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Chapter 667: Rangers Attack

A country cannot live without a king for a day, but Japan's emperor's position has been vacant for a full month and a half.

Finally, on March 17, 1874, Prince Wamiya Oyauchi succeeded to the throne of the Emperor and changed the name to "Xinghua". This sister of Emperor Komei, aunt of Emperor Meiji, wife of the former Tokugawa Shogun, and now a widow, finally became

The Emperor of Japan.

After succeeding to the throne, Wagongiya issued an edict in the name of Emperor Kōka, requiring the former lords who left Tokyo to return to Tokyo immediately. At the same time, he issued an edict requiring Saigo to disband the army and restore the old court assembly system in response to the requests of the gentry.

Naturally, her request was rejected. Of course, in order to comfort the gentry, she said that the court would seriously consider some of their suggestions, especially the livelihood issues of the lower gentry.

In the face of the emperor's will, although many nobles welcomed it, the vast majority of the nobles still did not believe in the emperor. After all, Emperor Meiji had almost destroyed his little credibility, and for thousands of years, the samurai family itself had been a daimyo.

, serve the general. After they violated tradition a few years ago and decided to serve the emperor, what happened?

It was the emperor and the court who betrayed them! Since they had already betrayed them once, they would definitely betray them again in the future. Therefore, the vast majority of the nobles did not believe the emperor's so-called promise at all.

Who knows whether the court will betray them again in the future? So compared to this court that betrays integrity, they are more willing to trust their former lord.

At least for hundreds of years, lords have never betrayed their samurai, and samurai have never betrayed their lord.

At about the same time, Tokugawa Shigenagi raised the banner of rebellion in Wakayama County to "repulse the barbarians and eradicate the traitors." It must be said that things are unpredictable. Less than ten years ago, the banner of the overthrow faction was "respect the king and expel the barbarians." But now the Tokugawa family and

What the Left Curtain Faction is trying to do is "fight the barbarians, eliminate traitors, and restore the royal way." What barbarians are they fighting? I don't know if they are barbarians, but they must be the reform ministers. As for restoring the royal way, of course they are restoring the old gentry.

status, compared to the emperor's promise, it is more convincing to fight directly and regain the lost rights.

The flames of the Japanese Civil War burned from Kyushu to Honshu. The brave samurai, filled with anger against the reform government, repelled the government troops, who were mainly farmers, time and time again.

After all, killing someone's wealth is like killing their parents!

Facing these noble rebels who want to avenge the "revenge of killing their father", the government army is no match for them, and more importantly... someone is trying to make a fuss. There are arms dealers providing weapons to the rebels. Don't ask, arms dealers

Must be from Ryukyu.

Uh, no, it comes from the Qing Dynasty.

The Qing Dynasty was also changing its equipment. At this time, the Qing Dynasty, as the Kingdom of Heaven changed its equipment to the Type 71 rifle with excellent performance, the seven-ring Spencer fast rifle that once carried the mainstay was quickly eliminated, and some "unscrupulous profiteers"

Colluded with Qing officials to sell a large number of second-hand seven-shot Spencer rifles to Japan and to anti-government rebels.

1874 was an ominous year for Japan. From Kyushu to Honshu, wars were raging, dragging this country that had just wanted to "seek knowledge from the world" into the clouds of civil war.

While the civil war enveloped Japan, in the ports of Nagasaki, Hiroshima and other places, many Japanese female workers still left Japan by ship every day. Even during the raging war, more women left Japan.

This is a good thing for the Ming Dynasty. After all, the Ming Dynasty needs these women. The only thing that is shocking is that the labor exported by Japan has dropped sharply. After all, the outbreak of the war, especially the return of the feudal lords, has made the unemployed nobles return to their positions.

After finding a job, the wanderers naturally do not need to go overseas.

Generally speaking, this is the impact of this war on the world, that is, it affected the supply of Japanese labor in the Ming Dynasty, but the number of female workers increased rapidly. Perhaps this was a blessing in disguise.

