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Chapter 556 Movie

Popular recommendations: Beast Control: Pet beasts are just the heavens that bring me bonds: The Sims from the Destruction of the Pillar, Emperor’s Arrival, Hongmeng Heaven’s Order to Punish Evil

Although the big house in the Governor's Mansion is nice, there is only one Zhili Governor in the world, but what about here?

Li Jingfang's mood became a little heavy for no reason.

What he saw here was not those people who were all black and thin and ate bran-thick vegetables. Once upon a time, he thought that all the people in the world were like that - all black and thin and ate bran-thick vegetables.

But after coming here, everything changed.

Li Jingfang even recalled the differences between the people in the two places. On one side, they were all dark and thin and ate bran-thick vegetables, but what about the other side?

With a rosy complexion, not only can I have enough to eat, but I can even eat meat every day!

Not to mention ordinary people, even ordinary landlords may not be able to eat meat every day!

What about a house like this?

Looking at the bright glass windows on the four-story building, Li Jingfang had to admit one thing - even this six-bedroom apartment is better than the environment in the Governor's Mansion.

In such a house, there are not only electric lights, cooking and gas, but also hot water for bathing and flush toilets.

All of this is unheard of and unseen in China.

At most, it is only for foreigners in the concession, and it can only be enjoyed by the rich, but what about here? It is just a necessity for ordinary people's daily life.

"This is really... They were obviously from the Qing Dynasty in the past. How come they are here and their lives are getting better and better?"

Li Jingfang, who was puzzled, muttered to himself helplessly, then shook his head and walked out of the community. When he looked back at the "happiness" in the name of the community, he sighed helplessly.

Next, he no longer had the interest to go shopping anymore. The more he walked, the more he felt that compared with the Qing Dynasty, there was a huge difference between the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty.

Why do the same group of people create two completely different worlds?

It even took them just ten years to create all of this.

In this way, I wandered on the streets of Nanhua for an unknown amount of time until the sun went down. Although it was not completely dark yet, the black iron pillar street lamps on the street were lit up. The bright lights came from the glass lampshades.

When it comes out, the light is still as bright as before.

Continuous lights stretched out along the street to the end of the street. Li Jingfang had long been accustomed to such daylights. He had almost forgotten the nights without street lights. He looked at the bustling crowds on the street and saw the bright smiles on people's faces.

With a happy smile on his face, he suddenly felt a little disappointed.

The further we walked, the lights in the shops made the street brighter, and there were bursts of noise everywhere. As we walked further, we saw a "Metropolitan Theater" on the roadside, with people lined up at the door.

""Target - Versailles" is released today!"

Looking at the words on the poster outside the door, Li Jingfang said to himself in surprise.

"What is this? Versailles? It seems to be the royal palace in Franben!"

Curious in his heart, Li Jing stood in line on the roadside. Although there were many people at the entrance of the theater, people still lined up in a very orderly manner.

It takes fifteen days to develop a habit. Whether in a new immigrant education camp or an immigrant labor camp, the first thing all immigrants learn is to line up. It doesn’t matter if you can’t learn it. The sticks in the captains’ hands are never polite.

After a few months, even the most stubborn person can change their old habits by brushing their teeth, washing their face, bathing, changing clothes frequently, and drinking boiled water.

These habits are still the best way to distinguish Ming people from Qing people.

After waiting for a few minutes, when it was finally Li Jingfang's turn, he raised his head and asked.

"How much does a ticket cost?"

"The theater ticket is 1 cent, the movie ticket is 1 cent."

Of course there are singers and opera singers in the theater, and everyone would definitely be more willing to watch a movie than pay a dime for a theater ticket.

So cheap!

What is a movie?

Li Jingfang had never seen it. He bought a ticket and entered the theater. He finally found a seat in the crowded screening room and sat down. The men and women in the screening room were all whispering to each other.

A large piece of white cloth.

Suddenly, the room became dark.

"Ah, what's going on?"

Suddenly a ray of light shone on the white cloth, and when everyone was curious, someone said loudly.

"Stop talking, let it go, let it go..."

Then the speaker stopped talking.

"On July 19, 1870, the Franco-Prussian War broke out, and the long-planned North German Confederation brazenly invaded the French Empire."

Staring at the words displayed on the white cloth, Li Jingfang was stunned. It was not because the words were confusing right and wrong.

In fact, this is not a matter of confusing right and wrong. After all, the Prussians really invaded France. It was just the French who fired the first shot and failed to invade Prussia.

The reason why he was stunned was because the picture that appeared next. The lifelike black and white picture actually moved and walked like a real person.

"Go to war!"

On the screen, a large group of people and horses were marching along the street, with officers riding horses and soldiers carrying guns.

It's the Nanhua Army!

In order to support the French ally Nanhua sent the most elite troops, led by His Majesty the Emperor himself!

The words and the picture were intertwined, and then the picture turned into an airship, which was the airship field in Guinea. The airships blocked the clouds and the sun. Even from the movie screen, it looked extremely spectacular.

Seeing the sergeants on the screen discussing the battle plan with smiles on their faces, the ground crew loaded bombs onto the airship. When they saw a military dog ​​lying tamely at the officer's feet, the audience in the screening room was speechless.

It's not like I laughed out loud.

Although there was no sound in the movie, everyone was stunned when they saw the footage captured by the photographer from the air for the first time.

"Oh my god...this, is this something God is looking at from the sky?"

"Oh my God, it's the Floating Air Force!"

Li Jingfang stared at the movie screen with wide eyes. He didn't even know how to describe his mood. At this time, he was still a governor-general. He was stunned. He was just like everyone else, immersed in this unprecedented God's perspective.


That’s right, it’s God’s perspective!

As they say, only God, only God can see such a picture from the sky!

"These people are really gods! They can actually go to heaven and earth..."

In this era of silent movies, just some simple pictures are enough to attract many people to watch. After all, people in this era have extremely limited access to information. Even an ordinary aerial shot will make them fascinated.

Marvel, be surprised.

At this time, they didn't care about the sound at all. For them, it was not important. What was important was that they saw a picture that ordinary people would never see in this life.

The movie ticket costs just one penny, and it’s worth it!

Not to mention ordinary people, even Mr. Li has only one thought at this moment - I need to watch this movie several times.

What Mr. Li didn't know was that the movie had only been released in a few places such as Nanhua, Yingtian and Linhai a week ago. Before that, it had not flowed into the market at all because there were no projectionists in the market.


"Versailles - the royal palace of the French Empire, was built in..."

As the scene of Versailles appeared on the curtain, people realized what might happen next.

"It turns out to be the palace of a foreign emperor!"

Just as people were saying this, they saw cylindrical objects falling from the spacecraft like eggs.

"what is this?"

As soon as they finished speaking, they saw explosions and smoke clouds appearing one after another on the curtain.

The originally beautiful palace was instantly enveloped in the smoke of the explosion. Amidst the billowing smoke, everyone was stunned.

This, this is the royal palace.

So what if it’s a palace?

In the billowing smoke, in the continuous explosions of gunpowder smoke, the gorgeous palace is collapsing and destroying,

It wasn't until this moment that people reacted.

The French palace was actually blown up by the Ming Dynasty...

This chapter has been completed!
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