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Chapter 394

Caudillo-style manor owners are not only Nanhua’s biggest hidden danger!

It is also a hidden danger in South America, and it is even the root cause of the failure of South American countries to rise after independence.

Not only do they control production resources and human resources, but they also have arms! They either work for local strongmen or for Caudillo. They fight against the central government, they control politics, they manipulate public opinion, they control everything, and they even do it for their own benefit.

Military rebellions are often launched. For example, in Mexico from 1824 to 1848, in just 24 years, there were 250 mutinies and 31 presidents were replaced. Under such circumstances, is it possible for the country to develop?

the answer is negative!

Because of this, compared to defeating the Argentine government, Zhu Xianhai has always believed that the biggest challenge is the landlords!

It’s those big and small hacienda owners in Argentina!

Well, Bolivar was also the owner of a large estate, and his army during the uprising... was also the private army of the estate!

His allies were also manor owners, and they led their manor private armies. It was these manor owners who overthrew Spanish rule in South America.

Who would have thought that a group of wealthy locals could dismantle a colonial empire? Even when the Spaniards designed this system, they did not expect that one day they would be backlashed by the system they had carefully established.

We have to learn from past mistakes!

Therefore, the manor owner must destroy it!

Qian Deshan was no stranger to the manors mentioned by Dong Gong. He even visited some manors in Argentina two years ago. Those manors were said to be manors, but what kind of manors were they actually? They were clearly independent kingdoms. Why did Nanhua attack?

The fight went so smoothly. To put it bluntly, the provinces of Argentina are essentially a country made up of "independent kingdoms".

"What Dong Gong said is true. The land owners of large estates in various places have thousands of miles of land. They build their own armed forces, lead their own people, and establish their own punishments. They completely look like independent kings. This is the case in Buenos Aires, and the same is true in other provinces.

The same is true. Hundreds of big landowners are surrounded by thousands of small landowners. They control the parliament, control the army, control the cities, and rule the people. They are the real rulers of the Argentine provinces. If we in Nanhua allow them to continue as they have in the past

If we still occupy manors and control the population, it will be impossible for us to implement effective rule everywhere."

"Yes, Nanhua will definitely not be allowed to be controlled by local strongmen or Caudillo in the future,"

Zhu Xianhai looked back at Qian Deshan and said.

"What should we do if we want to destroy them?"


Qian Deshan said directly.

"The main figures with prestige and authority in a region in each province of Argentina are usually the largest landowners, wearing the title of militia commander equivalent to a colonel, and the land is the source of their prestige and authority! As long as their land is taken away,

We can fundamentally destroy the foundation of the Caudillo's existence, just like we did in Chile, directly confiscating their land and distributing it to the people. In this way, we can not only win the hearts and minds of the people, but also gain

Plenty of land to house our people.”

After occupying Chile, Nanhua implemented a "land reform" in Chile that was not very successful. However, the basis of that reform was to confiscate the land of the defeated and dismantle their estates. There are still many remnants of the "old order" in Chile.

- they are all supporters of the Provisional Government or "royalists".

But even so, through land reform, while allowing hundreds of thousands of landless tenant farmers to obtain land, millions of acres of land were also distributed to tens of thousands of retired soldiers. It was also through land reform and the resettlement of retired soldiers that

, Nanhua extended his hands to all parts of Chile. In many places, those retired soldiers replaced the old "masters" and became the new "strong men", which were just rural strong men.

After all, the land they own is only a small piece of land. They will not easily own tens of thousands, 100,000 acres or even millions of acres of land like those under the Spanish system.

"So, now... our problem is, how to take back the land of those landlords and how to destroy their manors!"

Walking to the map, Zhu Xianhai scratched the map with his finger and then said.

"Take away their land and destroy their roots. This is what we have to do!"

What do those rich locals rely on? It is nothing more than owning large tracts of land. They have earned huge wealth by relying on the land, and they also rely on the land to have a local reputation that no one can match.

Land is the source of all their rights and prestige. As long as their foundation is destroyed, those people will naturally have nothing. As long as the land they own is taken away, they will become little people worth mentioning.

