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Chapter 776 Daming's Air Is Sweet

Why come to Daming?

Until the mail ship entered the port, Morgan was still not sure whether his trip was the right choice.

"This is a magical country."

Many people who have been to this land have used similar words to describe this country.

This is of course a magical country. It has only appeared in this world for six years.

Even if the company era is included, it is only 15 years.

But in such a short period of time, this country has risen to become a powerful country that is not inferior to the United States. What kind of miracle is this?

Faced with such a miracle, who would not be shocked by it?

When the ship entered the port, the city before their eyes was shrouded in a large area of ​​weak white light, as if it were dazzling beams of moonlight scattered from the ground. This was a city shrouded in lights.

Such a city once made people doubt whether it really existed.

This is a city that never sleeps.

As the boat stopped, Kercham said:

"This is the city that never sleeps!"

"The city that never sleeps..., no,"

An American next to him immediately replied,

"This is not a city that never sleeps, but a city of the future. What we are going to enter is the future, sir."


Is this the city?

With such doubts in mind, Morgan and Ketcham came to the city. After passing the customs inspection, they took a tram outside the customs building and entered the city.


Ketchum turned to Morgan and said.

"There is no doubt that everything in Ming Dynasty is related to electricity. The tram is also driven by electricity because it does not emit any smoke. Of course, New York now has a tram company. However, Morgan, most people in New York

They are all using oil lamps, but here, many years ago, people here have completely used electric lights..."

The tram stopped and stopped along the way, with people constantly getting on and off. When the tram passed through the street, the street lights poured down a strong light from above them and the lights of the shops lit up the entire street.

"The lights in New York are not so bright!"

Ketcham sighed.

"That's because their electricity is cheap, and they use water to run generators, and that, my friend, is why I'm here."

Why is Morgan here?

It was because of the movie he watched. When he saw the picture of the turbine turning, the moment he saw the electric switch being pulled down and the city lit up, he made up his mind to come to Daming.

Come to Daming to introduce hydropower station equipment and technology. He wants to build hydropower stations in the United States. As long as there is water, hydropower stations can continuously provide electricity! It is definitely cheaper than using coal to generate electricity.

Others see the movie for fun, but as a businessman, Morgan sees business opportunities!

After the tram traveled on this wide and long street for more than twenty minutes, they finally arrived at their destination - the Peace Hotel.

After getting off the car and walking along the flat road to the hotel, Ketcham suddenly took a deep breath and said "ah".

"Morgan, have you noticed?"

"What did you find?"

"The air here is sweet!"


Morgan said in surprise.

"I mean the air here is sweet, it doesn't smell like horse manure."


Taking a deep breath, Morgan agreed.

"It seems...there really is no smell of horse manure."

In New York, whether it is a slum or a wealthy area, there is always a lingering smell of urine on the streets. It is the smell of horse feces. Horses are the most important means of transportation in New York. There are about 200,000 people in New York.

Horses, those horses excrete more than 5 million pounds of waste every day.

Piles of horse manure began to accumulate in open spaces in New York City. In the summer, the stench of horse manure filled the sky; during the rainy season, the horse manure flowed to the sidewalks along with the rainwater and seeped into the homes of residents. For this reason, they even

Build your doorstep a few steps higher than the street to prevent horse manure from seeping into your home.

New York is stinky in the summer, but what about here?

The air here is sweet!

"Sure enough, what those people said in their travel notes is indeed true - you can breathe the fragrance of the air in every city in the Ming Dynasty, and there is no stench unique to the city at all!"

In admiration, they walked into the Peace Hotel. After completing the check-in procedures, the waiter led them to a spacious room, which was brightly illuminated by bright electric lights.

"Sir, the brightness of the lights in the room can be adjusted."

The waiter explained to them.

"You can adjust?"

Ketcham asked curiously.

"How to adjust it?"

"You can turn this light into a soft sleep light with the flip of a switch."

After the waiter taught Ketchum how to check the brightness of the desk lamp, Ketchum started playing around like a child.

"Morgan, this is really amazing. The brightness of the light can actually be adjusted."

After playing with the rotating table lamp switch, brightening and dimming the light again and again, Ketcham said.

"Yes, it is very magical. If you like it, I can give you a desk lamp like this."

It's not a big deal, it's just a light bulb. Of course, Morgan needs to show this state. Although he is surprised, he doesn't need to be surprised!

After hanging the hat on the coat rack, Morgan took off his coat. After hanging it on the coat rack, he said as he walked.

"Anyway, since we are already here, let's leave these strange things to tomorrow to discuss them. Maybe, there will be something tomorrow..."

While talking, he sat down on the bed.

"Ah, what's going on with this bed!"

Morgan quickly stood up, then he pressed the bed hard, and then made a surprising discovery.

"Ketchum, look at this bed. It's actually elastic?"

"Elastic? How can it be...really, seems, seems...could it be..."

Ketchum pressed it again, and then said in surprise.

"Is there a spring in it?"

There really are springs. In fact, the spring mattress was invented by Emperor Zhu Da as early as the Nanhua period. However, because springs are expensive, they have not been put on the market. Until last year, this spring mattress called "Sweet Dream"

It was first introduced and then put into the market, and its users were limited to a few wealthy people. As the most upscale hotel in the Ming Dynasty, the Peace Hotel had just replaced spring mattresses.

"This... is incredible!"

Surprised and unable to control his inner emotions, Morgan jumped on the bed like a child. When his whole body was bounced up, he said excitedly.

"There are really springs. Can this kind of spring bed make you sleep soundly?"

"Won't you know if you try it?"

Facing this kind of bed that they had never seen before, they put aside all doubts and lay down directly on the bed. The moment they lay down, they discovered the advantages of this kind of bed. Compared with the hard beds in the past,

This kind of mattress is soft and full of elasticity. Soon they wanted to fall asleep. When they were about to fall asleep, Morgan looked at the ceiling and said to himself.

"I believe that here, we will have new gains!"

Morgan was convinced of this, because just arriving there for the first time made him feel an unprecedented impact.

A little tired, he quickly fell asleep...

This chapter has been completed!
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