know that before this, no one could look down on those Argentines. How could they fail so quickly? They are just a group of cowards.

But what about now?

Faced with such a silent death, it is not easy for the Argentinians to persevere until now!

However, in just ten seconds, this demonstration air raid was over. As the airship slowly moved away, the stunned General Michel and others boarded the car again.

On the way to the barracks, no one of them spoke. The carriage was quiet, and everyone looked solemn.

A few minutes later, the car stopped in front of the grassland. What appeared in front of everyone was a red grassland - everything on the grassland was dyed red by the blood of the sheep.

The grass is red, the earth is red, and even the white sheep are also red.

The sheep that once grazed leisurely on the grassland were almost all dead now. In the pool of blood, there were still some sheep bleating and screaming. Only a handful of sheep escaped.

, now they have fled far away.

"Is this an airship?"

This is not an airship, this is the change brought about by the airship war. It can take many lives silently.

Is this something that human power cannot resist?

"General, let's avoid it for a while, we will carry out bombing later."

"What? Bombing?"

General Michel asked a little puzzled.

"Yes, it's bombing."

Wang Yunxin pointed at the sky and said in a proud tone.

"Look, the airship is coming."

On this day, the generals headed by General Michel were not only frightened to vomit, but also pissed. Dozens of minutes later, when a 2,500 kilogram "flying stick" fell from the sky, the ground shook.

During the attack, all the French officers fell into silence. The faces of Major Coubert and others even turned pale without any trace of blood. They knew very well that even the most powerful warship could not withstand such a blow.

"Long stick".

After a long time, General Michel said.

"Make a price! For the sake of the friendship between France and South China, we are willing to buy this weapon!"

This chapter has been completed!
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