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Chapter 766 Japan? That Never Existed

The Ming Emperor arrived in Japan!

The British and American devils collapsed without a fight in front of the great power of tomorrow, and returned defeated!

In fact, although he is in Kyushu, Saigo Takamori has been paying attention to the changes in the situation in Tokyo.

After learning that his brother Xixiang Congdao was coming back, he knew that Congdao must be on a mission.

He rebelled, but his brother is still a councilor in the government.

He is still an important figure in the court of Satsuma Domain.

Faced with the fact that the British and American monsters withdrew their troops because Japan was a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty, Saigo Takamori's mood was extremely complicated. The reason why he resigned was not because he failed to lead the Korean conquest. He supported the Korean conquest to solve the livelihood of the lower class gentry, but

He also opposed the conquest of South Korea. This was based on Japan's own interests. He did not want to be controlled by foreign powers. The United States supported Japan's conquest of South Korea, but once Japan conquered South Korea, it meant that it would be controlled by the United States.

Although his mentality is complicated, one thing is certain, the situation he least wants to see has emerged - Japan is controlled by foreign countries.

The United States is a great power, but what about Ming Dynasty?

It’s also a foreign country!

Although this foreign country has very close relations with Japan.


Xixiang Longsheng said in surprise.

"Two hundred thousand... He, he wants to recruit two hundred thousand Japanese samurai!"

The news brought by Xixiang Congdao made Xixiang Longsheng extremely excited.

"Yes, the Ming Dynasty is now a major power in the world and wants to open up colonies around the world, so the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty plans to recruit 200,000 Japanese samurai. The salary of the samurai will be based on the salary of a sergeant, which is 300 taels a year."


Saigo Takamori opened his eyes wide again.

"Everyone has the salary of a sergeant! 300 taels a year! This, how is this possible!"

300 taels per year!

It seems like a lot, but in fact there is not much at all. In terms of rice, about 1 shi is equal to 2.5 taels, which is 120 shi. According to the Ming Dynasty, rice imported from Burma, Saigon, Siam and other places was 2 yuan per shi.

The average price is 240 yuan, and that’s still polished rice. What is the salary of a Japanese samurai?

brown rice!

"And all of it is polished rice. In addition, there will be corresponding salary and support rice. Basically, 500 taels is no problem!"

500 taels per year!

"five hundred!"

Saigo Takamori looked at his fingers, what can he say? All along, what he has fought for is the interests of the lower class samurai. Unlike most people, even after reaching a high position, Saigo is extremely concerned about the livelihood of the lower class samurai.

, and he is also very generous and generous. Whenever a Satsuma warrior comes to see him, if he cannot solve their personal problems, he will just let them take it from the cash box at the door.

But this didn't help a few people at all, and he was even accused of buying people's hearts. Even the reason why he rebelled was because of the government's suppression of the lower-class gentry, which made the lower-class gentry have no life and no food and clothing.

But now the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty is trying to recruit the nobles who were abandoned by the emperor. Faced with such favorable conditions, how could those warriors not be tempted.

"Brother, I remember you said that since the day there were samurai, the samurai were loyal to the lord, and the lord gave the samurai salary and salary. In the old days, no matter what the lord was, the vassal relationship never changed. But after the books were returned, the gentry nominally belonged to the emperor.

But it is just in name. For the sake of profit, the emperor can abandon all the samurai overnight and turn the samurai into ronin."

Looking at his elder brother, Xixiang said directly.

"Are the samurai without the lord still samurai? Of course not! They are just a group of ronin!"


Saigo Takamori's heart trembled slightly. How could he not know that the current Japanese samurai have become a group of ronin without a master since their military privileges were revoked? Ronin without a lord, don't they just have the same food and clothing as them?


But...my lord.

Suddenly, Saigo Takamori seemed to understand the meaning of following the road.

"Congdao, what you mean is that we regard the Ming Emperor as our lord! He is the Ming Emperor! We are Japanese!"

Xixiang Longsheng deliberately emphasized the four words "Emperor of the Ming Dynasty".

"Brother, throughout the ages the only warrior is the lord!"

Xixiang Congdao answered directly,

"We are from the Satsuma Domain, they are from the Choshu Domain, and they are from the Sendai Domain. We say that we are Japanese, but in our hearts we only care about the interests of our domain. Japan..."

Xixiang pursed his lips and said.

"Japan no longer has an emperor! Even if there is, for thousands of years, the emperor has only been in the palace. The loyalty of samurai is to the lord and the strong. The emperor has never been the lord of samurai, and Japan has never been a country of samurai!


Is Japan not a country of samurai?

This sentence may sound a bit awkward, but it is the fact. For thousands of years, Japanese samurai have only been loyal to their lord. In "Bushido", loyalty to the lord comes first, not to mention to Japan, but also to the shogunate.

There is no loyalty at all. Today's Japanese people simply cannot understand the concept of country. Samurai care more about fighting for the interests of their domain, not the country.

The country...is just an empty name.

"A samurai has only his lord and no country!"

Why did Xixiang say this from the Taoist Association? Because he accepted the new concept when he was in Tokyo. Who proposed this new concept? Of course it was proposed by Emperor Zhu Da and perfected by the Japanese themselves. Not even

It needs to be promoted by the future Governor-General, and the warriors themselves will also promote it.

Why do they do this?

Of course, he was looking for a reason to join the Ming Dynasty.

Just like the "Five Virtues Ending Theory" created by some scum in China, it was essentially just those guys trying to justify their surrender. Now the Japanese samurai also need to find an excuse for their behavior.

What excuse is most appropriate?

Of course, it is the theory of "no country". Samurai have no country, which means that they do not need to remain loyal to Japan. Even if they are loyal to each feudal clan, it is because of the lord, so they only need to be loyal to the lord.

How to assimilate the Japanese?

If you want to assimilate a country or a nation, the easiest way is to start ideologically. Japan in this era has not yet formed a true national concept. This is just right, then completely deny Japan as a country.

Samurai are the social elite of Japan. If they all agree with the theory of "no country", then naturally there will be no country like Japan. Without this country, then there will be no Japanese, only various feudal lords.

Then what?

Of course, we are looking for evidence from history to prove that Japan, no, it should be said that the islands of Japan and China are of the same culture and species, starting from the same time theoretically and historically, thus completely denying the pure existence of Japan and the Japanese.

Xixiang Congdao's words were like thunder, exploding in Xixiang Longsheng's ears. He was so shocked that he could hardly speak. He just stared at Congdao with his eyes wide open and said.

"From Dao, you, you..."

"Brother, you used to say that "the deficiencies in the embankment are not enough and the embankments are not enough to make up for it." In the past, you supported the conquest of Korea. This was the idea. You tried to solve the livelihood of the lower-level warriors by conquering North Korea. However, a samurai without a lord will not be able to survive even if he conquers Korea.

What about North Korea? Can we obtain new privileges and new resources from there? In the end, the resources in the occupied area will still belong to the new dignitaries and landlords. They have nothing to do with the lower-level samurai, because they are just ronin and have no

People will care about the rights of the ronin, but the lord is different. The lord must consider the interests of the samurai. After all, the samurai is his minister."

"But, Tongdao, will His Majesty the Ming Dynasty become the lord of the warriors?"

Xixiang Longsheng raised his head and asked directly.

"If they were only employed for a few years, once the war was over, they would be as destitute as they are now."

Faced with Xixiang Longsheng's problem, Xixiang said seriously.

"So, brother, you have to go to Tokyo to see His Majesty the Emperor and present the Japanese samurai edition to the Ming Emperor!"
This chapter has been completed!
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