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Chapter 738: Cannonballing Tokyo

It’s over!

When Tomomi Iwakura, Toshimichi Okubo, and Hirofumi Into heard about the shooting that occurred in the embassy district, the first reaction in their minds was that it was over!

Japan is finished.

You don't have to be an idiot to know what would happen if the British minister was assassinated.

"How is Minister Parkes' current situation?"

Iwakura Tomomi asked hurriedly.

"Is he at the legation? Prepare a car, I'm going to the legation now."

"He and the American minister had already taken a carriage to the port immediately after the shooting and should have boarded the ship by now."

There was a "thump" and when he was shouting something bad in his heart, Iwakura Tomomi suddenly sat down on the chair as if he had suffered some kind of blow, and then looked into the distance with a dull expression.

"It's over, we're done."

It’s not just them who are playing, but also Japan.

He looked at the other people in the office with desperate eyes. He opened his mouth but no words came out. He never thought that things would develop to this point.

Suddenly, as if he remembered something, Iwakura stood up abruptly and asked loudly.

"Assassin, has the assassin been caught?"

"The scene was too chaotic and the assassin took advantage of the chaos to escape."

"Baga! The top priority now is to catch the assassin. As long as the assassin is caught, there is still a chance to plead guilty to the British."

Iwakura Tomomi yelled angrily. If it's still too late, even if it's just a few heads, there's no problem.

"Now we must find the murderer at all costs, if we want..."

Suddenly, there was a "rumble" of thunder in the air. The thunder came from a distance, and it didn't sound very clear.

But listening to the real winter thunder, Iwakura Tomomi's face, which was already pale at all, became even paler now.

The same was true for Okubo Toshimichi and Yin Teng Hirobumi. They looked at each other with desperate eyes at first, and they knew the result just by hearing the sound of the cannon.

The British really fired. Then they looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

"I never expected that the great cause of the Restoration would be ruined by such a trivial matter. What a damn luck."

"It's so damned good!"

Having been on the battlefield, of course they knew what the sound was. It was the sound of cannon. The sound of cannon coming from the sea.

The British and American combined fleets opened fire!

They are avenging Parkes! This is a normal thing. For those great powers, they are very good at using their navy to do this kind of thing. Why can they dominate the world? It is precisely because of this

Only in this way can other countries be in awe of him.

This means that for the sake of tens of thousands of public laws, it is better to have a few cannons.

While they were talking to themselves like this, deafening explosions came from a distance, and the ground was shaking. However, the shells did not fall in Tokyo at the first time, but on the fort. After all,

, for the fleet, the fort is the most deadly threat.

The sudden sound of cannons shocked everyone. Amidst the rumbling sound of cannons, Zhao Teng in the Ming Dynasty Consulate sighed.

"Hey, the Japanese are a small country but they are very arrogant. Otherwise, how could they have caused such a disaster!"

When he sighed, the door of the office was pushed open, and his assistant came in and said.

"Consul, please go into the basement quickly. They will definitely bombard the city soon!"


Zhao Teng nodded and said.

"I'll go right away, everyone should go down, right..."

Suddenly, as if he remembered something, Zhao Teng asked again.

"Where is that Chen Dekun? Where is he?"

That guy is an intelligence officer of the Navy. He just came to Tokyo a few days ago. The two of them met when he first arrived. Where is that guy now?

"He hasn't come back these days, maybe he's busy with something!"

Just as he finished speaking, there was suddenly a violent explosion in the distance, and even from the window, they could see the plume of smoke rising into the air.

They started bombarding the city!

"Blow them up and kill all those damn yellow-skinned monkeys!"

Parkes stood on the bridge of the warship, his arms hung by white gauze, and said angrily.

"We must let those damn yellow-skinned monkeys know how powerful we are. From now on, in another hundred years, whenever they mention the British, they must respect the British Empire from the bottom of their hearts!"

At the moment he fell after being shot, Parkes' memory of fear resurfaced in his mind - more than ten years ago, when negotiating with the Qing Dynasty, he was held hostage by the Qing Dynasty, along with a group of 39 hostages.

Only 18 people survived, and the rest were returned with corpses. Among them, the corpse of the British Times reporter was in seven to eight pieces. And he who was lucky enough to survive was also tortured.

That was the most terrifying memory in his life. In the past ten years, he has been trying to forget it. This was even the reason why he chose to support the overthrow faction when he became the minister to Japan. For Parkes, the shogunate and the Qing Dynasty

They are both barbaric and uncivilized. Overthrowing the shogunate is a kind of revenge for him!

And what about today?

When the assassin's bullet hit his body, the horrific memory once again swallowed up his reason. There was only one thought left in his mind - why am I always the one who gets hurt?

Then, a voice in his heart told him - revenge! revenge!

It seemed that at this moment, he once again thought of the torture he suffered in the Qing prison and the Times reporter who was quartered. He wanted revenge!

Damn yellow-skinned monkey.

Now, let you experience the anger of the British Empire!

Staring at the city of Tokyo, Parkes suddenly asked.

"General, do you know why those damn yellow-skinned monkeys are so arrogant?"

Parkale said without waiting for Major General Rydell to answer.

"The Chinese have a saying, "Barbarians fear power but do not possess morality." Barbarians also mean barbarians. If we just use language to communicate with them, these barbarians will never learn to be reverent."

"So, now we need to use cannons to speak! Use cannons to teach them awe."

Holding the pipe in his hand, Major General Riedel took a puff of cigarette and then said.

"Mr. Minister, you can rest assured that the Royal Navy's naval guns will seek justice for you."

When he said these words, Major General Riddell looked at Parkes with sympathy. He was really a poor guy. Last time he almost died in China, but this time? He was almost killed again.

Killed by Japanese assassin.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and catch up on books recently. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. www. Android and Apple are available.]

"This is not important. What is important is to let those damn yellow-skinned monkeys know what attitude they should take when facing the British Empire! Respect and awe! All of them are afraid of us!"

As he finished speaking, the fleet's cannons bombarded Tokyo again. While the American fleet bombarded Tokyo's forts with their ten-inch cannons, the British fleet bombarded the city. In the violent explosion, many people used wood and

The house made of paper was torn down by the blast wave. Bashari, who was standing on the deck, saw the red fire, the black smoke column, and the rising flames!

Seeing all this, Parkes looked at his pocket watch excitedly, and then wrote down the time quite proudly - February 14, 1875, 11:35 noon, Tokyo time...

This chapter has been completed!
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