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Chapter 503 The Emperor's Dialogue with the Emperor

In 1870, who was the final winner?

No one knows this year, but what is certain is that it was also this year that Nan Hua truly stepped onto the world stage, not as a prey, but as a hunter.

Whether Europeans want it or not, they have to accept this.

In fact, who has the most complicated emotions when facing Nan Hua?

Of course it was Napoleon III who had just won the "Victory of Paris" and returned to Paris as a victor.

This is a brilliant victory!

Under the emperor's wise command, 350,000 French troops launched a final counterattack against the elite Prussian troops surrounding Paris. They successfully repelled and severely damaged the Prussian army.

For the sake of the emperor's face, and of course the face of France, France's royal literati, and even famous writers including Hugo and Daudet, used their words to describe and praise this "great victory"


In order to achieve a better literary effect, the imperial literati and writers all invariably added a little more details, a little more imagination, and a little more gorgeous words. As a result, the "Battle of Paris" was in these world-famous scenes.

The writers wrote war poems as magnificent as Homer's epic Trojan War.

At the same time, Napoleon III made full use of his talents in speeches - after all, he succeeded in being elected president by making speeches with his mouth, and then became the "elected emperor" by his speeches. His Majesty Napoleon III was the one who fought in the war.

A layman can talk, no, give a speech, he is an expert!

While returning to Paris as a victor, the dusty Napoleon III delivered his speech at the Arc de Triomphe under the guard of the Guards. In the speech, he exhausted all his gorgeous words and displayed his

All the sensational efforts were made to convince the nobles, parliamentarians and especially the citizens of Paris that this failure was not due to any problem with his command, but that they encountered an incomparable enemy that they had never encountered in history.

A relationship with a powerful enemy.

This enemy spent half a century preparing for a war with France!

What about France?

Completely unprepared. Of course, this responsibility must lie with the intelligence department. According to him, it was entirely the malfeasance of the intelligence department that caused France to suffer such heavy losses, because before this, they did not have any intelligence mentioning Prussia.

Regarding the preparations for war in France, there is a general staff that specializes in war. Until now, they don't even have detailed information about the Prussian army staff. This is simply an unforgivable mistake.

However, in the end, they won the victory. Under his wise command, with the efforts of the marshals and generals, and with the heroic fighting of the French warriors, France won.

The Prussian army outside Paris was repulsed.

They would soon move towards Metz to rescue Marshal Bazin and the French soldiers there.

Relying on his sharp tongue, Napoleon III finally succeeded in diverting domestic conflicts. He successfully used war to awaken the French people's patriotism and forgot many domestic problems. He once again overcame the difficulties and saved his country.

of the throne.

However, after issuing the slogan "March to Metz", Napoleon III did not immediately order Marshal MacMahon to march. Although he reached a secret agreement with the Prussians, God can testify that Napoleon III still had no confidence in his heart.

What if, what if something unexpected happens?

If you have any questions, please contact Nanhua!

So, on the night after returning to Paris, Napoleon III invited Zhu Xianhai into his study.

Zhu Xianhai, who revisited his old place, had no confidence in his heart. After all, this was a crime scene.

People in the world often say that wives are good, but that brings excitement and risk at the same time!

However, Zhu Xianhai soon discovered that this guy seemed to be really in the dark. After he was relieved, Zhu Xianhai started chatting with him, ranging from European politics to the Southern French Alliance. When talking about the alliance treaty, Napoleon III sighed with emotion.


"The Queen's vision is extremely keen. By forming an alliance with you, France can get out of its geographical dilemma and let our enemies, I mean Britain and Prussia, fall into new difficulties. The current international situation is very difficult for us.

Extremely beneficial.”

"Thanks to Queen Eugenie, it was her decisiveness that allowed our two countries to sign this treaty that could change the world in such a short period of time."

It was in this room and on this sofa that the two of them opened their minds and treated each other frankly. Under Zhu Xianhai's repeated attacks and Eugenie's efforts, they reached a consensus.

Thinking of the hard work of "negotiation" that day, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help but touch the sofa, this sofa!

When Zhu Xianhai fell into memories, Napoleon III said.

"Xianhai, we are a family. Now, I am asking you for help as a family member!"


Zhu Xianhai raised his head, "What are you helping me with? You must have any bad habits!"


Napoleon III said seriously.

It turns out that this is the busy thing!

He breathed a long sigh of relief. Zhu Xianhai's mood was complicated. He thought he was doing that favor!

It turned out to be an airship!

It made me excited for nothing.

"I need your airship!"

Napoleon III said bluntly.

"The whole world knows that your airship is an extremely powerful weapon. In the next counterattack, with the airship, we can not only defeat the Prussian army surrounding Bazin, but also attack Luxembourg - let them

Pay the price for supporting Prussia.”

Napoleon III vowed that of course he would not say it. During the negotiation between Alexander and Bismarck, the two people spent half a day reaching a consensus that Prussia would not cede any land, but as compensation, they would not object to the French occupation.


In other words, another small country was sacrificed and betrayed.

In international politics, small countries are always betrayed!

Sure enough, they must have reached a secret agreement with the Prussians!

Luxembourg... It’s the same as the previous speculation!

Well, it's not a speculation, it's a simulation. After being "trapped" in Paris, Zhu Xianhai conducted a short-term simulation. Although he didn't know what the secret agreement between France and Prussia was, two months later, mediation in the UK

Next, the two countries signed an armistice treaty. One of the provisions of the treaty was that Prussia recognized France's occupation of Luxembourg.

If there had not been some secret agreement between the French and the Prussians, this clause would not have been possible.

During the last Luxembourg crisis, the Prussians showed a posture of not willing to fight, and finally made Napoleon III surrender.

Fortunately, Napoleon III did not mention reaching Berlin at all, but only mentioned Luxembourg.

As expected of Bismarck, even if he lost the battle, he could protect Prussia's interests to the greatest extent.

"Well, the airship..."

Zhu Xianhai pondered.

"Actually, the Queen also made this request before, but Your Majesty, you should know that the UK also made a corresponding request, and the price they offered is irresistible."

This chapter has been completed!
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