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Chapter 714: Lincoln Entering the Grand View Garden

So what is the living condition of American workers in the United States?

Not only are their working conditions extremely harsh, but their living conditions are even worse. American workers live in slums that are dark and humid, with sewage flowing across them, and mountains of horse excrement and urine piled up.

They are struggling in a harsh environment, relying on a meager income to support their families in Hukou, and there has never been any hope for them. For them, perhaps not losing their job is the greatest luxury.

But what about in Ming Dynasty? The faces of those workers were full of smiles, and their eyes were full of hope for future life.

It seems that everyone here is happy. This kind of happiness is something that American workers do not have.

On the train to Yingtian, Lincoln also thought about this issue. Born into an ordinary family, he certainly sympathized with American workers to a certain extent, but that was all.

In his opinion, it is impossible for American workers to live like the lives of workers in Ming Dynasty. It is not just because of the greed of those factory owners, but more importantly because of technology. In many technical fields, Ming Dynasty is far ahead of the United States.

If American factories left Ming Dynasty’s dyes, they would not even be able to dye brightly colored clothes. If Americans left Ming Dynasty’s medicines, many people would suffer from diseases. Even American beef cannot be separated from Ming Dynasty’s medicines.

Freezer ship - only the Ming Dynasty has this extremely advanced ship in the world that can transport fresh meat produced in the central United States to Europe.

Daming's lead is in all aspects. Looking at the citizens riding bicycles outside the car window, Lincoln felt a little disappointed, because in many places in the United States, Daming's bicycles are a luxury product, but what about here? But

It's just a means of transportation for ordinary people.

"It is really a very developed country!"

If the Ming Dynasty left any impression on Lincoln, then prosperity and civilization were the most profound impressions. On the way to Yingtian, he witnessed the most prosperous side of this country from the train. Everything was surprising.


Finally, three days later, Lincoln and his party arrived in Yingtian. Unlike in Linhai, where no one greeted them, now, when they just stepped off the train, a young official who spoke fluent English greeted them.

"Welcome, Mr. Lincoln. I am Lin Weinan from the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I will be responsible for your next trip."

Although Lincoln and his party came to Ming Dynasty in a private capacity, he said that after their arrival, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs still sent reception officials. This is not because Ming Dynasty is a country of etiquette, but because the purpose of their arrival involves some diplomatic fields.

things on.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Lin."

Then, under the guidance of Lin Weinan, Lincoln and his party walked from the special passage to the outside of the station. There were two BMW cars parked under the porch outside the station. When he saw the two black cars, John couldn't help but be surprised and said


"This must be the legendary BMW 101!"

The reason why John is so surprised is that until now, no American has owned a BMW 101 sedan. This kind of high-end sedan is extremely picky about its users. It does not mean that you can buy it if you have money. Money is just one of them.

, the most important thing is identity. Its users are only limited to royal nobles, and they also need to be high-ranking nobles.

Ordinary civilians...of course are not affected by it.

For Americans who are in the Gilded Age, they are full of yearning for everything aristocratic. But this kind of car is something they can hope for but can't get. Because of their identity... they are a group of country bumpkins.

It's really annoying to compare people to each other. Aren't those Europeans just of a nobler status? But deep down they are jealous. Of course they are even more envious.

"Yes, sir."

There was a hint of pride in Lin Weinan's tone. He knew very well what BMW meant to Americans.

It is a high-end car that only the royal family and high-ranking nobles can ride. Of course, it is not only a special vehicle for the Ming Dynasty Royal Family, but also a special vehicle for the French Royal Family, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Russian Empire. It is a special vehicle for the British Royal Family and the Royal Family of the German Federal Empire.

and other cars used by the royal families of various European countries.

On the one hand, although there are car manufacturers in Europe now producing cars, there is no way. The "BMW" of Ming Dynasty is synonymous with the royal family. If a king or queen does not own a BMW, she will be ashamed to say hello to others when she goes out. After all, she

It has long become a status symbol.

When he opened the car door and stepped into the car, although Lincoln seemed relatively calm, before getting in the car, he still packed his clothes more deliberately but discreetly, as if only in this way could he be filled with a sense of ritual.

The moment he got into the car, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

What does this feel like?

Perhaps Lincoln would deliberately ignore this feeling, but John felt very honored, even a little proud.

After all, this is only for the royal family.

Along the way, although they did not show the same surprise as when Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, some expressions could not be concealed. Soon, the car took them all the way to the Peace Hotel.

The Peace Hotel is the most upscale hotel in Yingtian. To a certain extent, it is also the guest house of the Ming Dynasty. Just like the name of the hotel, peace, this is exactly what the Ming Dynasty longed for.

After all, Ming Dynasty has always been as pure as a little white rabbit. He yearned for peace and opposed war. At least, the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs often said so, and many newspapers in Europe also reported the same. Even in the German Federal Empire, there were many

Shaohua Newspaper stated that the Ming Dynasty sent troops to France out of necessity. If it were not for the German invasion, it would not have been possible for the Ming Dynasty to send troops. After all, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty had said that he believed that the German people were peace-loving and that the people of the Ming Dynasty had nothing to do with Germany.

The people are eternal good friends and I hope the two countries will always have peace.

Of course, after this report came out, the newspaper was quickly shut down.

Germany is no different!

In contrast, in the United States, even if the newspapers are stoned, they can still write in the newspapers how peace-loving Ming Dynasty is. On this point, Americans still have a bottom line.

Of course, those newspapers must have made a lot of money.

After entering the Peace Hotel, the Lincoln executives were of course stunned by the hotel's luxurious lobby. To a certain extent, being in the gorgeous lobby even made them a little nervous.

After they took the elevator to the top floor, under the guidance of the hotel attendant, the group entered the suite. Looking at the rather gorgeously decorated suite, Lincoln couldn't help but say.

"For your trouble, please convey my gratitude to His Majesty the Emperor!"

This feeling of being at home made each of them feel flattered. After all, even in the United States, they could not enjoy such hospitality.

"I will tell you, sir, I live next door. If you need anything during the rest of the journey, you can tell me directly."

Lin Weinan said with a smile, but when he went out, he seemed to have remembered something and turned around to ask.

"Sir, would you like to listen to music?"



Lincoln, Henry and John all looked confused. Listening to the music, they even looked left and right, and there was no band here.

"Is it Beethoven? Or Chopin? Or Mozart. Of course, there are other records here if you are willing."

"What? What's a record?"

John couldn't help but ask.

"It's just a record!"

The reaction of these Americans made Lin Weinan feel a little proud. This was exactly what he expected. He even did all this deliberately. He just wanted to see the surprise on the faces of these Americans.

He smiled as he walked to a copper horn that looked like decoration. He took out a paper bag from the glass cabinet at the back and took out a black disk.

Under everyone's gaze, he placed the black disk under the copper speaker and said at the same time.

"If it's music, just put the record on the bottom of the record player, sit on it, and then put the tone arm on the record."

When he put the cartridge on the singing head, a beautiful melody sounded in the room.

It's Mozart!

The three people looked at the record player in surprise. They were speechless for a moment. They just stared at the record player with their mouths open, even though countless questions appeared in their minds.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and catch up on books recently. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. www. Android and Apple are available.]

But now only one question remains - where does the sound come from?

This chapter has been completed!
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