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Chapter 560 The secret of the rise of Ming Dynasty

Popular Recommendations: The Emperor’s Arrival at Hongmeng Heaven’s Order to Punish Evil

"They actually rejected me!"

As soon as the angry Crown Prince Edward walked into the room, he shouted dissatisfied,

"How could they refuse me?"

"What? Who rejected you?"

Looking at her son who broke into the house, Queen Victoria, who was sitting behind the table, looked at her son Edward's face in confusion...it seemed a bit ugly!

Not a bit, but very ugly!

They looked angry, and even their eyes looked gloomy!

"People from Ming Dynasty, they actually won't sell me a car!"

Edward was very depressed. For him who liked horse racing, he had always wanted to own a car of his own since he knew about the existence of cars. Soon, when Eugenie owned a BMW 101 car, he had already

It's no longer hope, but desire.

The beautiful and elegant car body, the lightning speed, and the attention of the entire upper class all tempted him. In order to get the car, he even ran to the Ming Dynasty's embassy desperately and got it straight.

Put forward his request-hope to own a BMW 101 car.

But then what?

His request was rejected, even after he said he could buy it at a high price, he was still rejected!

He is the Crown Prince of the British Empire and the future King of the British Empire!

"Oh I got it!"

Closing the book in front of her, Queen Victoria looked at her son and said.

"You mean the same car as Eugénie?"

"Yes, mother, you don't know. Now the whole of Europe is talking about who will be the next owner of a BMW. The reason why I came to the door in person is..."

Looking at the smile on his mother's face, Edward helplessly shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Mother, you know, I like horse racing, and the speed of the car is said to be much faster than the train, and I heard that it is the most exquisite industrial product so far. God! How can I not be crazy about him?"

Faced with her son's obsessed look, Victoria didn't find it strange at all. Every boy likes industrial products, but her son... is still a boy.

"I think you can write a letter to Eugenie. She is your elder. As long as she helps, believe me, you will definitely get what you want."

As a good friend of Eugenie, Victoria knew some secrets, such as the unknown secret between her and the Ming Emperor. She even doubted whether her son, the Duke of Normandy in France, was her son with him. Of course, despite doubting

, she will never tell anyone that there may be a conflict between France and Britain, but she cannot betray the friendship and trust between them.


Edward's eyes lit up,

"you can try."

Seeing the sparkle in Edward's eyes, Victoria smiled in her heart. After all, he was still a boy, much like his father.

Thinking of her dead husband, Victoria couldn't help but feel sad. In her heart, she envied Eugenie. She was not only young and beautiful, but also had a handsome lover.

"Perhaps she is the luckiest woman."

While Victoria sighed, she didn't know that just twenty days later, her son, Prince Edward, would become the "luckiest man" in the eyes of many people.

"God's Coming"

Crown Prince Edward became the second person in Europe to own a BMW 101 car. This news caused unprecedented shock among the royal families, nobles and rich people in various European countries. While people were envious of his good luck, overnight - BMW

It has become a status symbol.

It symbolizes identity, status, power, and... even the king can't get what he wants!

Eugenie, as a top seller, did not know that after her, BMW would become the top luxury goods just like the luxury goods she "endorsed". Even a hundred years later, it would still be favored by the rich and powerful.

So sought after, it is not just a car, but more of a status symbol!


Cars are a status symbol!

When Howard walked out of the customs exit and came to the roadside, he was stunned when he looked at the car in front of him - the streamlined black body shone in the sunlight.

"This is?"

"Mr. Ambassador, this is the car I borrowed from the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs to welcome you!"

Ender puffed up his chest proudly.

"Is it the BMW 101 car?"

The ambassador asked in surprise, making Ender say proudly.

"Yes, Mr. Ambassador, that's it. There are only a few hundred in the entire Yingtian, and they all belong to ministers and nobles. They are all given by the emperor. This car is the spare car of the Foreign Minister!"

Then he specifically emphasized.

"To express your welcome, Your Excellency the Minister said that you can borrow it for a month."


Even if it is borrowed, Howard is content with it. You know, he is the first person in the United States to ride in a BMW.

As soon as he sat down, Howard felt great and his whole body sank into the comfortable seat.

Big sofa!

This was specially requested by Zhu Xianhai to maximize its comfort. Not only that, the interior space was also maximized during the design to make the passengers feel more spacious and comfortable in the car.

As the car drove forward, Howard seemed to understand why such a car was sought after by so many nobles in Europe.

Sitting in the car not only feels very comfortable, but also travels very fast. Looking at the street scene moving backward outside the car window, Howard said.

"I never imagined that one day, horse-drawn carriages would be eliminated!"

"What? Elimination?"

“The future is definitely the era of automobiles!”

Enjoying the comfortable environment of the carriage, you can't feel any bumps here. Even if there are some vibrations, it is much more comfortable than a carriage. All this makes Howard feel so fresh. In addition to being fresh, he also sees the future.


Looking out the car window, Howard said,

"It has left the carriage far behind! This is the power of industry and science. Many people in Washington are talking about the Ming Dynasty, their airships, their army,... but they don't

You know, Ming Dynasty has mastered the key to the future! It’s science!”

Looking at the city outside the car window and the street lights on the roadside, Howard said with emotion.

"There are still some people in the United States who think they are people of color, but it is they who have created a civilization on this land that the world admires. What did they rely on to create all this? Science! They are better than all of us.

They understand the power of science better, or in other words, they know how to obtain the power of science. In recent years, how many engineers have they hired from Europe and the United States? How many scholars? "

Unlike many diplomats who have different backgrounds as politicians, Howard is not only a politician, he is also a scholar. The reason why he took the initiative to walk into the White House and made a request to the president, hoping to serve as the Great Master in Ming Dynasty, is because he has great interest in this country.

of curiosity.

In addition to being curious, he also got to know the country from another aspect.

"Mr. Ambassador, there are many engineers and scholars who immigrate to the United States every year."

Ender's words made Howard shake his head and said.

"This is different. We don't actively look for outstanding engineers in a certain industry to come to the United States. The reason why those people come to the United States is just to find a new life. We never know what they are good at or what they are.

Will their talents be buried, but Ming Dynasty will take the initiative to send invitations to the best scholars in various industries, and will not hesitate to provide them with extremely generous remuneration and various generous benefits to invite them here."

Howard said as he looked at the car.

"Those engineers entered their factories and developed various new machines, and those scholars entered their universities and passed on science and knowledge to their students. In the process, they

Leaving us far behind. From electric lights to cars to airships, isn't this the case for everything? It can even be said that this is the fundamental reason why they surpass us. And this is also the rise of the Ming Dynasty

's secret."

Howard's emotion made Ander dumbfounded. He really hadn't thought about this, but it seemed to make some sense.

Even when Howard himself expressed these emotions, he did not know that in the next few years, he would inevitably be involved in the ups and downs of the future as a "big Mingtong"...

This chapter has been completed!
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