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Chapter 693 Hiroshima's Great Ming Iron Boots

"Here we come, the Ming people are here!"

Along with the exciting military music, the people of Hiroshima saw. They saw a blue square array, the square color was as deep as the ocean.

A scream rang out from the people who were crowding on both sides of the street to watch. The atmosphere of the street, which was originally as noisy as a vegetable market, was suffocated. The citizens of Hiroshima stood on tiptoes and looked towards the intersection.

The street suddenly became quiet, and only then did people hear the faint sound of military music coming from a distance.

The "Naval March" of the Ming Empire echoed over the streets. Due to the distance, the citizens crowded on both sides of the streets could not hear it clearly. In order to hear it clearly, the citizens of Hiroshima could not help but hold their breath.

Amidst the exciting military music, they heard a rhythmic roar, which seemed like the sound of the earth being struck. It seemed to be mixed with some other sounds, but they sounded like thunder.

And soul-stirring.

Finally, they saw the marines from foreign countries lined up in neat formation, stepping onto the stone ground on the main street of Hiroshima.

This is a navy team of more than 100 people. Although the scale is small, their resolute eyes are staring straight ahead. No one looks to both sides. The queue is neat and uniform. This solemn momentum brings a strong feeling to everyone.

sense of oppression.

"Winter, winter, winter..."

The sound of the sailors' hard-soled cowhide iron boots on the paving stones was like thunder, one sound drowning out the other, and pouring into people's ears like a wave.

At this moment, the iron boots of the Ming Dynasty clapped on this land. Of course, they did not enter by force, but set foot on this land at the invitation of the Japanese themselves.

The sound of neat iron boots spread on the street and echoed in the sky above the street. Thousands of pairs of hard-soled leather boots only made a thunderous sound when they stepped on the ground. The officer leading the team marched in front of the army with a command knife in his hand, and behind him

It is the flag bearer holding the military flag high, and the blue-edged Suzaku military flag of the Ming Navy is flapping in the wind.

Although the scale of this naval force is not large, such a scene can't help but remind people of the Ming Dynasty Army that killed famous Warring States generals in Korea.

In the past, this Ming army only existed in history books and in the exaggerated words of storytellers. In their descriptions, the elite Toyotomi army of the Warring States Period was vulnerable to the Ming army. Those

The brave and famous general of the Warring States Period was defeated like a child.

What does the Ming Army look like?

No one knows, but they did defeat Toyotomi's elite warriors.

But now, the Ming army that appeared in front of them was as solemn and majestic as the legend, and the citizens of Hiroshima couldn't help but marvel at it.

"What a group of tall and mighty warriors!"

"No wonder Western ghosts and beasts were defeated by them!"

"Oh, this is the real Chinese Army!"

The Japanese people crowded on the roadside were talking to each other. Their eyes were complicated, and their expressions were also complicated.

Although after the fall of the Ming Dynasty, the Japanese developed a sense of psychological superiority in the face of China being ruled by foreigners, the Japanese in this era were still full of awe of China. After all, for thousands of years, Chinese civilization has been deeply rooted in

It has a profound impact on this land.

Perhaps after the Qing Dynasty occupied China, "Tang" became the "Chinese-Yi perversion" of the Yi and Di, which made the Japanese full of superiority towards the Qing Dynasty. But facing the Ming Dynasty... they didn't even have the slightest sense of superiority in their hearts.

In awe!

After all, this Daming... is very good at fighting!

It is the nature of Japanese people to worship the strong.

However, not everyone looked at the navy from the Great Ming Dynasty with awe.

When the nobles and ronin on the roadside listened to the "kaka" sound of iron boots and looked at the Marine Corps with loaded guns and ammunition crossing the streets of Hiroshima, their eyes were not envious, but angry.

It's dissatisfaction, even hostility.

Why did Ming Dynasty support the reform government!

Don’t they know that the reform government is just a bunch of Muyang dogs? Why should they support those people?

Zuo Teng Jin'er held his hands in his arms, his eyes filled with anger. This anger was not just because of Ming's support for the reform government. It was more because he saw Ming's iron boots on the land of Japan.

The dissatisfaction and hostility that comes from the heart when stepping on the pedal.

How can foreign troops walk on Japanese soil? The reform government is really a group of traitors. Only those traitors would make the decision to let foreign troops enter Japanese cities!

The "kaka" sound of the iron boots hit his heart again and again, which shocked him and many other nobles like him.

"Is this the reinforcements invited by the reform government?"

Not only Zuo Teng Shinji thinks so, but most of the others think the same way. Their self-esteem is damaged, their eyes are angry and their hearts are heavy.

The anger is because the reform government betrayed the country for glory, and why is the heart heavy?

Of course it's because the "Ming Army" is so powerful!

And what is the most ironic thing?

It was the Japanese Navy Military Band behind the Marine Corps. The military band behind the Ming Dynasty Marine Corps looked ridiculous like monkeys. They were holding huge brass horns and military drums, and the clothes they were wearing were hardly fitting.

Not to mention the mighty military uniforms, the short Southern Barbarian military uniforms they wore looked as ridiculous as children wearing adult clothes.

One side is tall and majestic; the other side is funny.

Such a sharp contrast deeply hurt the little self-esteem of Zuo Teng and others, and more Japanese people felt a sense of awe from deep in their hearts.

Not just because of these tall and mighty Marines, but also because of the Ming warships anchored in Hiroshima Port.

The twelve-inch naval gun and the black muzzle of the battleship "Nanhua" are enough to make anyone awe and surrender to it.

In fact, the Japanese have always been upright. They will always be full of awe of the strong. When facing the strong, they will always take the initiative to become humble.

If the "Nanhua Battleship" of the Ming Dynasty Navy gave the Japanese a mechanical impact, then this small naval force at this time gave the Japanese a more direct spiritual impact.


This kind of mental shock was an unprecedented mental shock to the Japanese when the Perry fleet "visited" more than 20 years ago and the American navy appeared on the streets of Edo. It was that shock that changed the entire Japan.

But now on both sides of the streets of Hiroshima, the Japanese standing crowded together looked at this familiar and unfamiliar army with complicated eyes.

This is the Ming Dynasty’s army!

People are desperately adjusting their inner concepts and mentality to adapt to the impact and stimulation brought to their hearts by these Ming soldiers in front of them.

On this day in Hiroshima, the sound of Ming Dynasty's iron boots echoed and spread in the sky above Hiroshima, beating in the hearts of people in Hiroshima.

The sound of "kaka" iron boots, accompanied by exciting military music, showed off in Hiroshima, showing off the power of the dragon...

This chapter has been completed!
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