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Chapter 501 The British who want to cut meat

What is Britain?

The famous "shit stirrer"!

When the Prussians and the French were fighting, the British were so happy! They just drank black tea and ate snacks to watch the melee on the European continent.

But what about now?

British people are annoying!

Because the development of the situation was completely beyond their expectations, Prussia, which seemed to have strong military power, was actually defeated!

France, which was suffering from internal and external troubles, actually won!

"We must save the situation at all costs!"

William Ewart Gladstone answered bluntly.

"For hundreds of years, Britain's European policy has been France, which is to attack France and maintain the balance of Europe by attacking France to ensure British interests. But now this balance has been seriously damaged! Not only do we have to face a country without

France is a check and balance, and at the same time, we also have to face a newly rising country."

"William, do you mean Nanhua?"

Victoria thought of the man her best friend mentioned in her letter. Although Eugenie's letter did not mention the relationship between the two, the love in her words was difficult to conceal.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

While nodding, Gladstone felt a mixture of emotions in his heart.

"Nanhua is simply a destroyer of order! Your Majesty, after Spain's South American colonies took advantage of the Napoleonic War to become independent, it took British politicians more than half a century to create a South America that we can control, from Peru to Chile,

From Argentina to Brazil, they all relied heavily on British capital, and their domestic and foreign affairs were all influenced by us. However, the emergence of Nanhua destroyed all of this. Not only did they occupy Chile and Argentina, they even destroyed

Our plan for Europe,”

Nan Hua is the destroyer of order!

In London's political circles, they "hate Nan Hua to the core" for no other reason than the emergence of Nan Hua, which directly destroyed the "British balance" that Britain had carefully built for half a century. This so-called "British balance"

"Balance" is actually the basis for Britain to usurp interests around the world, but now all of this is facing a situation of falling apart.

"Your Majesty, the situation we are facing now is the worst since the Napoleonic Wars!"

The Prime Minister's words surprised Queen Victoria.

"how so?"

Although she did not care about government affairs, as Queen Victoria, she certainly cared about her kingdom and Britain's world dominance.

"Your Majesty, the balance in Europe has been destroyed now. France without restraint will compete with us all over the world. Whether we want it or not, this is an inevitable reality. In Mexico, the French army is still there to support

Under the Mexican Empire of Maximilian I, in Southeast Asia, France has occupied Nanqi (southern Vietnam). This is the past, but what will we face in the future?"

Looking at the frowning Queen, Gladstone continued.

"We still have to face Nanhua's expansion in South America. Nanhua and France have formed an alliance. When we focus on South America, France will expand in other regions. While we pay attention to France, we are bound to relax our focus on South America.

Your Majesty, this is exactly the situation we are facing!"

One against two is a situation that Britain has tried its best to avoid for many years. Britain has always used diplomatic efforts to put its opponents into a situation of one against many, but the alliance between France and South China changed everything.

"So what are the cabinet's plans?"

Again, Queen Victoria asked.

"We need to use other forces to restrain them and fight them through extensive alliances and diplomacy. There is no other way!"

What is the reason why the UK can become a "shit troubler"?

It relies on diplomacy and alliances.

Now faced with such a predicament, the United Kingdom naturally thought of its own magic weapon. It used diplomacy to plant the fuse of future conflicts between countries, thereby creating a situation that was beneficial to itself.

"Your Majesty, a few months ago, the Hudson's Bay Company has agreed to sell the land in the Northwest Territory of North America to the American Company, also known as "South China". Although there are still some problems with this land transaction, legally speaking

, the government has no power to block this transaction."

When it comes to land transactions involving millions of square kilometers in the northwest, Gladstone couldn't help but complain about the greed of businessmen. They always only have interests in their eyes. If it weren't for the law not allowing it, those damn businessmen would even

Will sell the entire Hudson's Bay Company to Nanhua.

However, this was the past, now? All this has quietly changed.

"So the Cabinet is ready to stop blocking the Hudson's Bay Company from selling land?"

Victoria took a sip of tea.

"Yes, Your Majesty, not only do you agree to sell the Northwest Territory to them, we can even sell the British Columbia colony to them as well!"

"What? British Columbia!"

Victoria frowned and asked.

"That's our colony!"

The colony of British Columbia is located on the west coast of the North American continent, bordering Alaska to the north and the United States to the south, covering an area of ​​944,700 square kilometers. In fact, in the past few years, the United Kingdom has been planning to transfer the territory to Canada, firstly to prevent the United States from transferring the entire

The Pacific coast of North America is included in the pocket; secondly, it is necessary to get rid of this heavy burden of high debts, vast land and sparsely populated areas and "no economic growth strength".

Although it is a burden, it is a British colony anyway.

"Your Majesty, the British Columbia colony is just a sparsely populated and heavily indebted colony, but Americans have never stopped longing and ambition for that land. Especially after the division of the United States, the North has been eager to strengthen itself by purchasing land.

, even if we give this land to Canada, it will still be a burden to Canada. But if it is sold to South China, it will not only make South China border the United States, but also intensify the conflict between the two countries. During the Civil War, South China turned to the Southern Alliance.

A large amount of arms were exported, which even directly led to the split of the United States. If the British Columbia colony is purchased by South China, under our diplomatic manipulation, this will inevitably lead to a war!"

The corners of his lips raised slightly, and Gladstone said in a proud tone.

"There is a war between South China and the United States. Of course, by selling land, we can get a lot of money. Of course, we are not short of the money, but we will ask them for another kind of money we need.

s things!"

This chapter has been completed!
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