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Chapter 468: The Journey of a New Era

Some things always need to be done.

Zhu Xianhai had his own considerations and ideas as to why he wanted to "conquer personally."

Of course, it's definitely not for Napoleon's queen. Even though the queen is a famous beauty in Europe, are we such vulgar people?

of course not.

He clearly knew the direction of this war and what Nanhua needed to get from this war. He would have gone to Europe in his place.

To be honest, he wasn't very reassured. It wasn't that he didn't trust their command, but he was worried that they wouldn't be able to grasp the rhythm of the war.

This rhythm is really important. After all, France may be Nanhua's friend now, but France in the future may not be so. What Nanhua needs is a France that can contain Britain in Europe, but it is definitely not a France that can dominate Europe.


That’s why we need to master the rhythm, not only to win but also to fight well.

If it were anyone else, Zhu Xianhai would be really worried!

How to use limited troops to win and fight this war well?

In the past period of time, Zhu Xianhai has been thinking about this issue.

Today he seemed to see the answer. On the grassland half a man deep, a green car was driving fast. That car was different from ordinary Jiefangka cars or Maxima cars. His cabin seemed to be integrated. Look,

You can't even see the open car through the windows.

The car is very fast and looks like a green elf when driving on the grassland.

That’s right!

Seeing the car through the telescope, Zhu Xianhai had a smile on his face.

During his inspection in Nanyuan a few months ago, he not only went to the military factory, but also to the Nanhe Locomotive Manufacturing Company, where he saw a new generation of "mounted gun cards", just like he had installed a Gatling gun on a steam tractor.

Likewise, they put machine guns on Jiefang cars.

Looking at the truck, which was somewhat similar to the armed pickup truck of later generations, Zhu Xianhai was thinking about how to defeat the Prussian army of one million people. His eyes lit up and he had an idea. He drew a simple sketch that day.

Install a layer of steel armor on the Liberation Vehicle - the car becomes an armored vehicle. Although it is a bit primitive, it is still an armored vehicle. Zhu Xianhai even designed a turret for adding a Gatling machine gun. The car that is now in front of him

The simple version of the armored vehicle, although simple and primitive, is definitely an epoch-making weapon in this era.

"It's not slow!"

"Your Majesty, in order to improve its mobility, we installed a new engine with a full 75 horsepower. Its highway speed can reach 60 kilometers per hour. There is absolutely no problem with its mobility."

Wang Jiamin stood smiling and said.

"The cruising range is a full 500 kilometers. In total, one tank of fuel can almost last until the end of the war."

Of course, Zhu Xianhai didn't believe this exaggerated statement. 500 kilometers was not a straight line distance. At most, it would only last a few days of fighting.

"How thick is the armor?"

"The thickness of the frontal armor is 6 mm and the sides are 3 mm. We have tested that neither the French Chasspault rifle nor the Dreiser rifle can penetrate its armor within 50 meters. However, if we use our own 70

A rifle can easily penetrate even at a distance of 100 meters."

Zhu Xianhai was not surprised by this result. Both the Chaspo rifle and the Dresser rifle used round-nose lead bullets with low muzzle velocity and poor armor-piercing performance, while the Type 70 rifle used a 7.7mm tip.

The smokeless gunpowder gives it extremely high muzzle velocity, and with the copper armored warhead, it is extremely easy to penetrate a 6 mm steel plate.

"As long as the enemy can't penetrate it, that's fine."

When Zhu Xianhai finished speaking, the armored vehicle that was driving suddenly stopped, and the next moment there was a rapid sound of gunfire.


With the continuous sound of gunfire and the rotation of the turret, the wooden target board in the distance suddenly turned into sawdust. Zhu Xianhai, who was still sitting on the chair, now stood up in surprise.

"This is...Vulcan!"

His Majesty's surprise made Wang Jiamin laugh.

"Thank you for the name, Your Majesty. This armored vehicle is equipped with a newly designed Gatling machine gun from the Buenos Aires Arsenal. It uses an electric motor to feed ammunition and has a rate of fire of up to 2,700 rounds. It is different from the old model machine gunner's swing feed.

Yes, it uses..."

"Is that the electric motor?"

The continuous sound of gunfire was like a chainsaw, staring at the target board that was shot away, Zhu Xianhai said.

"It must be an electric motor."

Electric motor!

Isn't this the biggest feature of the Gatling gun?

Gatling, driven by external energy, will not be outdated even in the 21st century, and is still widely equipped by the armies, navy and air forces of various countries.

"Is its ammunition supply system still the original drum magazine?"

"Your Majesty, we are using ammunition chains now. Although the cost of metal bullet chains is much higher, it is better because of its good firepower sustainability."

Wang Shiwei said on the sidelines that the cooperation between his arsenal and an automobile company was completely unexpected.

"The combination of electric machine guns and armored cars is a perfect weapon. The car not only provides a stable and rapid shooting platform for the machine gun, but also provides power for the electric motor. According to our tests, a battlefield consisting of 100 armored cars

The vehicle group, its firepower can not only suppress two infantry divisions, but the steel armor can also provide it with all-round protection, even if it is threatened by artillery, but as we all know, the slow rate of fire and clumsy aiming of artillery

This method will not pose much of a threat to it at all..."

There was no need for them to explain at all. Zhu Xianhai also knew this. This was exactly why he designed the armored car.

Before this, the biggest problem was the firepower of armored vehicles, but now?

With "Vulcan", there is nothing to worry about.

"How many armored vehicles do we have now?"

Zhu Xianhai said directly.

"And this kind of "Vulcan" machine gun, can it meet the needs of armored vehicles? If not, can it be modified with old machine guns?"

"What about driver and crew training?"

"Otherwise, take the car I have here first and use it for troop training. I think we can coordinate with the gun-mounted troops. Although they are cavalry troops, their tactics are always the same. Well, let's start with

Refit the 1st Cavalry Machine Gun Regiment!"

"Is it enough to modify a regiment with cars and machine guns?"

From beginning to end, although Zhu Xianhai kept asking questions, he did not give them a chance to answer at all, because he made a decision directly - armored vehicles must be equipped.

Maybe armored cars are not as good as tanks, but in this era, it's definitely the heifer that gives wings...the cow's bum goes to heaven!

A chariot regiment!

Even if a tank brigade is put on the battlefield, what kind of changes will it bring to the war?

After the performance of the armored fighting vehicle, Zhu Xianhai even got on the fighting vehicle with great interest, and then drove around in person. Although the vehicle was very bumpy, he still said happily.

"If my tractor had had this speed, it wouldn't have been able to catch up for so long."

Of course, what is even more surprising is the powerful firepower of the Gatling gun. When he personally pressed the button of the Gatling gun, amidst the rapid gunfire, Zhu Xianhai suddenly became a little bit excited and looked forward to heading to Europe as soon as possible.

With such a good new toy, how could you not want to show off on the battlefield...

This chapter has been completed!
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