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Chapter 623 Emperor Zhu is also a great scientist

The Emperor left the Palace of Fontainebleau.

No, the emperor did not leave.

When Eugène and his party left the Palace of Fontainebleau, and when the wheel that affected the fate of the world began to turn, Emperor Zhu Da stayed at the Palace of Fontainebleau.

It seems that to him, the troubles in the world are no longer important.

It's not that it's no longer important, but... the world has turned around the way he wanted it to.

Now is the time for kings to come to court in the morning.

In the next few days, Emperor Zhu Da and Eugénie were naturally very affectionate, and now no one would disturb them anymore.

Even if someone knows, what does it matter? Eugenie is now a widow, a widow.

She was already a widow, so she couldn't let him remain a widow. Naturally, everyone turned a blind eye to everything that happened in the palace.

After all, the Queen Mother is a human being too!

In addition to trying his best to comfort Eugenie, Emperor Zhu Da naturally also had several secret encounters with Empress Sissi during this period. Although it cannot be said that the rain and dew were shared equally, at least he could not neglect other people.

This feeling of stealing is naturally beyond description in words.

And one night, when he was slightly drunk, in the music played by Emperor Zhu Da, he finally got what he wanted and enjoyed the madness of one emperor and two queens, a queen mother and a queen, and they were all other people's.

.Only three people can describe the taste.

From then on, basically the three of them slept together. Then every night they went crazy until dawn. Of course, sometimes during the day, they would occasionally go crazy.

However, Emperor Zhu Da also did a few serious things during this period, such as sending an invitation to physicist Ludwig Boltzmann to teach at the University of South China. He also invited dozens of scholars. Compared with

Among other things, Emperor Zhu Da is now more willing to improve the scientific and technological level of Ming Dynasty by introducing scholars.

After all, through more than ten years of overtaking in corners using physical objects and technical books in the mall, Daming has already achieved catch-up in many aspects!

But this kind of catching up is just a first-mover advantage. If we want to continue to lead European countries in the coming years, or even leave them far behind, we must complete the accumulation of basic science by introducing high-end intellectual talents.

Fortunately, this is the era of foundation building for basic science. Fortunately, although Ming Dynasty is not a member of the European and American circles, Emperor Zhu Da has money and can provide very advantageous conditions to scholars. What will be the consequences of the introduction of well-known scholars?

Emperor Zhu Da didn't know what kind of fruit it was, but what was certain was that... this was definitely the investment with the highest return.

What about other than that?

Of course, you still have to enjoy the wonderful time of one emperor and two empresses. After all, if you don't enjoy life as an emperor, wouldn't it be boring?

However, the happy time is always limited. After all, the time is too long, even the emperor himself cannot bear it.

February 28, 1873, the fifth day of the second lunar month, was the Cold Food Festival.

At the Versailles Floating Ground, five giant airships were suspended on the mooring towers. Facing Eugenie and Sissi, two of the most famous beauties in Europe, who came to see them off, Emperor Zhu Da said with a smile.

"Welcome to visit Daming!"

In fact, before that, Emperor Zhu Da did invite them to go with him, but they refused. Although Sissi was eager to take the airship to the Ming Dynasty, her reason made her choose to refuse.

After a month of fun, although it is unforgettable, we have to say goodbye after all. When Emperor Zhu Da said goodbye to everyone, the Europeans on the seats in the airship cabin all looked around curiously.

They were all scholars, experts, and of course many engineers hired by Emperor Zhu Da from Europe. Ludwig Boltzmann felt like he was in a dream among them.

This is all so incredible!

"Mr. Maxwell, do you believe it? We are going to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in an airship!"

Ludwig Boltzmann turned to James Clerk Maxwell and said, Maxwell was also the harvest of Emperor Zhu Da's trip. He was not only a physicist and mathematician. He was also the founder of classical electrodynamics and statistical physics.

One of the founders of.

Well, just like Boltzmann, he is a great figure in physics, and he is also the shoulder that Einstein stepped on.

Now, they all belong to Ming Dynasty!

"Yes, it's hard to imagine. Mr. Boltzmann, I have read your paper and I think we can use this trip to discuss electromagnetism..."

Even Emperor Zhu Da himself could not predict what kind of fruits a group of academic experts would produce when they got together. But when he boarded the airship, he heard those experts discussing or studying with pen and paper.

When asked about academic issues, he smiled proudly and even took the initiative to participate.

As an engineering student in the 21st century, perhaps Emperor Zhu Da is not a physics or chemistry expert, but even with his high school knowledge, in this era, he is still stepping on Boltzmann and Maxwell.

Stepping on Einstein's shoulders!

After the airship took off, the royal airship transformed into an "academic palace", a temple full of knowledge. Soon Emperor Zhu Da was more than just an emperor in the eyes of scholars.

Rather, he was a knowledgeable scholar. When discussing academic issues in physics such as electromagnetism, Emperor Zhu Da even gave some groundbreaking "suggestions." Even before the airship reached the sky over the Mediterranean, these scholars were attracted by Zhu Da.

The great emperor was impressed.

When the airship was flying over the Mediterranean, although it was late at night, in the cabin of the airship, with the light of a small electric light, Maxwell was writing a letter to her wife with a pen.

"...It is really hard to believe that as a monarch, his knowledge is so profound, and the questions he raised are even far beyond the scope of our understanding. I am very sure that if His Majesty the Emperor engages in scientific research,

He will surely become the greatest scientist in physics after Newton..."

When writing these words, Maxwell's heart was still full of pity. In his opinion, Emperor Zhu Da was a scientist who was delayed by politics. Whenever he thought of human beings missing out on such great scientists, he felt a pang of regret in his heart.

, but while feeling regretful, he was also a little lucky. Fortunately, he was able to discuss many physics topics with the emperor. Although it was only a simple discussion, it opened a new door for him.

How could this not make him excited?

He was not the only one who was excited, of course there was also Boltzmann, this tragic physics master who spent most of his life defending his theory. At this time, he was immersed in deriving formulas.

In a previous discussion with His Majesty the Emperor, Emperor Zhu Da proposed that the entropy of a system and the number of all possible microstates satisfy the following simple relationship. Although it was only briefly mentioned, it touched Boltzmann's inspiration.

Well, although Emperor Zhu Da was accustomed to following other people's paths and leaving others with nowhere to go, he still had full respect for real scientists, especially these scientists. When scholars finally had to use their talents in the Ming Dynasty, it should be even more

Provide them with some help instead of killing them.

In this way, the five airships slowly flew from north to south. While flying across the Mediterranean Sea, the airship fleet flew to North Africa. Although the vast desert outside the window was very spectacular, it could not distract the scholars inside the ship.

Still immersed in the temple of science, well, Emperor Zhu Da quietly opened a crack in the door in advance. Whether the rest can walk through the door depends on themselves.

Of course, for these academic experts, they will definitely be able to enter that temple and achieve certain results.

In the end, those results will lay an extremely solid foundation for the rise of Ming Dynasty...

This chapter has been completed!
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