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Chapter 620 Become an Emperor Like Napoleon

Why should Eugene become a person like Louis?

In the past few days, when Emperor Zhu Da was in contact with the dignitaries of the Bonaparte family, he found that the Bonapartists were not only few, but also... naive!

They naively thought that Eugène should consolidate his power through speeches and elections like Louis. It seemed to them that Louis was the emperor who did this, so Eugène should also sit like this.

But they had considered that Eugène and Louis were two completely different types of people.

A man who rose from the ranks of the people, relied on his sharp tongue, and became emperor with the name of Napoleon. A man was born in a palace and was the heir to the empire at birth. Let such a man who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth be like his father. To give speeches and please the people?

Is it realistic?

These people naively don't think about the difference between the two people, they just blindly imitate. It is simply ridiculously naive.

"Those who imitate me will live, those who imitate me will die! Eugenie, Eugène and Louis are different. If you want him to be like Louis, then painting a tiger will not turn out to be like a dog, and he will definitely lose his crown."

"Then, what should we do?"

Eugenie panicked. Maybe she didn't love Louis, but Eugenie was her son.

"Dear, you must help me, help Ou Ren, he is my child."

"Since Ou Ren is your child, he is also my child, so of course I will help him."

Thinking of Ou Ren's admiring gaze when he looked at him, Emperor Zhu sighed in his heart, I can't take advantage of him!

Well, who made him his son’s brother?

This needs help!

"When Louis was emperor, he needed to please and bribe everyone, from generals to politicians, from nobles to civilians. This was the fundamental reason why he won the election, but Eugenie..."

Staring into her beautiful eyes, Zhu Xianhai spoke word by word.

"What Eugène needs is not to please them, but to let them please him. What Eugène needs is to use his military exploits and unprecedented military glory to conquer everyone like Napoleon I. This is what Eugène should do Things to do.”

When Eugenie heard this, she was shocked.

"Military merit? My dear, are you going to go to war? Louis has always done this, but what did he gain? At most, it just helped him get out of the crisis temporarily!"

"Louis... was greedy for small fortunes and lost big profits. What did he gain from those wars he fought? The country did not benefit from it, the people did not benefit from it, who benefited from it? At most, the generals gained honors and military exploits, okay? , he bought the army with his military exploits, but what about him? What did the emperor gain? Nothing!"

After saying this sarcastically, Emperor Zhu continued.

"If we want to go to war, then we must understand what we need to get from this war? Land? Wealth? Prestige? Only after calculating the gains and losses can we decide whether to go to war. It is not just to divert domestic conflicts. A war!”

The life of Napoleon III was a life of fighting, but it was also...a life of achieving nothing.

War against Russia in 1854, war against Austria in 1859, collusion with Britain to invade China in 1860, expedition to Mexico in 1862, war against Prussia in 1870... In comparison, the previous two dynasties were pitifully small - 18 of the July Dynasty During the year, except for the expansion of Algeria, there were almost no foreign wars.

But what did he gain from those wars?

After enumerating the wars fought by Louis, in the emperor's study room at the Palace of Fontainebleau, looking at the dignitaries including the Queen Mother Eugénie and the Bonaparte family, Emperor Zhu Da asked rhetorically.

"What did France gain? More precisely, what did the Emperor gain? The officers gained honours, the soldiers received their pay, but what about the Emperor? Well, the troops of His Majesty the Honorable Napoleon won the victory, and the military glory transferred

Domestic attention, nothing more."

Looking at the silent crowd, Emperor Zhu Da turned his attention to Ou Ren, a boy who was only seventeen years old.

As a young man, he did look very weak, but Emperor Zhu Da knew very well that the seemingly weak young man in front of him was actually very strong.

In another world, this young man who lost his crown in the Franco-Prussian War, in order to show his courage, took the initiative to apply to join the British army. Then he died on the Zulu battlefield in South Africa.

He fought the Zulus alone until the end. Even years later, the Zulus who killed him still told Eugenie that he was as brave as a lion when he fought.

For Eugenie, who lost her husband and her son, this was the greatest comfort. At least his son was not a coward.

It was precisely because of this that Emperor Zhu Da believed that the young man in front of him would follow his plan.

"Eugène, if it were His Majesty Napoleon I, how would the newspapers in Paris and France report when he went to war?"

Looking at the French emperor, Emperor Zhu asked rhetorically and then said directly.

"His Majesty the Great Napoleon has won yet again!"

Eugene was stunned. Joseph, Morini and Alexander all looked at Zhu Xianhai in astonishment. At this moment, they understood the difference between Louis and Napoleon.

I even understood the difference between His Majesty Emperor Shengde of the Ming Dynasty and other emperors.

