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Chapter 69 Light of Industry

Machines are easy to obtain, but workers are difficult to train.

Although when she first arrived in Nanhua, among the supplies Elizabeth purchased, there were more than a dozen general-purpose machine tools used to repair farm tools. The two technicians who accompanied her also trained workers, and Zhu Xianhai also specially selected more than a hundred people to learn from them.

Operate machine tools, but right now they are just apprentices.

Of course, it was this group of apprentice workers who produced the first batch of grenades and the first batch of grenades in Nanhua.

But it is still a bit too early to let them operate the machines and produce the machines.

"It's okay, let them practice and produce at the same time!"

There were some things that couldn't be done in a hurry, so Zhu Xianhai even came up with a drawing.

"Let's produce this first."

"This is?"

William Hansen wondered.

"Ploughshare? Why does it have two plowshares?"

"This is a two-wheeled and double-shared plow. From now on, we will use this to cultivate land here."

Zhu Xianhai said.

"This double-share plow is completely different from the old plowshare in shape and structure. It is an iron frame with a lever across the middle and a wheel on each side. Two plowshares are installed at the rear and lower part of the iron frame.

It just forms a triangular support with the pair of wheels in front. There is a traction hook at the front of the plow, and a control armrest or handle at the back, plus a gear to control the depth of plowing..."

The two-wheeled and double-shared plow was the first "advanced agricultural tool" promoted by New China in the other world, but its promotion ended in failure. Although this double-shared plow imported from Soviet Russia had high working efficiency, it was

Its entire body is an iron frame structure, so its weight far exceeds that of two traditional plows, which increases the power required. Because of the large number of livestock used, the length of the plow itself, and the area it occupies

It is much larger than traditional plows. Therefore, the edges of the land after plowing are also extremely large. In short, it is not light, flexible, efficient, and has little superiority, which determines its future.

It is bound to be regarded as a useless piece of fruit. But the reason is that it is still "acclimatized" and requires a large number of livestock. This is because China lacks agricultural heavy draft horses. The draft power of local horses or cattle is small. As for the turning fields,

The angle is large because the land is small and there are many turns.

But these are not problems in Nanhua - there is not much here in Nanhua, but there is a lot of land. As for the heavy draft horses used in agriculture, will there be a shortage of horses with Argentina here?

If they don't sell it, they just let the Mapuche people rob it.

Of course, this is not the reason why Zhu Xianhai chose it. The reason why he chose the two-wheeled and double-shared plow is because it is easy to use. Its structure is simple and its manufacturing tolerance is as large as a few millimeters. It has both castings and machined parts.

, such a large manufacturing tolerance can be called a "hand-training tool" for apprentices. The key is that the large tolerance does not affect the use! In the 1950s, countless county-level agricultural machinery factories improved their performance by manufacturing it.

The technical level of workers has opened the door to local industrialization. Now Zhu Xianhai's plan is to train skilled workers by manufacturing it, and let the workers practice their skills first.

Sometimes, industrial development is like this. If you look through local chronicles, you can notice that many factories started as repair shops and eventually grew into large industrial enterprises through a little accumulation of technology.

take it easy!

The seemingly inconspicuous light of industry breeds the hope of industrialization.

As for the workers in the factory, they certainly don’t know what this seemingly small factory means. For ordinary workers like Wu Liu, all he sees is... six oceans a month.


This is six dollars a month with food and accommodation included.

And if you become a skilled worker in the future, you can earn more...

"An eighth-level worker can earn twenty dollars a month."

Once again, Wu Liu calculated the wages of the workers in the factory. No matter how he calculated it, it was more cost-effective than farming. The "farm workers" who opened up wasteland and farmed the land only earned 4 pesos a month, which was four oceans.

That's all.

In fact, when formulating the wages of Chinese workers, Zhu Xianhai referred to the wage levels in Buenos Aires and also learned from the "eight-level wage system" of later generations. Of course, this wage system is not a big pot, but a compliance with

The more you work, the more you get, the less you work, the less you get, and the principle of distribution according to work. The eight-level wage system ranges from level one to level eight. It has clear and different systems in terms of technical level, labor objects, labor intensity, etc.

Requirements reflect the wage difference between skilled workers and unskilled workers, and between highly skilled workers and low skilled workers.

Of course, this wage system is still being improved, but one thing that is certain is that the combination of wage levels and technical levels can promote workers' enthusiasm for learning, allowing them to take the initiative to learn, research and improve their own skills.

Of course, after becoming a skilled worker, you can also get extra income even by taking an apprenticeship. Zhu Xianhai, who has worked as a migrant worker, knows very well what should be given to migrant workers in order to promote their enthusiasm. Moreover, for him, these Chinese workers

That's his essence. If you squeeze them to the extreme, wouldn't that be a waste of martial arts?

"If you calculate it like this, what kind of land do you need? As long as you work in the factory for ten or twenty years, you will have nothing to worry about in your life..."

Thinking about it in his mind, Wu Liu once again put his thoughts on the lathe. Although he is not yet proficient in turning and milling parts, at least there are not so many scraps compared to the beginning.

Reducing the scrap rate means an increase in income, which is also a motivation.

Amidst the roar of the machine, parts of the double-wheel plow with a metallic luster were produced one by one. After being assembled into finished products, these double-wheel plows would be sent to the reclamation areas in northern South China, where there are still several

Thousands of people are waiting for farm tools.

Although it is self-produced and sold, as the wheat and cotton grown in the reclamation area are harvested, the initial cost can be recovered. With the increase in the number of new agricultural tools, the area of ​​​​the reclamation area is also constantly expanding. Of course, there is a demand for plowing horses.

It is also increasing.

"200 sets of double-wheeled and double-shared plows have been delivered, and the reclamation area needs to purchase 500 more horses..."

Looking at the report on the reclamation area, Zhu Xianhai thought for a while and said to Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth, there are not enough horses in the reclamation area. Let's ask Bailey to buy another 1,000 horses and send them here."

"1,000 horses?"

Elizabeth was stunned.

"Is it too much? We have bought more than a thousand horses there recently. If we buy more, will it not only increase the price of horses, but also attract their attention?"

Elizabeth's reminder made Zhu Xianhai frown, and then he pondered.

"Well, this is a problem. It's not a problem to always rely on buying. If you want to solve the problem, you still have to rely on agricultural mechanization in the end..."

This chapter has been completed!
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