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Chapter 686 Japan's Unpredictable Disaster

What is an unforeseen disaster?

For the Japanese, the series of drastic changes in the international situation caused by the "Four-Nation Alliance" in 1874 was the greatest unthinkable disaster.

Originally, in East Asia, with the huge Qing Dynasty as a comparison, it was difficult for European countries to notice the existence of Japan. After all, Japan's resources were limited, its market was narrow, and its people were poor.

Apart from Japanese women, there are no other specialties. Such a country can be said to be a tragedy. Besides playing the state of the womb in East Asia, what other role can it play?

Except for the Ming Dynasty who was eyeing his wife, the other imperialist powers... simply looked down on this poor guy!

But when Japan fell into civil war, they never dreamed that due to the changes in the international situation, Japan would actually attract the attention of the British, and this attention would actually want to dismember and divide Japan.

Of course, the Japanese... don't know about this at all, and of course it's impossible to know.

December 1874 was the first year of Japan's Xinghua year. This year was definitely not a good year for Japan. The death of Emperor Meiji at the beginning of the year not only led to the outbreak of an abnormal civil war, but also plunged Japan back into a certain kind of civil war.

In the midst of division.

Those feudal lords who lost power during the reform and the samurai who were laid off by the reform government reunited. Especially in Kyushu, after the government army was defeated by Saigo Takamori's rebels, the feudal lords directly launched a "restoration"

The anti-flag of "the old system".

What is the old system? Of course, it is the old system in which each vassal has its own affairs. Without the shogun, the lords of each vassal are of course the real emperors. As for the emperor...since he no longer respects the king and resists the foreigners, the emperor is just


In the face of local daimyo's various actions, local divisions, and even feudal lords taking advantage of the opportunity to expand, although the reform government headed by Iwakura Tomomi tried to suppress the rebellion, the official and military forces were exhausted due to the four rebellions.

Japan is also in an unprecedented state of turmoil. No one knows what path Japan will take in the future.


Facing the situation in front of him, Yin Teng Bowen sighed helplessly.

"What the hell, how did the country become like this?"

War is raging, civil wars are raging, and local heroes are divided. When he just returned from an inspection trip to various European countries a year ago, he was still eager to try to make Japan prosperous and powerful through the implementation of reform reforms.

But who would have thought that in just a few days, everything would change. The emperor died of a sudden illness, the nobles rebelled, and now the local heroes are divided. Such changes are too fast.

What was the only thing that gave him some comfort?

Even Emperor Xinghua did not betray the reform and dismantle the reform government as they imagined. In fact, they themselves knew very well that if it weren't for the fact that in the past few years, they used the name of the emperor to suppress the gentry, they had lost the gentry.

Trust in the emperor is almost zero.

I am afraid that the emperor has already launched a "coup" and brought down the reform government.

The reason why the emperor is not taking action against the reform government now is because the laid-off nobles have returned to the old feudal lords. Even if the emperor abolishes the reform government, it will be difficult to win the trust of those nobles. After all, they have already suffered a betrayal.

Faced with this situation, Yin Teng Bowen felt very melancholy.

He is not the only one who is feeling melancholy. After all, the entire reform government is in a state of turmoil.

"If it doesn't work, just borrow troops."

Once again, Yin Teng's post reminded me of the advice Okubo Toshimichi mentioned many times in the past year.

Borrow troops from Ming Dynasty!

Not only was the Ming Dynasty's navy stationed in Ryukyu, but there was also an elite army. As long as the Ming Dynasty agreed, their troops could enter Japan at any time to help Japan put down the rebellion.

By then the world will be at peace.

But it’s easier to invite gods than to send them away. What if this leads to a wolf entering the house?

It is precisely because of various concerns that it is difficult for them to make the final decision. After all, if they are not careful, borrowing troops may very well turn into "Tomorrow's Union".

The reform and reform laws have changed the country and the country has disappeared... This kind of thing is really hard for people to accept.

Just when Yin Teng Bowen was hesitating whether to borrow troops from the Ming Dynasty, the phone on his desk rang.

"Hey, Sir...what? How is this possible! I'll be there right away."

Dozens of minutes later, Into Hirobumi arrived at Iwakura Tomomi's official residence. When he entered the room, Okubo Toshimichi, Kido Takayoshi, and Yamaguchi Naakata had all arrived.

"What is going on? What do the British want to do? Why do they send a fleet to Osaka, which is a place controlled by Tokugawa Shigenaki? What do the British want to do?"

As early as the beginning of the year, shortly after the emperor's death, the former Kishu Domain lord Tokugawa Shigenobu and his feudal lords, who had secretly fled back to Wakayama County, had regained control of the Kishu Domain. They had joined forces with the nearby left-baku faction to control most of the area south of Kyoto.

As the former Kishu Domain, one of the top three feudal lords of the Tokugawa family, Tokugawa now has a vague posture of being the co-lord of all the feudal clans in the left curtain. It is also Tokyo's biggest confidant problem besides Saigo.

Now, a British warship suddenly visited Osaka, which was under the control of Tokugawa Shigenaki. How could it not arouse their vigilance?

"Now, the most worrying thing has happened!"

Looking at Yin Teng Hirobumi who had just entered the house, Okubo Toshimichi said.

"I have long said that all this is inevitable. Now the British have indeed intervened. The British have sent their warships to Osaka. So what happens next? There will be Japanese and French people, and they will not let go.

Such a great opportunity.”

In front of everyone, Okubo Toshimichi once again brought up his theory of "the great powers dividing Japan." In the past year, he has been adhering to this view, but at that time not many people agreed with his view.

But no one doubts it now.

"The intervention of the British now is just the first step. They will first express their support to Tokugawa Shigenaki, and then what? The British will turn Japan into India. The lords of each vassal are the feudal lords of India.

By then Japan will no longer exist."

Okubo Toshimichi's words caused everyone to fall into silence. They had all witnessed what India was like under the British colonial rule. Of course, they also knew how the British annexed India step by step, and finally

India became their colony.

"Yes, the British will provide weapons and even warships to the Tokugawa and other feudal lords, and then lend their hands to control the entire Japan. By that time, Japan can truly become India."

It has to be said that Japanese people living in earthquake zones have a kind of persecution delusion deep in their hearts. They are always subconsciously aware of the existence of danger. They may even amplify that danger.

When Japan's national gate was blasted open by the Perry fleet, Japan took a completely different path due to the sense of crisis.

On their way to visit various countries, after witnessing the carving up of the world by Western countries, their sense of crisis was further strengthened. They were horrified to discover that if Japan does not work hard to become stronger, yes, it is very likely to become like India.

Trapped under Western colonial rule.

It is this kind of fear that makes them full of distrust of European and American countries. This is also the reason why they are so sensitive to the sudden visit of British warships.

In the final analysis, it is still the uneasiness caused by crisis awareness!

"Now it's time to make a decision."

Looking at them, Okubo Toshimichi said in a serious tone again.

"Should we invite the Ming Dynasty to send troops to quell the rebellion?"

Facing Okubo Toshimichi's inquiry, Yin TengBowen said.

"But, as for Daming...it might also be to lure the wolf into the house."

This chapter has been completed!
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