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Chapter 531: The Late Cannonball

The situation is tense!

Muzzle to muzzle, soldier to soldier.

Sixty versus six hundred, but the sailors not only showed no fear, but even had contempt on their faces. The sailors, who were accustomed to being proud, did not take these natives seriously at all.

They even believed that they could defeat these natives with just one round of rapid fire and a bayonet charge with their rifles.

"Mr. Special Envoy, for the safety of you and your soldiers, please leave here immediately to avoid anything unpleasant happening to everyone."

Haagen-Dazs shouted from the side. As a consultant, of course he tried to eliminate misunderstandings. He even said to Tunku Kudin Sultan.

"Sudan, we shouldn't conflict with them. After all, they..."

Suddenly gunfire rang out. No one knew who fired the first shot, but at the moment the gunfire rang out, there was a loud burst of gunfire in front of Haishan Hall. When the native soldiers fell in large numbers, five or six sailors also fell.


"Protect the envoy, protect the envoy!"

Under the cover of the sailors, Zhao Yongfu was escorted into the house. Unlike what others had imagined, not only did he not show any fear, he even seemed a little excited.

Shot fired!

Shot fired!

There is a reason, there is a reason!

Previously, he was worried about the reason for not intervening, but now he no longer has to worry about it. Didn't this reason come to his door?

"Captain Chen, how is the situation now? Have all the brothers withdrawn?"

Although he was a little excited, Zhao Yongfu did not forget the safety of the sailors. He looked at these sailors. The sailors who had retreated into the hall were holding rifles and leaning on the door behind the wall. They kept shooting towards the door. Many sailors shouted.

He was breathing heavily and seemed a little nervous. He looked around, but luckily everyone had withdrawn.

"Report to the special envoy that we are surrounded by them. Three people have been killed and six injured so far. The brothers have all withdrawn into Haishan Hall..."

Captain Chen Ke, captain of the navy, quickly replied.

Outside the hall, gunshots rang out, and there were screams of the wounded inside. Looking at the injured sailors, Zhao Yongfu said sternly,

"The native chief is so brave. He actually dares to kill our Ming army. Captain Chen, immediately send a signal to the fleet to tell them that our troops are under attack."

A moment later, four signal bombs were fired one after another. When the signal bombs dragged red smoke and flew into the sky like a fire dragon, the lookout on the "Tianlong" ironclad ship spotted the signal and immediately shouted.

"Signals found on the shore, three red and one green!"

Three red and one green!

The lookout's shout made Meng Qingen's brows knit together. He looked at the signal rising into the sky and pondered for a long time.

This is the agreement between him and Zhao Yongfu. If an accident occurs, he will send out this signal flare. What happens after receiving the signal?

"Sir! Listen, there are gunshots!"

Sure enough, the gunshots from the shore could be vaguely heard!


Gunshots mean war!

Then he said.

"Send a signal to the "Qinglong" and name it, and immediately shell the shore forts!"

In fact, he didn't care at all about the forts on the shore. When he first entered the port, he had already noticed that the cannons on the forts were just old front-loading cannons, the kind that could only carry 50 to 60 pounds per person at most.

The front-loaded cannon could not possibly pose any threat to them.

Soon the "Qinglong" responded to the signal. When the "Qinglong"'s turret pointed at the fort, Meng Qingen gave the order.

"Order, target the Sultan's Palace on the shore, use it as a benchmark target, and fire!"

While giving orders to the soldiers, Meng Qing'en, with a face as iron as stone, stood there, looking calm and calm.

In the turret, the gunnery commander reported a series of data.

"Distance: 5,300 meters, angle... angle of attack... No. 1 charge..."

While the gunners on the fleet were preparing to launch, Zhao Yongfu, who was trapped in Haishan Hall, was already sweating nervously, but he still forced himself to remain calm.

The sailors were still fighting tenaciously, gunshots like exploding beans kept ringing out, and bodies were lying outside Haishan Hall.

"Everyone just needs to kill the enemy, and soon the fleet will launch cannons!"

