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Chapter 711: Anti-Qing Fu Tomorrow's Ground Conference

In this world, no nation understands the value of living space better than the Chinese nation. For China, which has a large population, hunger and poverty are always with them. In order to change their destiny, in order to have a full meal, in order to

In order to survive, since the late Qing Dynasty, millions of Chinese ancestors have not hesitated to sail across the sea to Southeast Asia, break into Jinshan, and go to Jinzhou.

There is no suffering in this world that Chinese people cannot bear, and there is no crime that they cannot bear. No matter how hard it is, can it be more painful and more tiring than when we were at home, where we were hungry and living in precarious conditions?

In order to survive in a foreign country, only they themselves know the grievances they suffered and the sins they endured. Whether they are poor or rich, they will always suffer a lot and suffer a lot.

Even as the leader of the Tiandi Society, Xie Richang suffered a lot in Australia. During the gold rush, he was exploited and blackmailed by white police and officials. All this seemed inevitable.

In Jinshan and Australia, the Chinese are inferior to others. They are the ones who recognize others and extort money.

"Sooner or later, I will go to Daming!"

Five years ago, after learning from a white policeman that there was a Ming Dynasty in the world, Xie Richang had always had this idea in his mind.

Unlike many people, he came to Australia not to prospect for gold, but because he could no longer stay in Guangdong. He was once the leader of the Tiandihui in Guangdong and participated in the Tiandihui uprising. After the uprising failed,

He and his family were forced to flee to Australia.

Like many Chinese who came to Australia, he also made a living by gold mining, and later switched to small business. Over the years, he has accumulated some savings. If he hadn't learned that the Ming Dynasty had actually returned to China, maybe he would have

Keep doing the business.

Of course, he himself did not believe this. After all, he had always had a dream in his heart - to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, to overthrow the rule of the Manchu emperor, to drive out the Tartars and restore China like Emperor Gao of the Ming Dynasty.

But he didn't expect that the Ming Dynasty would actually be alive again!

Even the news came from foreigners. From that day on, Xie Richang paid attention to the Ming Dynasty.

The Ming Dynasty founded South America, and destroyed two countries before the country was rejuvenated.

The Ming Dynasty made an expedition to Europe and became the most powerful country in the world.

The Ming Dynasty starts from the Arctic Ocean in the north and reaches Antarctica in the south...

Ming dynasty……

In the past five years, he had heard too much about the Ming Dynasty and was filled with too much curiosity about it. Of course, he was also filled with too much imagination.

What kind of Daming is this Ming Dynasty?

Although millions of people from all over China go to the Ming Dynasty every year, it is not easy for him in Australia to go to the Ming Dynasty because there are no direct merchant ships to the Ming Dynasty in Australia.

Until half a year ago, Xie Richang accidentally learned that merchant ships were now traveling between Daming and Australia. The various goods produced by those merchant ships from Daming or Britain, and even many of the things sold in his store, were all produced in Daming.


Although those merchant ships are not passenger ships, they certainly don't mind taking a few passengers as long as they are willing to pay the fare.

So, after several months of repeated consideration and looking at his four-year-old son, Xie Richang finally made a decision - he wanted to go to Daming.

He sold the shop and took his wife and children on the merchant ship heading to Linhai. However, the ship was owned by the British, which made him a little disappointed. After all, he had inquired before that Daming himself had

The ship goes back and forth between Daming and Australia. If it is Daming's ship, of course he can chat with the crew about Daming on the ship. But this is not a big deal. The most important thing is to get to Daming. When he gets there,

It’s not too late to learn more about the Ming Dynasty.

As the British merchant ship flying the Union Jack flag slowly sailed into the sea, the woman holding her young son looked at the port that came into view with a trace of sadness on her brows.

"Husband, is this the Ming Dynasty you are talking about?"

Why should you let go of your good life and not end up here?

Is it because this is the Ming Dynasty?

As a woman, she didn't understand those big principles at all, but she knew that the store had been a labor of love over the years, and now it was all gone.

Just for that dream of a man.

"This is the Ming Dynasty."

Xie Richang picked up Xie Zuantai, who was just four years old, and pointed at the port.

"Son, look, this is the Ming Dynasty, and this is where we Chinese people live. Do you see what that flag is?"

"Sun and Moon Flag."

Xie Zuantai looked back at his father and said.

"Dad, this seems different from what you drew."

In fact, Xie Richang also painted a sun and moon flag, but that flag was painted in his imagination based on what was said in the newspaper, so naturally it was a little different.

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"They are all the same, they are all the same. The sun and moon flags of the Ming Dynasty, and the sun and the moon illuminate them, they are all bright earth! As long as there are sun and moon, they are the sun and moon flags..."

Looking at the sun and moon flag flying on the customs building, Xie Richang only felt that his vision was a little blurry, and even the corners of his eyes were a little sore.

Is this the Ming Dynasty he longs for?

It’s the Ming Dynasty.

Finally, ten minutes later, he set foot on the land of Ming Dynasty.

However, after passing the epidemic prevention and quarantine and setting foot on the land of Ming Dynasty, he ran into trouble before he even walked out of the customs building - he didn't know where to go.

"Nationals Passage."

"Foreigners' passage."

"Immigration Channel."

The customs hall is divided into three passages, and the immigration passage has the most people.

What does it mean?

Looking at the words written on the sign, the woman holding her young son asked.

"Where shall we go?"

"Foreigners? Foreigners... we..."

After thinking about it, Xie Richang said.

"It must be an immigrant!"

After waiting in line for almost an hour, Xie Richang's family finally encountered a new problem when it was their turn - the language barrier!

Both Xie Richang and the customs officer were a little confused.

One cannot speak Mandarin and the other cannot speak Cantonese. The two of them talk like chickens and ducks.

But he was soon replaced by another young customs official who spoke fluent Cantonese.

"Welcome to Ming Dynasty, hey, you are actually from Australia?"

"Yes sir, come by cargo ship."

Qin Sihua looked at this family with some curiosity. He had never met a Chinese from Australia before.

Unlike foreigners who need to apply for a visa to enter the Ming Dynasty, Chinese people do not need a visa to enter the Ming Dynasty no matter where they come from. If it were not for Australia not agreeing to the establishment of a consulate in the Ming Dynasty, these people would probably have obtained Australian passports long ago.

"May I have your name?"

During the questioning, Qin Sihua had already taken out an "Immigration Registration Form".

"Xie Richang."

Xie Richang replied quickly.

"Native place", "age"...

After several minutes of questioning, Xie Richang received a blue registration form from the official's hand containing the information of the four members of his family.

"That'll be fine!"

With some excitement, Xie Richang took his wife and son and walked along the railing to the other side. At this time, he seemed to see a new and unprecedented life, which was already waving to him.

Here is the Ming Dynasty that he has been waiting for for a long time!

But soon, Xie Richang felt that something was wrong.

This chapter has been completed!
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