The civil war that occurred in Japan will not have much impact on the world. After all, Japan in this era is simply not worth mentioning to the world.

In September, when the Japanese civil war became more and more intense, an iron-hulled steam ship sailed into Takayumon. After entering Takayumon, it reached Kaishu.

Standing on the top deck of the "Chengfeng", Zhang Wenjie looked at Yingyou Mountain in the distance. Yingyou Mountain in the sea was desolate. Then he picked up a cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and said to himself


"Hope everything goes well!"

As a police officer, Zhang Wenjie never thought that one day he would return to Tangshan. Even his hometown is in Shandong, north of Haizhou. If he wanted to, he could even go back to his hometown to see what he wanted to see. But what would he see?

There aren't many people in my hometown anymore, so the most they can do is go back and burn paper.

However, this time he came to Tangshan not to show off after returning home in fine clothes, but to arrest some opium merchants who were exporting opium to the Ming Dynasty.

Selling opium in the Ming Dynasty required beheading, but in Tangshan it was a "legal business", and they came here this time to arrest several "legal businessmen" to the Ming Dynasty and accept the legal sanctions of the Ming Dynasty.

A few months ago, the National Police Headquarters established the "Anti-Narcotics Task Force". Under the authorization of the Ministry of Justice, they have the power to arrest criminal suspects who export drugs to Ming Dynasty in any country or colony in the world.

The members of the Rangers are elites selected from police stations across the country, and Zhang Wenjie is among them. This time they came to Tangshan for this reason.

"We are about to arrive in Tangshan. After completing the mission, if you need to go back to your hometown for a visit, I can give you a month's leave."

Li Chengliang looked at the team members and smiled.

"But you need to pay for your travel expenses home!"

In response, everyone naturally burst into laughter, and the empty deck was filled with their laughter.

As in the past, the "Chengfeng" immigration ship was empty, with less than two hundred passengers. Although nearly a million people leave Tangshan every year, only a handful of them return to Tangshan.

After all, not everyone can afford the travel expenses, and many of them never return to this land until their death.


No one knows when this title became fashionable, but compared to "Qing" or "China", people in the Ming Dynasty preferred to use "Tangshan" to call this ancestral land. After all, to a certain extent, the Ming Dynasty was

They do not recognize the Qing Dynasty.

Amidst the sound of the whistle, the ship sailed into Haizhou Port. Because the tonnage of the "Chengfeng" was too large, tens of thousands of tons, Zhang Wenjie and his party could only disembark by taking a transfer barge.

Different from the Ming Dynasty, as passengers, they did not need to go through customs inspection, nor did they need to submit proof such as visas. Even the pistols in their suitcases were legally carried, according to the promulgation of the Qing Dynasty.

According to the law, foreigners can bring two pistols into the country, and they can double it if they go deep into the mainland. Of course, no one pays attention to the laws of the Qing Dynasty. They can bring as many long and short guns as they want in the box.

Although they do not need to go through customs inspection, they still need to go through the customs channel when disembarking from the dock.

"Are you coming from Nanhua?"

The customs officer wearing a suit but with pigtails looked at these Nanhua people. According to unwritten rules, "Da Ming" is not allowed to be called "Da Ming" under any circumstances, but "Nan Hua". It seems that for the Qing Dynasty, people

He said that as long as they don't say "Da Ming", "Da Ming" will not exist.

"Yes, we are from Daming."

Zhang Wenjie's answer made the customs officer look at him thoughtfully, and then he passed the customs silently.

When they walked out of the pier, several carriages were waiting for them there early. A young man holding a playing card saw "Shengji Company" Li Chengliang written on the playing card and walked over.

"Hello, I am Sheng Ji Li Chengliang."

The young man put away the sign and said.

"Welcome to Haizhou... Westerners call this place a paradise for adventurers!"

This chapter has been completed!
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