Fire, fire!

Ye Yalai and others who were also trapped in Haishan Hall were dumbfounded. They looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes.


The fleet fires artillery, is this...possible?

"Hall Master, do they really dare to fire?"

"That's right, Hall Master, if they dare to fire cannons, then we don't have to be afraid of the natives anymore!"

In fact, for these people who make a living in a foreign country, the reason why they "collude" with the natives is, to put it bluntly, because they are helpless and either driven or bullied by the natives, unless one day they are powerful enough.

Challenge the natives, otherwise, that's all.


That is something only foreigners can do. Why can foreigners be so tyrannical here? Isn't it because they have a country behind them, and the country has warships, and the warships dare to fire cannons?

"I'm sure, I'm sure..."

Ye Yalai's gaze on the sailors had changed a long time ago. Once upon a time, he felt that the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were no different from those of the Qing Dynasty, that is, they bullied and bullied the common people. But now he saw them firing calmly,

Shooting and rescuing injured sailors amidst shouts made him understand that these sailors were definitely not those Qiu Ba from the Qing Dynasty.

All of them are heroes.

Unlike Ye Yalai, other people looked at the sailors with reverence in their eyes. For these people who lick blood with their sword heads and live fighting and killing all day long, their way of looking at people is very simple.

Either there is a seed or there is no seed.

Obviously, these sailors are all well-educated. If nothing else, just their courage to act like a tenth, which is very admirable.

What kind of team can bring out a group of men like this?

No need to ask, such a team must also be a leader.

Dare to fire!

They definitely dare to fire!

As long as they fire their guns, they will no longer have to worry about being squeezed and bullied by the natives as they did in the past!

Why aren't the Westerners angry here? It's because their warships dare to open their cannons.

"Sir, we also have guns. If you don't mind, we can also help our brothers!"

Ye Yalai ran to Zhao Yongfu and said loudly that what he said was from the bottom of his heart. He wanted to help. It had nothing to do with anything else. It was just because he believed that these people would never take him when they were in need.

Putting it all aside, this was the reason why he was willing to help.

For these overseas travelers, what do they expect?

It's just that when they feel angry and wronged, the country can stand up and shield them from the wind and rain. What they ask for is not much, that's all.

But they waited for decades, hundreds of years.

They have never waited. But now they are waiting here. Waiting for the country that they have longed for for many years to shelter them from wind and rain.

Let alone helping, even if it means losing your life, what's the big deal.

"Haha, Ye Yalai, you have to think clearly, if you help us, you may not be able to stay here in the future!"

Zhao Yongfu laughed loudly and said.

"My lord is joking!"

Ye Yalai said.

"Sir, before, the common people only thought that you were the same as the Manchu officials, and so did the brothers. But now I know that the Ming Dynasty is different from the Qing Dynasty. If I help you, you can stay here. The common people don't know, but the common people know that the Ming Dynasty is different.

With adults like you and an army like our brothers, there is no place in the world that we Chinese cannot stay!"

Looking at Ye Yalai, Zhao Yongfu looked serious and seemed to want to see clearly whether his words came from the bottom of his heart.

This is indeed what he said from the bottom of his heart. As long as the Ming Dynasty's warships fire cannons, is there any place in Southeast Asia that they can't go to?

Even if they take ten thousand steps back, as long as they fire the cannon, they will not only be able to stay here, but they will also stay better. Because from now on, no one in this land will dare to bully them.


At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on the two of them.

At this moment, the two of them looked at each other and smiled at each other.

Suddenly, rumbles of thunder were heard in the air, and Zhao Yongfu's smile grew wider. He looked at the sky and said.

"Listen, this is thunder! This is China's thunder!"

Yes, this is the thunder of China, and it is also the thunder of anger. Although this thunder came a little late, but... today he finally came.

When the sound of cannons came, the expats in the yard were stunned for a while, and then someone said excitedly.

"Really, really fired, really fired..."

This chapter has been completed!
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