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Chapter 682 Happy new life with a girl

Japan, in fact, the British thought too much. The Ming Dynasty had no intention of carving up Japan with Russia. It was obvious that it could eat alone, so why should it be divided?

This is to underestimate the ambition of Ming Dynasty...!

Emperor Zhu Da wanted to turn the Pacific into the Great Ocean. Of course, that was ten, twenty, or even thirty years ago.

In fact, the people of the Ming Dynasty had deep feelings for Japan.

Even in Daming, many people can speak a few words of Japanese, and the number of Daming people who can speak Japanese is certainly no less than those who can speak Spanish. Of course, Japanese is definitely not an official language in Daming.

The Ming Dynasty had only one official language, and that was Chinese.

But because there are nearly three million Hispanics and mixed-race people in the Ming Dynasty, Spanish is of course also a common language. However, Spanish will definitely disappear from the Ming Dynasty in the end. Of course, words like "Feed the big" and "Enough"

Vocabulary like this will definitely be integrated into the Ming Dynasty, just like in recent years, many Ming people have given their daughters names like Li Mary, Liang Noni, and Song Anna, because their mothers are Hispanic or mixed-race.

The popularity of Japanese in the Ming Dynasty is because there are more than 500,000 Japanese women living in the Ming Dynasty, so Japanese is inevitably spread in the Ming Dynasty. Of course, Japanese is only used within a limited scope. After all, for those Japanese women, it is

Speaking fluent Chinese can help them maintain a sense of superiority in front of their fellow villagers.

"Only country people can speak Japanese."

This habit was formed after the arrival of the first batch of Japanese women. In order to distinguish themselves from the later generations, a chain of contempt has long been formed among Japanese women. Those who married Akito looked down upon those who were not married.

Those who are not fluent in Chinese are not looked down upon by those who marry, and those who are not fluent in Chinese are looked down upon by those who use Japanese.

However, although the women took the initiative to erase the traces of Japanese in the Ming Dynasty.

But as the saying goes, the passing geese leave traces, and the passing wind leaves behind sounds. Some things are instinctive, similar to words such as "Yasasi", "Yazhudie", "Kaimaji", "Shabisi", etc.

It has been more or less preserved, and it also has some special meanings.

After all, even KGB spies revealed their identity by speaking Russian in bed. When a young couple lives their lives together and reveals their true feelings, of course they can speak some Japanese. It is inevitable that there are some merits in it. Who knows about this?


Of course, half a million men and women came across the ocean, and what they brought to the Ming Dynasty was not an increase in bedside vocabulary, but the opportunity to thrive in the New World.

In the early morning, the sun shines into the dormitory through the curtains behind the glass. The girls in the dormitory are still asleep. Meihui, who is sleeping on the upper bunk, opens her eyes wide and looks at the white roof. She hears the breathing of her roommates.


"Maybe, after today, I won't have to live in a dormitory anymore, I will have my own home..."

When she thought of this, her little face turned red with embarrassment.

Today is the day of her blind date. If successful, she will be able to marry someone from the Ming Dynasty. Then, her name will bear his surname and she will have children for him. And what about her? Of course, she will be a real person from the Ming Dynasty.


Like many female workers in the factory, Meihui is also a Kazuo from Japan. She was born in Makino Higashi Taigami Village, Kamahara County, Echigo Province. She was sold by her mother to the "foreman" when she was ten years old. Five years ago, she and many of her sisters

Together they took a boat across the ocean and arrived in Daming, where they became contracted workers in a factory. The monthly salary was 4 yuan, of which two yuan went to the "supervisor" - according to the contract, half of the salary for the first three years went to the "supervisor".

It is used to deduct the shipping fee and miscellaneous expenses. The so-called "miscellaneous expenses" are the expenses incurred by the "employee" when buying her.

There were no slaves in the Ming Dynasty, and of course there was no human trafficking. All Japanese women came to the Ming Dynasty as "contracted female workers." Two years ago, Meihui was finally "free."

Now she can earn 8 yuan a month. If you include overtime pay, you can earn 12 or 3 yuan a month. This money is all hers. Now she even has 300 yuan saved in the bank. This money belongs to her.

A dowry prepared for myself.

While she was thinking about this in her mind, the sky outside the window became brighter and brighter. When the female workers were laughing and talking in the corridor of the dormitory, Meihui hurriedly got up as if she had thought of something, and then went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Today was the day of the blind date, so of course she had to dress up carefully. Even for today's blind date, she not only spent money to buy a new dress. She even bought some cosmetics and learned how to put on makeup.

