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Chapter 387

After tens of thousands of Argentine soldiers and dignitaries fled to Uruguay, although Uruguay accepted these refugees and did not even disarm the Argentine soldiers, for President Sarento, the test has only just begun.

How thousands of fugitive officials and their families make ends meet.

How to maintain the military expenditure of 14,000 yuan for the army and navy?

These problems were all placed in front of Sarento. If the warship loaded with gold and silver coins had not hit the mines and sank into the La Plata River, none of this would have been a problem.

But now, this problem is all pressing in front of Sarnto, making him breathless.

Politicians can commit crimes, but they cannot make mistakes!

In the Argentine Embassy in Monteville, Sarnto had such a question in his mind. He didn’t even remember who said this sentence, but he was sure that it was very

Makes sense.

If a politician commits a crime, no one will pursue it, but what if he makes a mistake?

The whole country may be destroyed!

Just like now, his consecutive mistakes cost him the entire Argentina!

"God, have you abandoned your people like this?"

Sarnto murmured in his heart, but God obviously couldn't hear his prayers. For him, all nightmares were just the beginning.

Almost every day the generals asked him for military pay, and the officials also asked for salary.

How can a government-in-exile survive without money?

"The British have refused us a loan!"

Sitting in front of Sarnto, Mitre's tone seemed extremely calm.

“What about the bonds we commissioned them to issue before?”

Sarnto asked a little eagerly.

"They believe that handing over that money to us during this special period is irresponsible to creditors, so..."

"Damn Brits, they betrayed us!"

When Sarnto roared in despair, Mitre ignored him and just listened quietly as he cursed the British.

"We still have a way. Uruguayans still owe us millions of pesos, and we can definitely ask them to return that money!"

Sarnto was referring to the nearly two million pesos loan Uruguay received from Argentina during the civil war. Now is the time to claim that money!


Mitre took a deep breath and said.

"Now I need to remind you that there are many senior officers in the army who think you are incompetent!"


"Similarly in the government-in-exile, many people think you should be responsible for this defeat!"


Sarnto was surprised again.

"Mitra, what are you talking about?"

"For your sake and for Argentina's sake, they hope you will resign immediately!"

Sarnto stared at Mitre and asked loudly.

"Mitre, you, are you launching a coup? Damn it, at this time, you are actually launching a coup!" Mitre looked very calm when faced with the question.

"Everyone needs to take responsibility for his mistakes, Sarnto. If you didn't start this war at the beginning, it wouldn't be like this at all, but now? You must take responsibility for this mistake!"

As he stood up, Mitre drew his pistol.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Sarnto looked at Mitre in shock.

"Are you going to kill me?"


Mitre shook his head.

"Sarento, for Argentina! I hope you can solve the problem yourself! In this case, maybe it will make more sense!"

After saying this, Mitre walked straight out.

When Mitre walked out of the room, Sarnto's eyes were fixed on the pistol on the table, and his lips trembled slightly. After a moment, he said.

"For Argentina, yes, this, this is for Argentina..."

Ten minutes later, after writing a suicide note full of patriotic sentiments, Sarnto read his suicide note again, and then resolutely stuffed the barrel of the gun into his mouth.

"God can testify that everything I do is for Argentina..."

The moment the trigger was pulled, a gunshot rang out.

Sarnto is abandoned!

Although he had not yet received any information from Uruguay, Edward Thornton's words made Zhu Xianhai slightly surprised and then said.

"Well, I guess that might be the rules of the political game!"

It no longer matters whether Sarento was abandoned or not, what are the rules of the political game?

Look forward!

What are the rules of the international diplomacy game?

There are no permanent friends, only eternal interests. Well, these words were exactly what the previous British Prime Minister said.

A person who has no use value is nothing more than an abandoned son to Britain.

"Maybe, that's the truth."

Edward Thornton shrugged his shoulders. He didn't care at all about Sarento's life or death. What was his only concern?

British interests.

"Your Majesty, through your newspaper, we know that you have agreed to sell airships to France, right?"

As expected, the British still couldn't hold it back!

In fact, Zhu Xianhai had been waiting for the British enemy to come to his door ever since he sold the airship to the French. Now they finally came to his door with their neck clean.

British Empire!

That’s a rich old man!

If you meet such a wealthy owner, if you don't offer a high price, can you be worthy of yourself?

"You know, my wife is French, and she is also the niece of the French Emperor. Strictly speaking, our children even have the right to inherit the French throne. Of course, it is just the right to inherit. After all, the emperor has a son.


Zhu Xianhai smiled and said that there was a friendship between Nanhua and France, and even talked about inheritance rights.

As for the airship, he didn't mention it at all. Why didn't he mention it?

Just to raise the price!

damn it!

As expected, he is a profiteer!

Edward Thornton complained in his heart. Of course he knew why the other party was talking so much about relatives and inheritance rights. These were all nonsense, and he was just raising a high price.

"Your Majesty, the relationship between you and France is well known. I think you also know very well that what Britain can give you may not necessarily be able to give by France."

“What can Britain give?”

Zhu Xianhai asked and answered himself with a smile.


Zhu Xianhai shook his head.

"We value safety more than money. As we all know, our airship is an extremely powerful and unique weapon. This weapon is enough to change the course of the war."

Since you want to sell something at a high price, you must clearly tell the other party that this weapon is impossible to sell. Only in this way can the other party be willing to take the knife.

"If we sell the airship to you, with the UK's technical level, you will be able to use our airship as a prototype to manufacture corresponding products, and soon you will sell the airship all over the world, and among these customers

Among them, some countries in South America must be included. For South China, this is unacceptable."

Zhu Xianhai expressed his worries directly.

"As for warships, maybe we need British warships. After all, your shipbuilding technology is the best in the world. But it does not mean that Britain is Nanhua's only choice. After all, Nanhua can also build large combat ships..."

This chapter has been completed!
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