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Chapter 671 This Daming Is A Little Complicated

"This is the Ming Dynasty!"

Tang Shaoyi was sitting on the tram, looking out at the city from time to time. He had been in Daming for almost half a year, and his favorite thing was to sit on the tram and go shopping. In the past six months, he had visited various places in Nanhua.

corner, but he still couldn't see enough of the city.

In fact, most of the international students who came here at the same time as him were like this. From the shock and surprise when they first arrived, what are they now?

Why are the people here so wealthy even though they are all Chinese?

Why are they all Chinese, but here...

It is normal for Tang Shaoyi and others to have such thoughts in their hearts. After all, the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty are two completely different worlds. Compared with the international students from Japan, Tang Shaoyi and the others felt more shock than the shock.

It's reflection.

Why reflect?

Because they are also Chinese!

Since they are all Chinese, why can the Ming Dynasty do this? But the Qing Dynasty cannot?

On one side there is widespread poverty, on the other side there is widespread affluence.

One side is backward and the other side is developed.

There is ignorance on one side and civilization on the other.

On the one hand, he squeezed the people with all his strength, and on the other hand, he treated the people with great kindness.

On the one hand, the people live and work in peace and contentment, on the other hand, the people are miserable.

The impact of such a sharp contrast on international students like Tang Shaoyi is unimaginable. When Japanese international students there referred to them as "Celestial Dynasty", Tang Shaoyi and others felt heavy in their hearts.

They come from the Celestial Dynasty, but the Celestial Dynasty that the Japanese call them is not the Qing Dynasty, but the Ming Dynasty here.

When the Japanese students were conquered again by Chinese civilization, Tang Shaoyi and others were making comparisons in their hearts.

Most other international students will also have such thoughts and comparisons, but most of them will ask rhetorical questions.

Questioning, asking again and again, what kind of thoughts would be rising in their hearts?

No one knows, but Tang Shaoyi knows the answer, just like the "Ten Diaries of Yangzhou" he saw in the dormitory of his senior Zhan Tianyou. That book could not be seen in the Qing Dynasty, and even this book written by Wang Xiuchu

The "Ten Diaries of Yangzhou" was brought back to the Ming Dynasty from Japan by merchants. In the Qing Dynasty, the book was a banned book and had long been banned and destroyed.

There are many works written by survivors of the late Ming Dynasty in Japan, which record many cruel atrocities of the Manchus, from "Ten Diaries of Yangzhou" to "Records of the Jiading Massacre", from "Collections of Zhu Shunshui" to "Collections of Zhang Cangshui", these books are not only publicly published

In addition, some chapters were also included in the textbooks of the Ming Dynasty. After reading this, all readers felt resentment from the bottom of their hearts towards the Qing Dynasty, and anger and hostility gradually accumulated in everyone's hearts.

"The drama in Wucheng is so heart-wrenching. Millions of steamed rice are turned into ashes. A strange injustice will last for ten days but it will be too miserable. The eighth generation will be cut off today..."

Silently thinking about the poem he saw in "Ten Diary Drawings of Yangzhou", Tang Shaoyi looked at the Ming Dynasty outside the window. While he felt more friendly, his hostility towards the Qing Dynasty also deepened in his heart.

In the past three and a half years, as many as 500 international students like Tang Shaoyi have come to Daming. They are studying in universities and colleges in Linhai, Nanhua, Nanyuan, Yingtian and other places. They study here

At the same time, it is also changing little by little.

Just like the changes in the world, many people's life trajectories have also changed inadvertently.

There was a sudden light outside, illuminating the classroom with a white light for an instant, and then the room fell into darkness again. After a few seconds, a thunderbolt shook the window glass, and amidst the crackling sound, raindrops fell from the sky.


What is the teacher saying?

Zhan Tianyou was a little distracted, but at the age of fourteen, he had just passed the high school academic ability test and was studying in the preparatory school. Like other international students at the same time, he was working hard towards the same school - the University of South China.

All of them know what it means to be admitted to Nanhua University.

