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Chapter 644 The Happy Time of the Planter

What did a 19th century submarine look like?

It looks no different from the submarines in old movies, except that it is smaller and the cabin is more narrow. There is even no bathroom in the submarine. After all, at the level of the 19th century, there was no way to build a toilet that can urinate on the seabed.

, so we can only make do with the shabby things - submariners can only solve problems on the deck. As for when they are on the seabed, they can only hold it in. If it really doesn't work, it's not that things like cans cannot be used. Fortunately, even if

Even a 002 boat with hundreds of batteries installed can only sail on the bottom of the sea for a few hours.

There was a choking smell of gasoline in the cabin. Being in it, Emperor Zhu finally understood why submariners had the highest food expenses among the navy. The environment in a submarine was too harsh. Fighting in such an environment

...It’s not easy!

"Liu Qing, in the future, the meals for submarine soldiers will be increased by 20%, and the seagoing allowances will also be increased by 20%. The environment in the submarine is poor, and it will not be easy for the officers and soldiers to fight."

In this way, Emperor Zhu Da visited the narrow cabin while emphasizing the improvement of the submarine force. In the end, he was still not satisfied and even asked Liu Tiansheng to drive the submarine to the sea. In the semi-submersible state of the submarine, Zhu Da

The emperor stood on the bridge, just like the most powerful three fat men, holding a telescope and observing the sea. It seemed that at this moment, he saw British warships and merchant ships being attacked by Ming wolves.

sank into the sea.

Just when Emperor Zhu Da put down his telescope, Liu Tiansheng, who was standing beside him, said.

"Your Majesty, I heard that the ironclad warships purchased by Brazil from Britain will sail back to Brazil in the near future. Do we want to shoot them down on the way? Anyway, they were sunk and they are probably just missing."


In this era without radios - an era without radios in foreign countries, if a ship sails on the sea and disappears, it means disappearing. Just like the Japanese armored cruiser Kumo, which returned on December 3, 1886

Japan disappeared in the South China Sea en route.

Sunk...that is, missing!

It seems like a good suggestion too!

Liu Tiansheng's suggestion made Emperor Zhu think about it for a while, and then said.

"It's not necessary for the time being. Even if we sink it, the British insurance company will pay the money, and then they will build a new ship. The new ship will definitely be more advanced than the old ship."

Shaking his head and handing the telescope to Liu Tiansheng, Zhu Xianhai naturally thought of the neighbor of the Ming Dynasty. Brazil has been winning in recent years - as the only rubber producer in the world, European powers represented by Britain and France have built airships and

Armored vehicles, whether airships or armored vehicles, are inseparable from rubber. The price of rubber has increased several times. Although the plantations of the Ming Dynasty also made a lot of money from it, it cannot compare with the use of slaves to mine rubber in the Papen rainforest. The money brought by rubber.

Wealth gives the Brazilian government ample funds to strengthen its military.

In response to the two "Friendship-class ironclads" owned by the Ming Dynasty, Brazil purchased two 10,000-ton ironclads from the United Kingdom. This was of course what the United Kingdom was happy to see. Even the Ming Dynasty's "Nanhua-class" was regarded by European countries as

Part of the arms race between Brazil and Ming Dynasty.


In recent years, Brazil has made a fortune from rubber exports, and its armaments have almost been strengthened. It is time to drive down the price of rubber!

Emperor Zhu Da sneered. After ten years of development, it was almost time for Ming Dynasty's rubber plantations in Congo and Guinea to begin large-scale rubber mining.

Emperor Zhu Da didn't care at all about a neighbor that prospered by exporting agricultural products such as rubber. What kind of threat could a country that even needed to import rifles pose?

Moreover, it is still a slave country - the harvesting of rubber trees in the rainforest has even strengthened slavery in Brazil. After all, harvesting rubber trees in the rainforest requires a lot of labor.

But that's fine. When necessary in the future, we can send troops in the name of liberating the black slaves.

Free the black slaves and send them back to their hometowns. Well, Ming Dynasty will definitely still stand on the moral high ground by then.

This is what makes a teacher famous.

Madita City on the Congo River is the seat of the Ming Dynasty China-Africa Company. Although this colony belongs to the Ming Dynasty, it is occupied in the name of the company. After nearly ten years of development, this city by the river has become an African

The most prosperous city on the west coast, thousands of Ming people live in this city. Well, there are also thousands of Japanese workers and tens of thousands of local natives in the city.