The reason why she attaches so much importance to it is because it is related to her lifelong happiness.

For all contracted female workers, what is their biggest dream? Of course, it is to marry a Ming Dynasty man before the contract expires.

Only by marrying people from the Ming Dynasty can they continue to live in the Ming Dynasty. Otherwise, once the contract expires, they will most likely have to return to their country.

Return to Japan?

Just like everyone else, Meihui would have a kind of fear from the bottom of her heart when she thought of returning to a land where people were so poor that they didn't even have enough to eat.

What can I do when I return to Japan?

Marry a man, then have children, and then sell the children to make a living?

So she must stay in Daming no matter what. Only by staying here can she continue to live a happy life.

And if she wants to stay here, she needs a Ming man willing to marry her.

On the way to the Palace of Happiness in the city by train, the well-dressed Meihui would take out the dressing mirror to look at her face from time to time. Sometimes she would also look at the shadow on the car window to see if the skirt she had just bought was worn.

She wrinkled up in her seat, and she seemed a little nervous along the way, fearing that she was not attractive enough.

When she arrived at the Palace of Happiness, the Palace of Happiness, where weddings were usually held, was a place for young men and women to meet on weekends. With some nervousness, she entered the Palace of Happiness. She knew that whether she could be happy or not depended on today.


"Miss, please register."

"Okay, my name is Meihui, here is my labor certificate, and here is my Chinese language proficiency test score card."

Although the blind dates in the Palace of Happiness are specially prepared for Japanese and Nanyang girls, they are not available casually. One of the mandatory requirements is that they must pass the Chinese proficiency test, and their scores must reach at least D level.

Of course, if they could get to know Ming men outside of blind dates, they wouldn't need to go to such trouble. But for most contracted female workers, they have no chance to contact men outside, so blind dates become the only option.

The reason why they are required to pass the Chinese language proficiency test is actually to prevent these people from speaking their hometown language in the factory, so that they can take the initiative to learn Chinese as much as possible.

Of course, this is a bit unfounded. After all, no matter where the contracted female workers come from, they will take the initiative to learn Chinese, because being able to speak fluent Chinese is a symbol of identity and status. Only those rural people who have just arrived can speak Japanese.

"It's actually Class A."

The clerk in charge of registration specifically raised his head and glanced at the petite and exquisite girl in front of him.

"No wonder you don't have any accent when speaking Chinese. If you do this, you will definitely find your right husband."

"Thank you."

With a smile on her face, Meihui quickly bowed and thanked her, carefully put her labor certificate and transcript in her wallet, and pinned a number plate on the shoulder of her skirt. Meihui walked into the Palace of Happiness. Amidst the sound of music, she stood in the hall.

There were many men and women, and like many girls, Meihui seemed a little nervous. She stood there a little at a loss, waiting.

What are you waiting for?

Of course he is the man waiting for her.

Who is the one?

A somewhat nervous Meihui looked at the man in the hall. He seemed good. Although he looked older, probably in his thirties, he certainly wouldn't dislike himself for being too thin.

Hey, I actually have quite a bit of flesh. It’s just that this dress doesn’t seem to be able to show it off.

What about that one?

He looks so handsome, he must look down on me. Sure enough, he went to find another woman.

Standing at the edge of the hall, Meihui looked at the men in the hall nervously and expectantly. Seeing the men and women chatting in pairs, she felt a little jealous in her heart. Why didn't anyone choose her?

Is it because of my size?

As for girls, there are only a few tall ones, like the one over there who is shorter than me.

Meihui was worried that when a man looked down on her, a man walked up to her. Was he looking at me?

Meihui, who was blushing, suppressed the nervousness in her heart and raised her head to meet the man's gaze. When she realized that he was indeed looking at her, she said nervously for fear of missing the opportunity.

"Sir, my name is Meihui. I am a female worker at Zhenghua Cotton Factory. I can earn 12 yuan a month now. I have my own dowry. As long as you marry me, I will definitely take good care of your husband and give birth to you."

Lots of kids!”

After saying these words in rapid succession, Meihui even wanted to die.

Oh my God, what am I talking about?

Oh my god, he's going to laugh at me. What kind of woman would say something like that as soon as we meet?

I must be crazy about getting married.

Just when Meihui was so ashamed that her neck turned red, the man looked at her and said.

"Okay, let's get married tomorrow. My name is Wu Degui, and I work at Xinhe Farm."

This chapter has been completed!
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