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Chapter 488 Cavalry Chariot

In the Prussian cavalry, many officers were from the Junker nobility. Captain Engel was also from a nobility. He had practiced equestrian skills since he was a child. Under his control, the horse easily crossed the hedge obstacle. Behind him, several

Hundreds of cavalry followed him closely.

"The cavalry is coming!"

The driver yelled as he looked at the incoming cavalry through the gap in the armored windshield.

"Ignore them and continue shooting the infantry!"

The company commander's order allowed Liang Chengwu to continue shooting at the Prussians on the road. Compared with the hand-cranked Gatling in the past, after using an electric motor as power, its rate of fire was not only faster, but also more stable, with almost no malfunctions.


However, this also brought a side effect - the ammunition was consumed too quickly, and a 1,200 bullet chain could only fire for one or two minutes. While the machine gun was still firing, Liang Chengwu shouted while strafing the Prussians on the road.

"Bullets, bullets..."

Then the ammunition hand dragged a magazine and connected the bullet chain to the bullet chain in the nearly empty magazine. This ensured that the Gatling gun could continue to fire.

Gunpowder smoke and deafening gunshots echoed in the turret, and the 7.5mm heavy-pointed bullet trembled on the bullet chain. This solid copper bullet was specially developed for the machine gun, with a 13-gram stern warhead and a 3.5-gram propellant.

.Gives him extremely powerful performance. When it roars furiously, the bullet can easily penetrate anyone's body even at a distance of 3500 meters.

Driven by an electric motor, the machine gun makes a "sizzling" sound. Its gunshot sound is so special that in the eyes of Engel and others, it is not a gun at all, but an extremely special weapon.

What is it?

Engel didn't know, he could only see streaks of fire spitting out of the haystack.

During the machine gun fire, Zhao Quande, as the commander, kept observing the target with a monocular telescope.

"Cluster target at 10 o'clock direction..."

Zhao Quande, who was holding a telescope, was the machine gunner's observer. He kept providing target instructions to the machine gunner. The blue formation almost one kilometer away had now stopped moving. Although they were no longer walking, the scene was still covered in dust.

Flying - that's the dust stirred up by the bullet!

The color of the dust flying on the road is a bit weird, it is gray with red!

This is the color of blood!

When a bullet hits the body of a Prussian soldier, it will always shoot out clouds of blood mist. Blood and ash mix in the air, just like the mist in the morning, misty.

In the hazy blood mist, the Prussians tried to disperse around them, but they could not escape the pursuit of bullets. The dense bullets were like raindrops, completely covering them.

"Quick, concealed, concealed..."

In this metal rainstorm, the shouts of officers continued to be heard. Although the Junkers officers were of excellent quality, they had never faced such a blow. Many of them were killed before they could even issue orders urgently.

Bullets knocked down.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

In the whistling sound of bullets, while the copper bullet penetrated one soldier, it could still penetrate the body of another soldier. In the dense rain of bullets, the Prussians fell one after another.

After some people's heads were pierced by bullets, their white brains and blood scattered like ripe watermelons. Others had their arms, thighs, or chests shattered by bullets. Some people were hit in the neck.

After it was cut off, blood flew out more than a meter high like a fountain.

Everything here is red!

The red blood is splashing, just like the fountain in Berlin Square. Under the sunlight, it looks so beautiful.

Perhaps, this is the blooming of the flower of life!

This is the first time that an electric Gatling gun has appeared on the battlefield. Such direct shooting within the field of view is extremely fatal to infantry. Its combat effect is also terrifying, so shocking that it is even a bit unbelievable.

Eighteen armored vehicles and eighteen Gatling guns discharged thirty to forty thousand rounds of ammunition in just one minute, and their attack did not stop.

"They are hiding in the haystacks..."

Finally, when he crossed the last hedge, Engel waved his saber and pointed at the haystack and shouted. As he rushed over desperately, the next scene almost blinded him - the haystack was moving!

The grass pile that was originally fixed on the field actually moved. The moment it started moving, the grass on the car also fell down.

"What... thing... car is this?"

Engel watched in shock as the armored vehicle drove towards him.

The green vehicle, without the traction of horses, still runs on its own, just like a train.

But can a train leave the tracks?

Engel, who was born into a noble family, almost instinctively thought of another means of transportation.

"Steam car?"

But this steam car didn't have a chimney, and it wasn't as big as a steam car. It came like that, and it was very fast.

"Company Commander, the enemy's cavalry is approaching!"

Zhao Quande didn't even pay attention to the driver's reminder, but gave the order directly.

"Ignore him, just shoot the infantry."

While speaking, Zhao Quande had already stood up from his seat. He was holding a Type 62 Spencer rifle in his hand. He opened the hatch cover and aimed at the approaching cavalry.


With the sound of gunfire, the cavalry approaching were knocked down, and the injured horses screamed and fell to the ground. In the past, when they were setting up their guns, the same thing happened. The machine gunners only concentrated on attacking targets in the distance, and those close to them.

, just hand it over to other people in the car.

Taking advantage of the rapid reloading of the Type 62 Spencer rifle, Zhao Quande exposed half of his body and kept shooting at the cavalry who were approaching. Although the cavalry tried to fight back with wheel pistols, compared to rifles, they not only had a shorter range,

Moreover, it is very difficult to hit a moving target on a subversive war horse. Even if the bullet occasionally hits the armored vehicle, it will only make a few crisp sounds and knock off some paint.

"Damn, what kind of car is this?"

Engel roared angrily, and the bullets hitting the car only made a "ding" sound. They could only watch the infantry being slaughtered.

At this moment, the armored vehicle suddenly accelerated. It was extremely fast, even faster than a war horse. It was not until this moment that Engel thought of a vehicle he had heard of - an automatic car! An automatic car using an internal combustion engine.

, only Nanhui has this kind of vehicle in the world.

"Sir, they are right in front of us!"

"Crash into it!"

Zhao Quande gave the order directly.

"Kill them!"

Under Zhao Quande's order, the armored car directly hit the war horse. The cavalry, once the king of the battlefield, became fragile and vulnerable in front of the armored car.

Engel almost watched helplessly as those strange and monster-like armored vehicles rushed towards him. Although he tried to avoid them, everything was counterproductive.

Those armored vehicles were very fast, even far faster than the war horses, and they crashed directly into him. Before Engel could even react, the horse was knocked down. He also flew out, and then he looked at him in shock.

The armored chariot actually ran over the injured war horse.

Amidst the pitiful neighing of the war horses, the armored chariot crushed the horses into pulp...

This chapter has been completed!
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