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Chapter 554

(The chapter is wrong, I'm extremely sorry..., the content has been adjusted from the previous chapter. If you have subscribed, you can view it directly. I will never make similar mistakes again in the future!)

"Did you hear that?"

"What did you hear?"

"Our fleet of the Ming Dynasty bombarded King Tu's palace in that country of Kedah and started fighting with King Tu!"

"What? Is this true? Our Ming fleet is too powerful, isn't it?"

People who smoked opium in Singapore's teahouses, restaurants, and even opium dens gave up their usual leisure and talked a little excitedly about the Ming Dynasty's fleet's bombardment of Kedah.

Almost as soon as everyone met, they all started taking notes together and asking other people in a rather mysterious but very excited tone.

There was blue-eyed excitement in their tone and expression, and this excitement came from the heart. Even when they were talking, the corners of each person's lips were raised in a look of elation.

For many years, they have been looking forward to this day, hoping that this kind of thing can turn from dream to reality.

Now, it all became a reality. How could they not be happy after their dream came true?

Of course, people talk more about the British when they are excited. Although the British warships seem to be timid, for the more than 100,000 overseas Chinese in Singapore, they know that the British will definitely not be so timid.

What will the British do next?

Soon, the United Kingdom made their response-Governor Ward took the Royal Navy's "China Fleet" flagship "Odisha" to the Sultanate of Kedah. This ironclad warship has a displacement of 3,774 tons and is equipped with ten

With four Armstrong cannons, it is the most powerful armored warship east of Malacca.

In addition to the "Odisha", there are also the previously timid cruiser "Telia" and three wooden-hulled gunboats. In terms of strength, they are far superior to the Ming fleet. However, Ward did not come here to start a war!

"Britain has special interests in this region, and we firmly oppose any country's interference in Malay affairs."

Ward, who was in the port customs building, said directly.

"In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, I think it is necessary for us to reach a consensus on certain issues! What do you think?"

When facing Zhao Fuyong again, Ward's mood was extremely complicated. He never thought that this guy was so bold and that their fleet would actually fire so close to Singapore, which did not give the British any face.

"Your Excellency, Governor, when I was in Singapore, I once protested to you about the safety and rights of Chinese workers, but how did you respond to us? This place has nothing to do with the United Kingdom. No matter what happens, the United Kingdom has no responsibility whatsoever.

Are you obligated to do anything? You have never cared about the legal rights and personal safety of Chinese workers. If it were British expatriates who suffered such unequal treatment in this area, and they were even used by the natives to kill each other, what would you do?

What to do? Ignore it?"

Of course this is impossible. The British fleet must be able to talk. Not only can it talk, but those local kings will also be completely eliminated! But Ward couldn't answer like this, he just emphasized.

"Our special interests in this region must be protected!"

"Our expatriates must also be protected!"

Zhao Fuyong said directly.

"Since you can't protect our nationals, we can only protect them ourselves. This is in line with the principles of international public law!"

"A hundred volumes of public law of all nations are not as good as a few cannons, and several volumes of friendship treaties are not as good as a basket of ammunition", that is for the weak, and for the strong, the so-called "public law of all nations" is also a tool used to bully the weak and seek privileges


"So, you won't evacuate this place?"

Ward asked rhetorically.

"Mr. Governor, in the past ten years, under the instigation of local kings, more than 20,000 Chinese have died in conflicts between natives. We can leave here, but we must receive adequate compensation and at the same time ensure the safety of the expatriates.

It must also be guaranteed! Is the UK willing to take the responsibility of protecting the safety of overseas Chinese? If you can treat them fairly and allow all overseas Chinese to enjoy the same rights as European expatriates, then I think we can definitely evacuate here!"

How is this possible? Ward refused without even thinking about it.

"Britain enjoys special interests here, but this place still belongs to a princely state. We cannot guarantee that the princely state will comply with our requests and give the overseas Chinese the same treatment as Europeans."

"Since you can't, then let's use naval guns to ask them to give the overseas Chinese the same treatment as Europeans!"

Zhao Fuyong answered directly.

"So, now we have signed a friendship treaty with them!"

What is a friendly treaty? It is an unequal treaty, but so what? Does the loser have the right to choose?

Seeing Zhao Fuyong laughing, Ward wanted to turn over the table, reprimand the other party loudly, and even choose to start a fight.

