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Chapter 730 Taming the loyal dog

The fleet fired!

The Ming Dynasty's fleet opened fire on Japan.

Fired at Hiroshima, Japan!

After receiving the report from the Admiralty, Emperor Zhu Da couldn't calm down for a long time. Even now, standing by the window, he can hear his heartbeat.

This is exciting, exciting, and even more so exciting!

Fire at Japan!

This is simply...the simplest and most straightforward wish of all Chinese people!

And Zhenyuan is among them.

Zhenyuan, that is a warship named by Emperor Zhu Da himself. Why should it visit Japan? To put it bluntly, it is a kind of sentiment and a kind of plot. This kind of plot is even impossible to let go.

To a certain extent, it is just to make up for the legacy of this warship in another world!

And now, not only does it make up for some of his own regrets!

Even the common prayers of future generations of Chinese people were truly realized at this time!

With the cigar in his hand, although nicotine helps calm his mood, Zhu Xianhai is still a little excited!

How could you not be excited? This is simply a very exciting thing.

Only God knows how excited Emperor Zhu Da was when he heard that the fleet was bombarding Hiroshima, Japan.

In another world, during the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese navy's naval guns fired again and again in Shanghai, Hangzhou Bay, Guangzhou and other places. Those large-caliber naval guns caused huge damage to the Chinese army.

Each of their shellings buried a large number of Chinese soldiers under artillery fire. In the face of such artillery fire, the Chinese army could only build the Great Wall of flesh and blood with their lives.

Every time he watched the documentary and saw the scene of the arrogant Japanese navy happily bombarding Chinese cities, Zhu Xianhai felt heavy.

That kind of hatred is engraved in my bones.

And now, at this moment, Emperor Zhu Da was relieved. This relief had nothing to do with anything else, just because he had done it now.

The artillery shells fired by the Ming Dynasty's fleet landed on Japanese soil. Now it is time for the Japanese to experience what it feels like.

Of course, Ming Dynasty was teaching the traitor a lesson.

Hey, being a father is not easy!

Emperor Zhu Da sighed inwardly, and then took a puff of the cigar again, savoring the aroma of the cigar. He thought for a while and said.

"Okay, since you've already intervened, let's... intervene."

At this moment, Emperor Zhu Da was in an excited mood.

It is not to interfere in Japanese affairs, but at the invitation of Japan, Dad Ming is going to help Japan restore order.

The sound of gunfire is proof!

I really changed history.

Taking a deep breath, Emperor Zhu Da pondered for a while, then looked at Zuo Zongtang and said.

"The Zuo Qing family has great relations with Japan, so I decided to conquer Japan myself!"


Zuo Zongtang looked at His Majesty in surprise. As for Lin Yuehu, Minister of the Navy, he said,

"Your Majesty, Japan is just a small country, so why does your Majesty need to conquer it personally?"

"Your Majesty, what Lin Shangshu said is true, Japan..."

Suddenly, Zuo Zongtang stopped. He looked at His Majesty. Could it be that His Majesty wanted to... After thinking about it, he still persuaded.

"Japan is only a small country, so why does it require your Majesty to personally conquer it? Your Majesty, there is no need to personally conquer it. If Your Majesty is worried, you can send more troops and send another general."

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"Prime Minister Zuo, Japan is different from other places!"

Emperor Zhu Da waved his hand and said.

"The great significance of Japan to our Ming Dynasty lies not in its land, but in its population. Its 30 million people are an indispensable support for the Ming Dynasty. The gentry is what our Ming Dynasty will need to explore Africa in the future."

Japan to the Ming Dynasty is like Britain to India, and the Japanese warriors to the Ming Dynasty are to the British. What does the British rely on to rule most of Africa? Is it just white people? Of course not, it is the British and Indian Legion.

Hundreds of thousands of Indian soldiers rely on Indians who serve as their thugs and lackeys.

"Of course, this is only one aspect. On the other hand, the Japanese nobles are the soul and spirit of Japan. If I, the Ming Dynasty, want to rule Japan and turn Japan into the land of my Ming Dynasty, then

We must transform the gentry into the Ming Dynasty, or in other words, remove their souls, transform their spirits, and finally integrate their nations."

Emperor Zhu Da said after taking a puff of his cigar and looking at Zuo Zongtang who seemed a little confused.

"According to Japanese statistics in the 5th year of Meiji, the number of gentry families exceeds 1.9 million. This is the result of the Japanese government's manipulation in every possible way, because there are still a large number of gentry and ronin who are counted as commoners, and these people are also traditionally regarded as civilians.

Seen as samurai. These people are the real backbone of Japan's society. Unlike ordinary households, the gentry, whether rich or poor, received good education from childhood. In the past few hundred years, they have been the elite of Japan, and the Meiji

Although the gentry suffered a severe blow during the Restoration, what they don’t know is that these down-and-out gentry are the fundamental reason for their rise!”

The gentry is the foundation of Japan’s rise!

This may seem arbitrary, but it is a fact, because the gentry have received a good education. Even excluding the gentry's old profession, the army, about 70% of the officials in modern Japan are from samurai families, and 80% of the police are samurai.

Origin. 87% of teachers in Japanese universities are from samurai families. Descendants of samurai are teaching in primary and secondary schools everywhere. Samurai chaebols such as Mitsubishi have appeared in the financial world, and even the underworld is composed of ronin samurai.

Black Dragon Society.

The benefits of the samurai class disappeared, and they soon became the backbone of Japanese society with their educational and professional advantages. It was these educated people who promoted the success of Japan's reform.

But what if Japan loses these educated backbones of society? There is no need to talk about rising. Of course, they will become the driving force for Ming Dynasty to enter Africa and transform Africa.

"But for us, what do we need? A Japan as a loyal dog of the Ming Dynasty, rather than a rising and progressive Japan. Now, the reform government's suppression of the gentry has given us opportunities and given us

An opportunity to turn the nobles into loyal dogs of the Ming Dynasty. After all, for the nobles, their loyalty always belongs to the lord."

The time is just right now. The Japanese have not yet established a national concept, and the Japanese nobles do not have a national concept. The vast majority of them still adhere to the tradition of serving the lord.

This lord could be a local daimyo from the Warring States Period, a feudal lord from the Edo Period, or the emperor after the official books were returned.

And now?

The emperor had betrayed them, and those nobles who had been betrayed could naturally pledge their allegiance to the new lord.

It means being loyal to the Ming Emperor.

This is why Emperor Zhu Da went to Japan, for no other reason than that he needed to gain heartfelt recognition from the cannon fodder of the empire.

Thanks to the elites of the Meiji Restoration, they have not yet realized the role of those noble families in Japan.

A Japan without nobles...that is, without a soul. If the soul becomes that of the Ming Dynasty, will Japan be far away from becoming the Ming Dynasty?

Of course, the most important thing is that after the backbone of society is completely domesticated, Japan will never become a threat to China. As for Japan... there will be no more Japan in the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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