After being admitted to Nanhua University and graduating, their future is visible to the naked eye.

Guangzong Yaozu, that's a sure thing. After all, Governor Li's factories and railways are in need of talents everywhere. After they return to China, they will definitely be reused. It may only take a few years to obtain official status and make a rapid rise.

It couldn't be more natural.

Even if you don't return to China and stay here in Ming Dynasty, you can easily find a job with a monthly income of several hundred yuan.

In short, as long as they enter Nanhua University, their lives will be filled with countless possibilities.

This is the dream of many people. Now, in this preparatory class, almost everyone has this dream. What are they thinking?

Nanhua University!

As long as they enter the University of Nanhua, they will be able to learn the world's first-class knowledge. After returning to the Qing Dynasty, they will not only become famous, but also become the founders of a certain academic field. This is all possible, just like the Ming Dynasty sent

Just like the first batch of international students, didn’t they all become experts in their respective academic fields?

Once upon a time, Zhan Tianyou had the same idea as them. He also hoped that one day, he could return to his hometown in glory after completing his studies.

But what about now?

Another thought kept flashing in his mind.

This idea was dangerous and should not even be thought about, but he couldn't help it, just like when he saw the "Ten Diaries of Yangzhou", he roared angrily, cursed, and then burst into tears.

For a fourteen-year-old boy, in those days, whenever he closed his eyes, he would dream of the tragic situation in Yangzhou. In his sleep, he saw the atrocities in the book and saw the compatriots who were brutally killed.

Yes, those people are not only the ancestors of China, but also his compatriots.


This is a term that Zhan Tianyou learned after arriving in the Ming Dynasty. The word compatriot comes from "compatriots from the same mother". In the Ming Dynasty, compatriots also refer to people of the same ethnic group and the same language and culture. In the Ming Dynasty, no one

They would say, you are from Guangdong, he is from Shandong, he is from Fujian, he is from Henan. In Ming Dynasty, there is no such regional difference. In Ming Dynasty, there is only one - all of us are Chinese compatriots!

We are all Han Chinese!

We speak the same language, we bleed the same blood, we inherit the same culture, we have the same history... We are compatriots, there is no difference from compatriots of the same mother, we all have a common mother - Huaxia


In fact, as early as the South China period, Emperor Zhu Da diluted the regional views of "compatriots" by teaching Mandarin and disrupting the origins of immigrants, and at the same time strengthened the national view of "Chinese compatriots" through official propaganda.

The same ancestors, the same culture, the same language, and the same nation ultimately formed the Ming Dynasty’s view of the nation, and all of this inevitably affected foreign students like Zhan Tianyou and the others, and even Mr. Li.

He was also affected. As the son of an important official in the court, he used to be extremely loyal to the Qing Dynasty, but now? There has long been a question mark, not even a question mark. He just hides everything in his heart.

Zhan Tianyou and the others don't have a high-ranking father like Mr. Li. Their emotions are more direct. These teenagers are the most susceptible to outside influence in their thoughts. Moreover, in the past few years, they have been studying in

In Daming's preparatory school, they received the same education as Daming's students.

Of course they also learned history. Unlike the tampered and distorted history they knew in the past, what they came into contact with was real history.

That is a sad and heartbreaking history! But how could anyone not be touched?

"God bless, have you thought about it? Which school should you apply for?"

That night, in the apartment where the Qing students stayed, Liang Dunyan looked at his junior student and asked out of concern.

"Your grades are so good, you'd better go to Nanhua University."

Faced with Liang Dunyan's suggestion, Zhan Tianyou thought for a while and replied.

"I have already made up my mind to apply for the military academy!"

When he said these words, Zhan Tianyou suddenly felt much more relaxed. Before that, he had been thinking about this issue.

Apply for military academy.

Of course some of them will apply for the military academy. But Zhan Tianyou's purpose is different from others.

Why apply for military academy?

He knew the answer very clearly in his heart, and it was precisely because he knew it that he hesitated for so long.

Finally at this moment he made a choice.

This chapter has been completed!
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