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Chapter 716 Edison Living in the Shadows

After the movie ended, the lights in the cinema came on.

When it was bright in the screening room, Edison was still sitting there. He looked back at the screening room, and he even had an idea in his heart that he wanted to go there to find out and study what it was like.

The machine projected such a real picture.

He was certain that there must be a very close connection between movie machines and cameras, because he had seen some principles of movie machines from some academic works before.

He even had the idea of ​​​​improving the movie camera, but apart from the pictures and written information, he knew nothing about the movie machine.

Now he had the opportunity to touch those movie machines in person, but he knew very well that he couldn't enter there.

"Perhaps only a country of inventors can have such novel and numerous inventions."

While sighing like this, Edison also felt a little heavy, because the screening room was not the only place he couldn't enter during those few days. Rather than reflecting, he wanted to enter the Imperial Central Laboratory.

That is the palace of real inventors, and countless inventions were born there.

This was only learned after Edison came to Ming Dynasty. In addition to the research institutions of various companies in Ming Dynasty, there is also a mysterious "Empire Central Laboratory". Even until now, not many people know where that laboratory is.


He is extremely mysterious.

Only a very few qualified people can enter that laboratory, but even they don't know where the laboratory is.

If it weren't for the fact that the "Empire Central Laboratory" recruits a number of technical personnel for laboratory training every year, perhaps no one would believe that there is such a mysterious institution in the world.

Telephones, electric lights, cars, gasoline engines, airships, motorcycles, bicycles, movies, medicines... Almost all the inventions and innovations of the Ming Dynasty that can be found are inseparable from the shadow of the "Empire Central Laboratory".

It can also be the case. After knowing the existence of this institution, what Edison dreamed of was naturally to join that laboratory, where the best inventors in the world worked together. The most important thing was to learn. There were many inventors who were ahead of the rest of the world.

technical knowledge.

Edison was convinced of this, because many of the directors of the laboratory of the Ming Telegraph and Telephone Company where he now worked came from the "Empire Central Laboratory". They had mentioned more than once that they had learned a lot from studying there.

.Encourage other young technicians to work harder and strive to enter the "Empire Central Laboratory" for further studies as early as possible.

The "Empire Central Laboratory" is the dream place of all technicians, and of course Edison's dream place.

However, for others, there is a chance that dreams can come true.

For Edison, a foreigner, this dream was just a dream.

After all, only people from the Ming Dynasty can enter that laboratory. As a foreigner, he must be naturalized before he has the opportunity.

Before that, he had only thought about the "Empire Central Laboratory".

"Hey, naturalization..."

When leaving the cinema, Edison became a little melancholy. Because as a foreigner, it was not easy for him to become a naturalized person.

Not only must he pass the Chinese language proficiency test, but he must also have his employer prove that he is the talent needed by Ming Dynasty, and his professional category must also be in the talent introduction form. Of course, this is not a problem, after all,

He is truly an inventor.

But Chinese... is really difficult to learn!

And for Edison, he is really reluctant to stay in this country, because this country has too many inventions. Even if we don't say "Empire Central Laboratory", it is just the invention efficiency of those corporate laboratories. This is not

The inventor himself can compare.

This is also the secret of the rise of Ming Dynasty industry.

But for Edison, an inventor, such an environment was too overwhelming.

How could he alone compete with those laboratories?

He even felt that to some extent he was living in the shadow of so many scientists. Just like the gramophone he saw in the exhibition hall half a month ago. Edison himself had had a similar idea, but in his mind

When he was still young, he unexpectedly saw a gramophone in the Industrial Exhibition Hall of Ming Dynasty.

This is simply copying the ideas and inspirations in his mind. Even now, he still remembers his dumbfounded look when he saw the gramophone for the first time.

He was completely stupid, as if someone had taken an object out of his mind and brought it to life.

I am afraid that only Edison himself knew that feeling and taste. Besides the joy, there was more despair. Why was he despairing? Because he found that his inspirations seemed not worth mentioning here at all.

Because there were many more outstanding inventors before him who had similar inspirations, and soon they had a flash of inspiration and turned it into a real industrial product.

Such an environment was really shocking. Edison had to rest for two full days before he could recover. If he hadn't been a relatively resolute character, he would have been unable to withstand the blow and would have been unable to recover.

And this also means that it is difficult for him to become a rich man through invention in this land. Of course, the income in the laboratory is not cheap, but what Edison wants is not to work for others, but to be his own boss.

Even as early as in the United States, he once envisioned setting up a laboratory, recruiting the best brains to work for himself, and turning the inspiration in his mind into reality. Just like those laboratories in Ming Dynasty, hundreds of

The brightest minds are working on one or several inventions there.

Every moment there will be the latest test results in those laboratories, just like the synchronous transmitter he brought. However, a new improved model has been launched in just over a month. Compared with its prototype

machine, the new synchronized transmitter is more reliable and efficient.

Those laboratories were undoubtedly Edison's dream experiments, but they were not his laboratories.

So in Edison's view, this environment was too harsh for inventors like him. Those laboratories were simply taking away their jobs.

Such a "harsh environment" is certainly not an inventor's dream place, so Edison has already made up his mind. As soon as the contract expires, he will leave Ming Dynasty and return to the United States to establish his own laboratory in the United States.


Then what?

Of course, it is to hire a large number of the smartest talents to kill American inventors.

There was no way Daming was too rolled up. Edison felt that he would definitely be buried here. He really couldn't afford to roll it up.

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Edison, who was feeling a little heavy, walked to the street and the lights were on. The bright street lights and the lights of the surrounding shops turned the whole city into a city that never sleeps. As he walked on the streets of Yingtian, he still used an appreciative attitude.

Go and experience this city.

Unlike walking on the streets of New York, USA, where you have to carefully avoid horse manure on the ground and the air is filled with the smell of horse urine, the air in Yingtian is fresh. Even now, he remembers getting off the ship when he arrived in Yingtian.

Afterwards, what my wife said.

"The air here is sweet."

This is because the streets here are not like those in New York, where there are carriages everywhere, horse excrement, urine flowing all over the floor, and piles of garbage that no one has cleaned up. Anyone who needs to pee while walking on the road can urinate.

No matter how you deal with it, such a street will naturally be full of all kinds of stinks.

In fact, this is also the most troublesome problem in cities in various countries in this era - how to deal with horse manure on the streets. In the past few decades, countless smart minds have proposed various solutions, but to no avail


However, with the invention of trams and the popularization of bicycles in the Ming Dynasty, coupled with the gradual spread of automobiles, this seemingly unsolvable problem was solved. At least in big cities like Yingtian and Nanhua, such problems are far away.

It is not as serious as in European and American cities.

Breathing the slightly fragrant air, Edison couldn't help but envy the people of the Ming Dynasty and the environment in which they lived.

But despite this, he knew very clearly deep down in his heart that this was not a place suitable for him.

After all, the scientific research environment in Ming Dynasty is really complicated!

Moreover, if you want to become a Ming Dynasty person, you also need to pass many tests!

This chapter has been completed!
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