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Chapter 880 Hellfire Vodka

Chapter 880 Hellfire Vodka (Second update, please subscribe)

Wine barrel!

Wine barrels are falling from the sky one after another!

Not to mention Osman Nuri and his men above the fortress were dumbfounded. Even when the wine barrels roared in, the Turkish observers on the ground were also dumbfounded. They almost looked at each one eagerly.

"Wine barrels" fell from the sky.

"Damn it, those guys were drunk, weren't they? They actually threw the barrel down!"

On the Russian position in the distance, Russian officers and soldiers all looked at the wine barrels falling from the sky with envy... Russians are all born drunkards.

"That's right, how could they throw down the barrel? God, I haven't drank vodka for several days. They must have drunk too much..."

Amidst the complaints of the Russian infantry, the wine barrel dropped from the sky and hit the ground hard. It did not break immediately. The barrel made of Caucasus pine was fixed by iron hoops. The moment it landed, not only did it not break

It shattered, even with the help of iron hoops and the elasticity of the wood, it suddenly flew fifteen or six meters into the air before disintegrating in the air. At the moment of fragmentation, the black and sticky waste oil was like a waterfall.

The same thing spread out. The white phosphorus that came into contact with the air at the moment it spread burned and ignited it. The waterfall instantly turned into a "fire blanket" and suddenly fell down, covering the Turkish trenches and fortifications in this "fire blanket".

"Fire Carpet".

This is not one "fire carpet", but hundreds of "fire carpets". Oil barrels fall down one by one, bounce off, shatter in the air, and burn. The burning "fire carpet" is like the "fire carpet" in Arabian Nights.

Like a "flying carpet", it moves. Under the action of gravity, it flows into the trenches, and some trenches flow into the fortification bunkers. The Turkish soldiers hiding in the fortifications to avoid the bombing scream in terror.

When they tried to extinguish the fire, the burning oil was thrown everywhere. Many Turks were covered with fire cubes. The thick waste oil was like grease, and it stuck to their bodies.

Can't let go anymore.

For a time, the trenches and the sea of ​​​​fire were filled with screaming and crying people. The cries of those people were burning. The fire was burning near the trenches, but what was more deadly was the smoke, which was blowing in the wind.

Under the action of the fire, the trench turned into a flue. The smoke generated when the waste oil burned was poured along the trench into the anti-gun bunkers. Compared with the fire, the choking smoke was more deadly.

Moreover, waste oil contains a large amount of asphalt, and the poisonous gas it produces when burning is also fatal. In the toxic smoke, the Turkish soldiers in the fortifications felt like they were taking a "Turkish sauna".

It's just that this sauna is poisonous. The black poisonous smoke choked them. Thousands of Turkish soldiers fell into a coma without even running out. Even if someone ran out, they would not be able to breathe.

Outside there was either a blazing sea or thick black smoke. They wanted to run out of the trench, but the two-and-a-half-meter-deep trench was impossible to climb out without a ladder. They could only despair in the poisonous smoke like a flue.

Struggling and crying.

"Oh my God, this... what is this..."

The "wine" falling from the sky turned into "carpets of fire", and then the fire carpets flowed into the trenches like waterfalls, covering everything on the ground in a sea of ​​fire. Faced with such a terrifying scene, those who

The Russians were dumbfounded. You know, a few seconds ago, they wanted those barrels to fall on them.

But what about now?

What kind of wine barrel is there? It’s clearly the “devil’s wine”!


For a time, there were cheers everywhere on the Russian position, and while they were cheering, they were shouting again.

"Let the damn Turks taste Russian vodka!"

"Haha, Russian vodka, Hala Shao..."

"Vodka, Hallaso!"

Amid cheers, the Russian army began to attack. Different from the previous two large-scale attacks, this time only thousands of Russian troops launched the attack. When they attacked, the fire of "Eagle Fort" was still burning, and the sky was full of fire.

The airship continued to drop oil barrels, and the entire "Eagle Fort" was shrouded in red flames and billowing black smoke.

How many people are left there?

Osman Nuri stared at the "Eagle Castle" with wide eyes, his eyes looked a little ferocious, and he yelled again.

"Have you contacted Dudayev?"

"There has been no reply to the telegram..."

There are only two possibilities for no reply, one is that the telegraph line was burned out, and the other is that everyone died in the fire.

"Damn, what kind of weapon did they use? Was it an incendiary bomb? Are there such incendiary bombs?"

Osman Nouri complained loudly. He simply didn't know how to describe his current mood. Is it despair or panic?

Even though he was determined to fight to the death, the Russians' current fighting style was completely beyond his expectation.

"Pasha, the stronghold near Eagle Fort sent a telegram saying that there were cannon and gunfire coming from Eagle Fort, but... it was very sparse."

Compared with the previous resistance, the resistance of Eagle Fort during the blazing fire was almost insignificant, and could even be said to be minimal. After all, many people were either burned to death or choked to death by the smoke.

Almost half an hour later, the Russian tricolor flag fluttered over the "Eagle Fort", and the Russian soldiers shouted loudly regardless of the toxic smoke that filled the place.

"Ula, Ula..."

Amidst the rising waves of "Ula", more Russian soldiers were shouting there.

"Russian Vodka!"

"Russian Vodka!"

"Russian Vodka!"

Why they shouted like this, of course, they were not asking for vodka from the Czar, but because in their opinion, it was those wine barrels that fell from the sky that helped them win the battle at a negligible cost.

"What, so fast!"

As Tsar Alexander II, when he received a report from the front line in his headquarters, he simply couldn't believe his ears. He even confirmed it again before he believed it was true.

The reason why he took a car to the Pleven front line was to personally supervise the battle, because Russia did not have much time to waste here.

But what about now?

He found that there seemed to be no need to stay here anymore, because Russian vodka would conquer everything!

"Haha, Major Li!"

Alexander II held Li Bin in his arms and said excitedly.

"Thank you, Major, with "Russian Vodka" we will definitely win this war..."


What is "Russian Vodka"? At this moment, Li Bin couldn't help but be a little confused, but in an instant, he came back to his senses and added.

"Your Majesty, if that's the case, then we should mobilize all the airships now and drop more oil..."

"What kind of oil? What kind of oil is that? It's clearly vodka! It was a gift from the Russians to those pagans."

Tsar Alexander III II said proudly there.

"We will throw all the heretics into hell and use the fire of hell to purify their souls."

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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