As emperor, he once led troops to conquer Chile, conquered Argentina, and then personally led an expedition to France.

He was not only experienced in hundreds of battles, but also achieved his glory through military victories one after another! Just like Napoleon, how did he become the emperor?

Is it by votes?

No, he relied on his illustrious military prowess that was invincible in every battle. Why did he lead the army to fight against other countries again and again?

Because he knows very well that if he wins, the honor he receives belongs to him personally and has nothing to do with anyone else.

But if he fails, he will have nothing. It will be like Waterloo.

But what about Louis?

He is just making wedding clothes for others. Even if he wins, it is an honor that belongs to others.

It has nothing to do with the emperor himself!

At this moment, everyone understood the difference between Louis and Napoleon.

"The great Napoleon never bothered to please the people or politicians. He relied on military victories to make everyone surrender before him. In the victory, the French people harvested materials from foreign countries and gained a lot of money.

The pride of the country, the soldiers gained military glory in victory, and the politicians gained wealth. Gentlemen, every war of Napoleon made his throne more stable, but what about Louis's war? Well, your noble Majesty Napoleon

The army won the victory, it was the army that won the honor, it was the marshals who won the glory, not the emperor!"

This is the difference between the two emperors. One started the war to win personal honor. The other started the war to divert domestic attention. Even the so-called military achievements were only for certain generals or marshals.

It's just honor. It has nothing to do with the emperor himself.

After saying these words and looking at the thoughtful people, Zhu Xianhai walked up to Ou Ren, looked at him, looked at the admiration in his eyes, and said in a seductive tone.

"Eugène, you have the opportunity to become as great an emperor as Napoleon. Let everyone worship you, respect you, and follow you. By then, no one will be able to shake your crown. And no one will try.

Challenge your authority, because you are the authority, you are the victory, and you are the glory. Of course you also have the opportunity to become an outstanding politician like your father, but..."

Before he could finish his words, Ou Ren, who had been persuaded by Emperor Zhu Da's series of words, said directly.

"Your Majesty, the glory you have achieved is the envy of every emperor and king. My father may be an outstanding politician, but he never knew how to become an emperor. Napoleon, all the glory of this name,

Coming from the army, and my father, throughout his life, never won the admiration of the army, tell me what I should do!"

Eugene looked at him, at this moment, as if he were looking at his father, at least his idol.

Even as a young man, he knew very well that as an emperor, his father was not a competent emperor.

His father had neither a tough character nor a strong will. He even looked more like a politician than an emperor.

He always thinks about taking advantage of opportunities instead of using the emperor's will to implement everything. Because deep down in his heart, he knows very well how illusory his throne is.

But the His Majesty in front of him is a completely different person - just like Napoleon, he tells everyone with victory after victory.

By following me, you are following glory and victory.

Facing the young man with admiring eyes, even though he was also half a son, Emperor Zhu Da chose to remain silent.

In this silence, everyone else looked at him thoughtfully, as if waiting for his answer.

Now when the French Empire asks him for help in this tone, how will he respond?

Faced with such a request for help and the children's eyes full of admiration, Emperor Zhu Da just smiled slightly.

Still no words.

But at this moment, Eugenie took the initiative to stand up and said.

"Eugène, now we need to ask His Majesty to avoid it, after all..."

Eugenie, who looked grateful but was full of apologies, said to Zhu Xianhai in an apologetic tone.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me,"

As she spoke, her eyes were filled with gratitude. This feeling came from the bottom of her heart, because she knew why he was silent.

It's for her, for her son. It's for the love between them.

As the emperor of the French Empire, his son needs to make his own decision instead of another emperor telling him the answer.

At this moment, Eugenie even had an illusion in her heart - he was Eugenie's father.

Perhaps Louis gave Eugene the crown, but the man in front of him asked his son to wear the crown on his head forever.

This is something Louis himself can't do, so how can he let his son do it?

Perhaps, Louis could not guarantee this until his death, but he did it.

At this moment, her heart was filled with unprecedented happiness...

Zhu Xianhai smiled and nodded slightly.

"Eugène, you are the emperor of the French Empire! I think you already have the answer in your heart!"

After that, Zhu Xianhai exited the study room. After exiting the study room, a smile appeared on his face.


Now he has successfully tied France to his chariot. No matter whether the French are willing or not, as long as Eugene wants to be the emperor. As long as the dignitaries of the Bonaparte family want to continue to enjoy their glory and wealth. They

They will take the initiative to join in and tie France to this chariot.

Everything is under control.

Just when Emperor Zhu Da was feeling proud of this, he heard a voice coming from the front.

"Yesterday, I saw it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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