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Chapter 701 Daming's Pacific Island Chain

Of course it is not easy to recognize your father.

Even according to tradition, there is a price to pay for having a godfather.

What price needs to be paid?

Everyone understands this matter.

Therefore, the matter of Japan's recognition of its ancestors can only be relied on for the time being. Of course, the simplest reason for making this judgment is that the Tokyo government can still hold on for a while.

Therefore, there is no rush on this matter for the time being. Besides, Emperor Zhu Da has already made corresponding arrangements for matters on the Japanese side. Moreover, the fleet is still in Hiroshima, and the military headquarters can communicate with the fleet and Ryukyu at any time.

Get in touch - Last year, Ming Dynasty finally built the world's first radio station.

It is not the spark-type radio station invented by Marconi, but a radio station using vacuum tubes, that is, electron tubes. Its performance is extremely superior. Although no radio station capable of intercontinental communication has been built yet, the Ming Dynasty has one in the Pacific Ocean.

An island chain of its own.

This island chain starts from Ryukyu, passes through the Marshall Islands, Success Islands, Samoa Islands, Easter Island and then to the South American mainland of the Ming Dynasty. As for the central Pacific, there is an island chain composed of Midway Island and other islands.

These island chains were originally used to serve immigrants. During the long voyage, the steamships needed coaling and supply stations, and the immigrants also needed a place to stay and temporarily rest. Therefore, the Ming Dynasty took the lead in seizing many islands in the Pacific. Now those islands are both navigation

The coal filling station, the settling point for immigrants, is also a transfer station for radio stations.

This kind of relay telegram sending may seem a bit cumbersome, but it is already a great improvement compared to the past. After all, in the past, telegrams sent from the Ming Dynasty to China and other places had to be transited through Europe.

Now wireless telegraphy has changed everything. Even the "Nanhua" temporarily installed a radio station in Ryukyu at the beginning of the year. However, until now, the island chain communication system is still under testing.

Looking at the telegram about the Hiroshima incident that had just been received from the "Nanhua" in my hand, I realized that even though it would be waiting for Japan for a few days, some things still needed to be adjusted.

"It seems that the plan needs to be adjusted a little."

Emperor Zhu thought for a while, and then made a call to Qian Zizhuang of the Investigation Department. Dozens of minutes later, a telegram was sent from the wireless telegraph room of the Imperial Investigation Department. The radio signal passed through the transmitting tower on the roof of the building.

Sent, after the first transfer in Linhai, it was sent to the next stop.

Easter Island is a full three thousand kilometers away from the west coast of the Ming Dynasty. During the Age of Discovery, because it was not located on the shipping route, almost no country was interested in it. Even if someone was interested there, it was just for slave trading.

In 1862, Peruvian pirates captured more than a thousand people at once. Almost all the men on the island were killed and sold into slaves. Although under the condemnation of international public opinion, the Peruvian government had to sell the surviving men to

More than a hundred Rapa Nuyin were released, but these people were infected with smallpox on their way back to Easter Island. In the end, only 15 people returned to their hometown. And these 15 people brought smallpox to Easter Island.

All the chiefs and priests also died. There were only a few hundred residents on the island left.

In 1863, when smallpox was raging on the island, the merchant ship of the Nanhua Company entered the island. The doctors on board the ship saved many locals through vaccination. Nanhua entered the island as a savior. Naturally,

It was welcomed by people.

Since then, this island has become the land of Ming Dynasty.

Statue Port is the largest city on Easter Island. In the past 12 years, dozens of immigrant ships have docked here every year, adding coal and water to the harbor. Some infirm immigrants have disembarked from Statue Port.

They settled on the island, and their arrival prospered this seaside town.

But for anyone who is used to the bustling metropolis of Nanhua, this so-called small town is just a small village.

Standing in front of the radio signal tower and staring at this coastal town, Wang Wenxing felt a little homesick.

“I don’t know when I can go home!”

He is an employee of Nanhua Electric Company. He and his colleagues came here by boat three months ago and built a thirty-meter-high signal tower near the coastal fort.

With this signal tower, wireless television stations can send telegrams to other telegraph stations thousands of kilometers away in the mainland or in the Pacific.

"Wait a minute, the radio station still needs to be tested. We need to teach them how to use and maintain the radio station, and then we can only leave after ensuring that the equipment is stable."

Lighting a cigarette, Zhao Wei smiled and looked at the huge stone statue in the distance.

"Actually, although this place is not lively, if we didn't come here, how would we know that there are such huge stone statues in the world? And there are so many stories behind them. By the way, I learned from it yesterday

I bought some Langerange boards from the aborigines, and the writing on them looks quite beautiful. I heard that there is someone on the other side of the island who knows this kind of writing. I plan to go find that person and find out what is written on the boards.

What is written."

Although he is an engineer, Zhao Wei is very interested in the local culture during Easter. Because of this, he has been fascinated by those exquisite Lange Lange wooden boards since he first discovered them.

What he didn't know was that in another world, almost all of these Langerlange boards were burned down under the leadership of the French missionaries, with only 25 boards left privately preserved. More than twenty years later,

When Chile occupied the Easter Islands and archaeologists came here and discovered the Langerang board, the last person who could read the writing died. Since then, no one has been able to decipher the writing.

Under the rule of the Ming Dynasty, not only were these Langerange wooden boards not burned, they were even used as a kind of handicraft and sold to sailors and soldiers traveling here. Zhao Wei did not know what his personal hobby would eventually produce.


But one thing that is certain is that as the Ming Dynasty expands around the world, just like the British scholars of this era, there will be many Ming Dynasty scholars studying cultures around the world, and in archaeological discoveries, cultural relics from around the world

Brought to the Ming Dynasty, people like the Ming Dynasty can intuitively feel the achievements of civilizations in all eras around the world.

Of course, Ming Dynasty universities will also develop corresponding disciplines to study the history and culture of various parts of the world.

While they were chatting, a soldier from the telegraph room came out and shouted at them.

"Gong Wang, Gong Zhao, the signal of the radio station is not stable. I just received a telegram from Linhai. Some of the signals are not clear. The station manager asks you to come over and have a look."

The soldiers' shouts made Wang Wenxin and Zhao Wei look at each other helplessly, and then Zhao Wei smiled.

"Do you think it is? It's out of order again. If we want to go home, at least we have to wait until the signal is stable."

As a new product that has just been invented, of course there will be some problems with the reliability of the product. This is why engineers like them stay here.

"Okay, let's go over and check what the problem is."

Compared to personal hobbies, the current work is undoubtedly more important. It is precisely because the radio station is not very reliable that they stay here.

This chapter has been completed!
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