But he couldn't, because London's attitude towards the princely states of the Malay Peninsula was very clear - it was not willing to annex this area, but it wanted to ensure British interests. London had even given a clear answer to the shelling of the Kedah Sultanate.

-- asking him to resolve differences through negotiations.

Disagreement, what kind of disagreement?

Of course there are differences of interest.

After a moment of silence, Ward said.

"Your fleet must get out of here!"

"Yes, but the friendship treaty we have signed with the Kedah Sultanate must be implemented!"

"You cannot interfere in the internal affairs of the Kedah Sultanate. The so-called "political guidance" should be removed from the treaty."

The UK didn't accuse them, how could you? This is the most important thing. What is the concession, what is the extraterritoriality, and what is the mineral mining rights? These are the most common demands of the great powers. These are not issues of principle.


What is a matter of principle? Of course it is "political guidance". The so-called "political guidance" is clearly to turn the Sudan into a puppet. The British have done this kind of thing in India.

The so-called "political guidance"... is actually Zhao Fuyong's sky-high price. Strong countries can do whatever they want, but that is for weak countries. Faced with the intervention of another powerful country, of course everyone must solve the problem at the negotiation table. France is strong enough, right?

, faced the threat from Prussia during the "Luxembourg Crisis" four years ago, didn't we still compromise?

If you want to grab meat from someone else's pot, you have to pay attention to skills. If you want to eat the meat in one bite, it is definitely unrealistic. That's why the great powers need to negotiate!

And this was Zhao Fuyong's purpose. The purpose of firing was to tell the overseas Chinese that the Ming Dynasty's fleet dared to fire for the benefit of the overseas Chinese. It was also to tell the native chiefs that when bullying the overseas Chinese, they should first ask about the Ming Dynasty's naval guns.

But these are not important, what is important?

Of course it’s the British attitude!

There is no way. In this era, Britain is the number one power and the backstage of the Nanyang native chiefs. Because of this, Britain's attitude is the most critical. The success or failure of this negotiation will directly send a signal-offending

If you kill the overseas Chinese, not even your master can protect you!

This is the most important!

Now after asking for a lot of money, it’s natural to pay back the money!

"But you must ensure that the interests of overseas Chinese must be guaranteed under any circumstances. Even if Kedah is destroyed!"

How will this world perish?

Everyone knew that his demise must be due to occupation by the British. After all, this land was within the British sphere of influence.

Of course, all this is temporary, but it is just a temporary compromise.

If you are poor, you will put aside disputes; if you are rich, you will live forever.

When you are not as strong as others, making appropriate concessions does not mean weakness. Concessions today are just for better revenge tomorrow.

But, is this weakness? Of course not, the whole world will see it, especially the indigenous people in Nanyang will see that even Britain must consider the interests of Ming Dynasty!

They just bombard you, what can you do? Even if the British take over, don't the British still have to admit the facts in the end?

Beat you!

It’s not you who’s being hit, it’s just that you don’t open your eyes!

"Of course, civilized countries will always protect the interests of civilized countries. At this point, our interests are the same."

Ward said a little happily.

"Please believe that we will not care about the interests of those barbarians at all. We will always respect only civilized countries."

Faced with such an answer, Zhao Fukuo was a little helpless. Although he was helpless, he knew very well that this was the principle for Europeans to deal with other countries.

They will always only admit that the strong are civilized countries, and as for the weak, they are just fish and meat in their mouths.

The so-called civilization is just lip service. In fact, they are more barbaric than anyone else, and this is the biggest characteristic of this era.

No matter which country you are in, they will never criticize you for being arrogant and domineering. They will always do everything possible to bully the weak.

Within their human resources, isn’t your weakness just for them to bully?

A good man will be bullied by others, and a good horse will be ridden by others.

This truth is the most common truth on this little blue star, whether it is now or two hundred years from now.

You can mock him, you can laugh at him, but you can't change this fact.


Although his heart was full of sarcasm, Zhao Fukuo still said very happily.

"As much as we respect Britain very much, we actually don't want to get involved in this matter, but, you know, when we deal with barbarians, sometimes that's all we can do."

Who is a barbarian?

Everyone has an answer in their heart, but for Ward,

The so-called savages are the indigenous people.

At least before they fully demonstrated their strength, they were barbarians, but Ming Dynasty, now it is a dialogue between civilized people!

This chapter has been completed!
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