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Chapter 606 Can they control France?

Hermitage, St. George's Hall.

St. George's Hall is also the so-called "Throne Hall". As the name implies, it is because the throne of the Tsar is placed. The person sitting on the throne at this time is none other than Tsar Alexander II Nicholas of the Russian Empire.


In 1855, facing the defeat of Crimea, his father Nicholas I suffered a "stroke". He took over the task at the critical moment and accepted humiliating conditions through negotiations, ending the Crimean War.

From that day on, Alexander II had a hidden wish in his heart - to avenge his shame!

It was also from that day that he began vigorous reforms, from liberating serfs, to promoting industry and commerce, to setting up factories and purchasing weapons and equipment around the world, all for one purpose - to liberate Crimea.

Shame on Asia!

But Russia... is really poor!

Although Alexander was ambitious, the problem was that Russia's lack of financial resources limited his ambition. He had endured it for 17 years, how many more years would he have to endure it?

The long journey is still on the way!

At this time, Alexander II was sitting on the throne of the Tsar. With an expressionless face, he just listened to Alexei and the navy generals and technical officers explaining the advancement of the "Nanhua-class battleship" and listening to their analysis.

There are various benefits to Russia after purchasing the ship.

"I really didn't expect that the Ming Dynasty in South America would actually build such excellent warships!"

In the opinion of Alexander II, the best shipbuilding capability in the world today is Britain, or France.

But now there is another Ming Dynasty...just look at the "Nanhua-class battleship" they brought here!

Not only does France not have such advanced combat ships, but neither does Britain.

Even the United Kingdom and France have built ironclads of more than 10,000 tons. But in front of the "Nanhua-class battleship", it is still not enough!

The biggest gap is that the industrial level is far behind.

From advanced steel plates to advanced steam engines and the technology to produce them, these are what Russia needs.

However, for Alexander II, he needed more than just that.

Why did Russia lose the Crimean War?

Just because Britain and France formed an alliance, how could Russia defeat them no matter how powerful it was?

So for the past ten years, he has been trying to break this situation.

He repeatedly extended an olive branch to France, but to no avail.

Now the arrival of the Ming Dynasty's special envoy allowed him to see an opportunity, maybe he could let the Ming Dynasty mediate!

At first glance, it seems that we can seek help from Ming Dynasty. After all, Ming Dynasty is an ally of France!

But can they convince France?

"So, they are not only willing to transfer the technology for manufacturing the "Nanhua-class combat ship", but are also willing to invest the transaction proceeds in Russia?"

Alexander II was really curious now, how could he not be curious?

Is there anyone in the world doing this kind of business?

Isn’t business all about making money?

But they are actually willing to invest all the money they earn in Russia. This is simply... doing a good deed!

But, is there such a good thing in this world?

There will be no pie in the sky!

"He did say that he would deposit all the funds in Russian banks and then use them for investments in Russia."

Alexei thought for a while and said,

"As we all know, the Ming Emperor was very good at doing business, and he would never lose money when investing in Russia."

"Is it really that simple?"

Tsar Alexander II's frown deepened,

"Do you have any ambitions?"


Taking the Tsar's question, War Minister Dmitry Milyutin said:

"What kind of ambitions would there be? They are so far away from us, Your Majesty, Daming has been a reputable supplier in the past many years, and the weapons we purchased from them are also very good."

Milyutin, the Minister of Army, was one of those who was conquered by the weapons of the Ming Dynasty. Not to mention the excellent Type 71 rifle, it was just a 280mm siege gun. Once it arrived in Russia, its powerful power was only

Blinded everyone's eyes.

Milyutin, the Minister of War, exclaimed happily.

"This is what I need, nothing else!"

Then it was immediately decided to build 60 of them for future attacks on Turkish fortresses.

"Their weapons are indeed excellent!"

Tsar Alexander II immediately looked at the Minister of War and said,

"But what I want to know is, what is their real purpose!"

"Your Majesty, as we all know, there is a conflict of interest between France and the Ming Dynasty and Britain."

The emperor's brother, Grand Duke Nikolay Nikolayevich, lowered his voice and said in a tentative tone.

"Perhaps, for the Ming Dynasty, what they need to find is a broad alliance."

"What? A broad alliance?"

The Tsar was astonished,

"Are you saying they want to ally with us?"

"I don't know," Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich shook his head.

"But one thing that is certain is that the Ming Emperor understood the essence of the game of international politics far better than the French Emperor. Napoleon III never knew that we were France's best ally to prevent the rise of Prussia, but how did he treat us

What about the olive branch that was offered to me? Dismiss it!"

Having said this, the tone of the prince's younger brother, Grand Duke Nikolay Nikolayevich, was full of sarcasm.

"But in the international political game, the Ming Emperor could easily use his interests to win over friends and even enemies - Brazil. When the British used Brazil to contain him, he used the method of sacrificing Uruguay to win over Brazil. Your Majesty,

I think it is very necessary for you to meet with Mr. Buffett. Perhaps, he himself has a secret mission, although he has not indicated this!"

As the secret envoy, Buffett did not reveal his identity!

In fact, both Buffett and Zhu Xianhai know very well what Russia wants. The key is how to stimulate their ambitions. It is not important to reveal their identity. What is important is to let them take the initiative to lick it.

Countries like the Russian Empire have always looked down upon allies that come to them. Therefore, it is better for Ming Dynasty to be more arrogant. Besides, it is Russia that is more eager to have allies now!

"There is absolutely no problem in summoning him. After all, this is a big business worth 18 million yuan,"

There is no problem in purchasing warships from the Ming Dynasty. Of course, Russia will not miss such a powerful warship.

Tsar Alexander II said:

"It's just that we are not sure yet whether they have any intention of forming an alliance with Russia, and this alliance is against the United Kingdom. Otherwise, this alliance will have no meaning. This is number one!"

In fact, Russia is not willing to be an enemy of the United Kingdom. They have repeatedly hoped to dismember the Ottoman Empire with the British, but were rejected by the latter, because for the United Kingdom, they need to use Turkey to block Russia from Bophorus.

within the Strait of St. Petersburg, rather than rushing out of the Bophorus Strait and threatening Britain's overseas interests.

Because of the fundamental conflict of interests, Russia must go into confrontation with Britain. At least on the Turkish issue, there is no other second option.

After thinking for a while, he said again.

"More importantly, can they influence France's decisions? That's the most important thing."

This chapter has been completed!
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