"Donggong, unless they lead a militia to resist our army, we will have no suitable excuse to confiscate the land. Especially many of the landowners are British expatriates. If we confiscate their land, it is very likely that the British will

Human interference!”

Qian Deshan reminded in a cautious tone.

"Since we want to take action against them, we must come up with a legal means to solve the problem."

Protecting expatriates or their property is the favorite excuse of the great powers. Of course Zhu Xianhai is very clear about this. This is not the post-World War II era. If the expatriates are provoked now, they will really send warships there, and the stronger ones will really bombard them.

Port. Not to mention that the UK has done this. I am a timid Tatar, and I also paid a "goodwill visit" to Cuba.

How could any other country not protect the interests of its expatriates?

"What about enacting laws?"

Zhu Xianhai glanced at the books in the bookcase. There were many legal books in there. Laws in South American countries are almost a joke. They promulgate laws, but they are never truly followed.

But it is different for the British. The reason why the British are developed is not just because of British industry. The British will also resolve all matters within the scope of the law, while other powers use their full strength to solve the colonial problems.

The problem is that the British are using laws to rule the colonies.

If this matter does not comply with the scope of the law, what is the simplest solution?

Of course it means changing the law. This is the prerogative of being a ruler. This is the biggest difference between Britain and other powers.

"Enact laws?"

Qian Deshan's brows raised slightly.

"Yes, if we want to make something legal, the simplest way is to enact a law, just like the British did in Australia, in order to convert the descendants of the indigenous people into white people. They took a series of tough measures

To use this method, you first enact laws to legalize your actions and legally take away famous children. For example, the "Victoria Aboriginal Protection Act" introduced in Victoria requires that all Australian indigenous and mixed-race children be taken away and rehabilitated, and they are brought into the country.

Go to white families to educate and reform them! Look at this official activity of robbing children. If the "Protection Law" had not been enacted, it would have been illegal, but because they have enacted the law, it has become legal."

Although the crimes committed by the British are simply too numerous to list, it must not be said that the British's tactic of being a bitch and building a memorial at the same time is indeed a good one.

You see...it's legal! At least it's in line with the law at the time.

Will those children live a happy life after entering a white family? They will be forced to learn so-called advanced culture and white values. In white families, all indigenous culture will be banned, and food, indigenous languages, etc. will be completely killed.

They could only speak English, and if they didn't comply, they would be beaten and tortured as a daily occurrence.

One day, two days, three years, five years. As time goes by, when the child grows up, he will forget that he was an aborigine.

In this way, the indigenous people have been brainwashed and become psychological white people. However, because of their skin color, white people still discriminate against them. Therefore, no matter how good they speak English, they will never be able to get into the civilized society and will never enjoy fair education, medical care, and male education.

When the indigenous children grew up, they became coolies, and the women became maids when they grew up. Many girls were married off to paupers who had just immigrated to Australia from the United Kingdom, and they gave birth to children for the paupers who could not get wives in the first place.

.And what about indigenous boys? They are just consumables for colonial construction, and will eventually disappear in the long river of history because they are unable to reproduce.

This is what white people call "advanced nature", but it is actually just the so-called "racial assimilation"!

It's just that they enact laws to ensure that everything is within the legal scope. This is their "advanced nature!"

In this era, this kind of advancement is something that no one can fault. Everything they do is under the guise of progress.

Doing the most insane and unscrupulous things in the world.

This is the British, but what has the British gained from this great lack of virtue?

A world power!

Their citizens have benefited for hundreds of years, so what if they lack great virtue?

At least their own people benefited from it.

Of course, Zhu Xianhai doesn't mind learning from good experiences, let alone imitating them.

Learn from "advanced civilization" and don't be shabby!

Those British people kept saying that they were a civilized nation.

In this case, of course latecomers to this developed experience must imitate and learn from it.

There’s nothing wrong with that either!

"We can resolve this matter within the confines of the law."

For rulers, what is law? It is a tool.

Since the existence of those landlords has threatened the future of Nanhua, we must use the law to uproot them.

Sharpening the knife against the pigs and sheep - those manor owners are pigs and sheep!

"Enact a law? What kind of law?"

Qian Deshan couldn't help but feel a little confused. He really didn't know what kind of laws could legally take away other people's land.

This chapter has been completed!
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