Most Ming people have plantations outside the city. This city is called the "City of Palm Oil". There are oil palm plantations all over the city. The palm oil produced here is processed in local factories after primary processing.

Either it is transported to Europe for export of fats and oils, or it is transported to Nanhua to be made into margarine, margarine, chocolate and other products and exported to European and American countries, so that ordinary people in European and American countries can finally enjoy cheap butter, cream, chocolate and other products, then

I'm afraid it's man-made, and all of this is entirely due to Ming's advanced food technology.

Of course, people in the Ming Dynasty still eat natural foods. After all, Europeans like science, so let them enjoy the food science from the future.

This is also the biggest difference between Ming Dynasty as a major exporter of agricultural and animal husbandry products - a considerable part of the agricultural products exported are modern industrial products, unlike Argentina in the past, which only exported agricultural primary products.

Among the many plantations here, there is a rather inconspicuous small plantation. At the door of this plantation, there are two sturdy natives holding wooden sticks. If there are any idle people waiting to approach, they will definitely use the sticks directly.


Of course, these idlers must be local natives.

When a carriage drove by in the distance, all they saw was the license plate number of the carriage. The natives quickly opened the door and let the carriage drive into the plantation. They actually even took the initiative to bow when the carriage passed by.

This is the master's carriage.

The carriage drove for more than ten minutes and stopped in front of a Chinese-style wooden building deep in the plantation. There were already more than a dozen maids standing in front of the wooden building. As soon as the carriage stopped, a black maid wearing a maid skirt got on.

Go forward and gently open the door.

"Welcome home, master."

The maid whispered.

After getting off the carriage, Chen Erqiang walked towards the mansion.

A dark-skinned little maid of eleven or twelve years old led the way.

"Master, you are back."

Accompanied by a burst of fluent Chinese, a tall woman with curly hair came over, and then hugged her tightly, and the strong smell of perfume spread to his nose. Chen Erqiang hugged the woman's waist.

After taking it, she felt her waist was soft and her fingers gently rubbed it. The woman just said "hmm" twice, her voice was very charming.

"You little hooves, I don't think I have them!"

"Of course I thought about it!"

"Where did you think about it?"

"I think about it all over my body..."

As for women, Chen Erqiang was very proud of her. This foreign woman was so charming. Not to mention anything else, even a man couldn't stand her style (sao).

He bought this woman from a Moroccan trafficker - a few years ago, there were Moroccan traffickers who started their business in the Ming Dynasty. Of course, it was limited to the colonies. A woman with such a variety of charms only cost more than a hundred people.

It’s only a dollar. Speaking of not being cheap, I can’t stand the style and style! The natives are cheap and don’t need money, but apart from the Japanese, they are only white-skinned prisoners of war from the plantations.

He said quite proudly.

"First, let me take a bath, sir. This journey has exhausted me to death."

"Sir, are you tired from taking the train?"

"I'm tired. How can I not be tired? You don't know that in the garden, I even went to work myself! If it wasn't for making money, who would have suffered that..."

When he said these words, Chen Erqiang did not feel any discomfort in his heart. In fact, when he first came here seven years ago, he was an ordinary laborer. Six years ago, he learned the technology and bought a piece of land with a bank loan.

The land was rented from the government and hundreds of native laborers were hired to open up the plantation.

In just two or three years, he became the legendary "rich man from the soil", and naturally he no longer worked in the garden. After all, there were local laborers in the garden. It only cost a few cents to take care of food, food and housing.

Why don’t you use cheap labor?

However, some things still have to be done by oneself. Just like the rubber tree he went to learn to plant this time, he stayed there for more than a month, which made him tired.

But fortunately, I finally learned how to plant rubber trees and tap rubber. I will plant another rubber tree in the garden and wait for ten or eight years. I can just count my money by guarding the rubber trees.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the bathroom. As soon as they entered, a maid came to help them wash and change clothes. Seeing the woman taking off her dress without concealment and stepping into the bathtub, Chen Erqiang also followed. In this bathroom

There was no need to hide anything. When the two of them were enjoying the mandarin duck bath, the native maid was standing next to her. When the woman dived into the water, looking at the hair floating on the water around her waist, Chen Erqiang couldn't help but

He closed his eyes, and while enjoying the woman's service, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"If this day passes, I would never have dreamed of it..."

This chapter has been completed!
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