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Chapter 76 New Crisis

[Evaluation: The user behaved too conservatively in this simulation. Although he went out to resolve the crisis, he failed to consider the series of political and diplomatic consequences after capturing Viedma, and failed to make a perfect response. After the negotiation broke down

, failed to seize the opportunity to go north to the Colorado River, causing the Province of Buenos Aires to build a fortress on the left bank of the Colorado River. Although it will not pose a threat to you for the time being, it will weaken your control on the north bank of the Negro River. Later on

The loss of external communication channels can be called a typical case of "losing a big deal for a small amount" in this era.]

[Benefit: Although the user successfully captured Viedma in this simulation, they did not understand the meaning of "war is the continuation of politics", resulting in the loss of external communication channels, which will inevitably cause a series of problems. There are no rewards for this life simulation.]

The simulation ends and the light screen screen switches.

That's it...that's the end?

Zhu Xianhai was not anxious, but calmed down a lot. He stared at the light screen and pursed his lips.

"Did you lose a lot this time?"

Not necessarily. In his opinion, the harvest from this simulation is even greater than the previous simulations.

"It seems that occupying Viedma is not worth the gain!"

At least before the key issue of "external communications" is solved, breaking up with Buenos Aires will definitely be a loss.

But the problem is, if I don't take the initiative, that guy Phillip will come over!

It’s not easy to handle, so I have to fold it.

This problem is really difficult to solve!

"The key is to prevent Nan Hua from being exposed."

What is a key to the development of axos?

Of course, it is necessary to keep a low profile. Before the strength is gone, the most important thing is to keep a low profile and make a fortune silently. Facts have proved that Buenos Aires may not have sent troops, but they cut off the telegraph lines and banned trade.

A series of measures such as this may seem to have a small impact on Nanhua, but continued damage is inevitable.

The only thing that made Zhu Xianhai fortunate was that he still had a ship, and Nanhua had its own fleet, so it would not be like the Mapuche people who were effectively blockaded by the Argentines in the vast South American continent.

However, even if you have a ship, it won’t work. There is no navy!

Although it is impossible to continue the simulation, future threats from the sea are inevitable - someone in Buenos Aires asked to send a fleet to recapture Viedma. Of course, they just couldn't get away temporarily.


Drawing a circle on the paper, Zhu Xianhai stared at Biedma and frowned. Seemingly calm, he couldn't help but start brainstorming, thinking about how to avoid "pitfalls" in the simulator without exposing himself in advance.

, to solve the current “exposure crisis”.

The life simulator's preview of upcoming events can be said to be extremely accurate, with an accuracy of about 80%. What is the remaining 20%?

Of course they are humans.

People will change.

However, even so, major events in the life simulator will basically not change.

The core problem of the current "pit" is that Biedma discovered himself, but how was the problem exposed?

"Is there a loophole there?"

Just as Zhu Xianhai was thinking about it, there was a knock on the door.

"My dear, I have something to tell you."

It's Elizabeth. Of course Fang Zhanbo will not stop the "mistress". Even if she has no status, she is still a member of the master's house.

"Is there a problem?"

"There was news from Bailey that the horses had been purchased. He asked if..."


Zhu Xianhai suddenly stood up and said excitedly.

"I know, I know, the loophole is here! The loophole is right here!"

It must be a horse!

After buying so many horses from Viedma and other places in such a short period of time, everyone would be suspicious, even Philip would be suspicious, and that was perfectly normal.

"What's wrong? Honey, what are you talking about?"

Looking at the excited Zhu Xianhai, Elizabeth looked confused. He spoke in Chinese.

Although she is also working hard to learn Chinese, until now, she can only have a simple conversation.

Chinese is really difficult to learn!

Elizabeth has made up her mind that when immigrants from China arrive, she must find a Chinese maid and learn Chinese from her.


Zhu Xianhai smiled at Elizabeth.

"I discovered a security vulnerability. Fortunately, I have to rush to fix this security vulnerability now."

Calculating the time, if nothing unexpected happens, the reason why Nanhua was exposed is very likely to be related to these horses. The coincidence in time must be inevitable.

"What security breach?"

Elizabeth said in surprise.


Zhu Xianhai said.

"We bought too many horses from Viedma, which must have aroused suspicion there. If my prediction is correct, they will probably follow the clues and find Nanhua this time. Once Nanhua is exposed, we can't

I’ve made a fortune silently like this!”

"This... doesn't seem to be a good thing."

Elizabeth frowned.

"The biggest advantage of Nanhua now is that it is unknown. Only in this way can we slowly accumulate strength. Only when we have enough strength can we possibly confront Buenos Aires."

Elizabeth, who was born in a political family, witnessed the Argentine Civil War, the confrontation and civil war between the Argentine Confederation and the Province of Buenos Aires. What is this confrontation? It is essentially a confrontation of strength.

"If you don't have enough strength, in the end, Nanhua will be just a settlement and will be annexed sooner or later. If Nanhua has enough strength, at least, it will be a province in the future, a province that is completely decided by you. Of course,

This is certainly not what you hoped for..."

It's definitely not what I want. What I want is the entire Pampas. My ambition is huge. He nodded, thought for a while, and said.

"So, for now, the most beneficial option for Nanhua is not to expose himself."

"My dear, what are you going to do? After all, Bailey has purchased enough horses."

Elizabeth asked.

"Well, those horses are very important and will come in handy later..."

After pondering for a moment, Zhu Xianhai said.

"It seems there is only one choice! We can only use the "puppet army"!"


"puppet army!"

Elizabeth said in surprise.

"What are puppet troops?"

This chapter has been completed!
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