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Chapter 537 The British want to kill me, Daming

Popular Recommendations: Emperor Arrives in Hongmeng Heaven: The Sims' Life of Heaven's Punishment of Evil Orders Starting from the Destruction of Pillars

1871, March 12.

On this day, according to the British Colonial Secretary Earl Granville - this is a sad day, the Union Flag was lowered from the colony for the first time.

It's okay. They will get used to all this in the future. It's just the beginning now. No matter what it is, it has to change from unfamiliar to familiar.

Practice these things in advance and there will be no problem.

On this day, in Vancouver, the capital of the British Columbia colony, at the Government House in the center of this city with a population of less than 2,000 people, a Union flag was slowly lowered, and then a sun and moon flag was lowered while the military band played.

The Tonghui flag slowly rose.

"From now on, this colony and the people here will be handed over to you! I hope you can treat everyone well!"

Facing the somewhat sad words of former Governor Hendes, Liang Baitao, the Governor of the "Beihai Governor's Region" who had just been transferred here from Alaska, said with a smile,

"Please rest assured that each of them will be treated equally! I mean true equality!"

The reason why the handover of the British Columbia colony has not been completed until now is ultimately because there are more than 10,000 European residents in this colony, half of whom are from the United States, and nearly 2,000 from the United Kingdom. During the land purchase negotiations, for

The British put forward additional conditions for the rights and interests of those people, such as maintaining the tradition of autonomy and legal customs. Although an agreement was finally reached, the negotiations were not easy.

The reason why Liang Baitao talks about equality is because there are more than 7,000 Chinese living in this colony!

They all came here during the Fraser Valley gold rush - in 1858, someone reported that a large gold mine was discovered in the Boston Beach area in the middle reaches of the Fraser Valley, and a ship transported 800 ounces of gold to the mint in San Francisco, California.

At that time, there were rumors that "gold lay at the bottom of rivers and streams as big as pebbles." This caused Chinese people who had been excluded from gold mining in California to move north in large numbers in search of new gold mining opportunities. The gold rush attracted more than 25,000 gold prospectors.

At its peak, in 1863, there were 3,000 gold mining fields in the area, and nearly 4 million yuan in gold was mined. However, this gold rush only lasted a few years, although Bakwei was still the largest gold mining town in the local area, with a population of

There are more than 10,000 people, but the annual gold mining is less than a quarter of the peak. Many gold diggers have left there long ago. The remaining people are just barely making a living, of which 60% are Chinese.

However, they have never been treated fairly. Chinese gold diggers have always been the target of blackmail and blackmail by the police and officials.

This is why Liang Baitao specifically emphasized "equality". In fact, equal treatment is also the core of the negotiations between the two parties.

This is already the biggest concession. After all, they have never done anything fair here in the past, let alone treated them equally!

"May God bless them!"

When saying these words, Henders took a special look at some American businessmen not far away. The expressions of those American businessmen were different. Although they were not representatives sent by the US government, it is certain that in the Ming Dynasty,

The United States was hostile to the purchase of British Columbia. When London made the decision to sell the colony of British Columbia, the colonial parliament passed a vote. Some people advocated annexation to the United States, but their vote could not influence London's decision at all.


And what is the official attitude of the United States? The Americans are the most hostile to Ming Dynasty’s acquisition of this land.

"Although the United States has no intention of acquiring the colony of British Columbia, it firmly opposes the sale of the British Columbia colony to the Ming Empire."

This was a protest raised by the United States through its ambassador to the United Kingdom after learning of the news. However, their protest was not heeded by any country at all. For the United Kingdom, the hostility shown by the United States towards the Ming Dynasty was exactly what they longed to see.


A few hours later, while watching Vancouver gradually disappear from the boat, no, it should be said that it is the North Sea Province, Hendes said to himself.

"The most disappointed people today should be Americans! However, isn't this exactly what London wants?"

"Your Majesty, I believe that in order to avoid intensifying the conflict with the United States due to Beihai Province, we should try our best to ease the relationship with the United States through some measures. Otherwise, we will let London's conspiracy come true!"

As Foreign Minister, Zhu Guozhong, although not Chinese, has a very special identity - he is the younger brother of Yin Lisabai. As the deputy leader, he once visited European and American countries with Zuo Zongtang and was very knowledgeable about European and American countries.

I understand very well, and this is why Zhu Xianhai appointed him as Foreign Minister.

In addition to the fact that he is Yin Lisabai's brother, another reason is that Zhu Xianhai hopes to show the world that Ming Dynasty is a multi-ethnic country that treats all ethnic groups equally by appointing him as foreign minister.

But this kid is also interesting. When he was naturalized three years ago, he found someone to give him a name. When he heard that his identity was called "Guojiu" in China, he specifically found a country that was very famous in history.

Uncle's name, so Zhu Guozhong, the uncle of the Ming Dynasty, was newly revealed.

"Don't worry about London's conspiracy!"

Facing Zhu Zong's reminder, Zhu Xianhai said directly,

"On the surface, their conspiracy seems to be to provoke conflict between us and the United States, but in fact, their biggest conspiracy is not just that. The reason why they sold British Columbia to us is essentially to distract

Our national strength, what is the biggest problem for the Ming Dynasty at present? It is the lack of population. A mere few million people are scattered in the north and south of the American continent. This has led to the dispersion of our power. In the past, we only had Alaska in North America.

The place is just a big freezer, and we certainly won’t invest too much military power in protecting Alaska, but after British Columbia was sold to us, everything changed!”

He took out a cigar from the cigar box and handed one to Zhu Guozhong. Zhu Xianhai lit one himself and said.

"We will transport immigrants there, we will reclaim land there and build factories. The more we invest, the more worthy of our protection the local area is, and this also means that we will not tolerate any party threatening its security. The United States


Zhu Xianhai took a puff of his cigar, exhaled the smoke, and sneered.

"The United States is the biggest security risk in the North Sea. After all, there are many Americans living there. Didn't they clamor to annex British Columbia to the United States? The United States' ambitions there are obvious, and we are preventing them.

When we compete with the United States, confrontation will inevitably occur. While we are confronting the United States in North America, we will also be confronting Brazil in South America. We have to confront two big countries at the same time! This is the British plan. He wants to

By selling off the colonies, we are plunged into a North-South confrontation,"

"Your Majesty, in this case, the treaty we signed with France will be in vain, and we will have no extra strength to invest in other places!"

There was a hint of worry in Zuo Zongtang's tone. Compared with previous dynasties, the current Ming Dynasty's territory is too scattered. Not to mention from the North Pole to the Antarctic, from Africa to the Pacific Ocean, there are territories of the Ming Dynasty.


Of course, those places are all colonies, but in Zuo Zhongtang's view, since the Ming Dynasty's flag has been raised in those places, they are the land of the Ming Dynasty.

Compared with such a vast land, the population of Daimyo is too small.

"Not only does it have no extra strength, the Ming Dynasty may even be pushed to death! Compared with the vastness of the land, the population of the Ming Dynasty is limited. With the current population, it is simply impossible to maintain such a huge country."

Zhu Xianhai's emotion made Zuo Zongtang unable to help but say.

"In order to deal with us and to support us to death, these British people... are really willing to make sacrifices."

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