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Chapter 882 Difficulty Finding Yafu

Chapter 882: Having trouble finding Yafu (first update, please subscribe)

"There are only eternal interests between countries. Among the four countries, the Austro-Hungarian Empire received the least return from Turkey, which means that it is the easiest to get off the ship. I don't know whether it will get off the ship now, but at least it must do it.

Make some preparations!"

In fact, it is not terrible for the Austro-Hungarian Empire to disembark, and it is one of the acceptable options. After all, betrayal between allies is very common in wars. The reason why Austria-Hungary joined in the first place was to stabilize Russia.

Russia is the most important player on this ship.

If someone in the middle wants to jump ship, you must make plans in advance.

Emperor Zhu thought for a while and then said.

"It's better to make some plans in advance than to improvise!"

After casually saying this, Emperor Zhu asked again.

"What's going on over there in France?"

France, it’s time to take action!

France, Paris, Louvre Museum.

Early in the morning, Count Alexander hurried to see his nephew, Emperor Napoleon IV, and brought a surprising news!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the Russians have captured the Pleven Fortress!"

After hearing the news, Napoleon IV was stunned for a moment and then asked casually:

"So fast! The Russian army should be attacking the Kaplek area now, but..."

After thinking for a while, Napoleon IV said.

"I remember that Pleven Fortress was not a very strong fortress. How did Russia capture it?"

As the emperor, Napoleon IV was no stranger to war. Last year, he personally led the troops to attack Libya. Although the progress was not as smooth as expected, he still captured Libya. Then he returned in triumph. That victory was beyond words.

Brilliant, but it gave him the taste of a winner - people in Paris welcomed him and cheered for his victory.

Some even claimed that he was following in the footsteps of the great Emperor Napoleon. After Emperor Napoleon returned from Egypt, he founded the French Empire and the most glorious period in French history.

It was from then on that Napoleon IV truly felt that he was firmly on the throne - as long as he could give people the glory and victory they needed, as long as he could, like Emperor Napoleon, continue to defeat the enemy on the battlefield and use victory to defeat the enemy.

All those who oppose him shut up.

Now, it's time to use a more brilliant victory to make everyone crazy for him!

"We don't know much about the specific situation now, but one thing is for sure. The Turks are far weaker than we thought. They didn't even last ten days in the Pleven Fortress." Count Alexander's answer made Napoleon IV

He said quite excitedly.

"Yes, Turkey is no longer worth mentioning now, we must seize the time!"

Pacing back and forth, Napoleon IV said as he walked.

"Count Alexander, we must take action immediately and send our troops to Jerusalem. No matter what, we must recover that city. Of course, there is also Mesopotamia, which is an extremely rich land...


Of course, the local population is also large, but this is not a problem. For Eugene, the fourth emperor, what does he need?

It is nothing more than using victory to silence those who oppose him. What does he need? Just like a vast colony, which is comparable to the illustrious military achievements of Emperor Napoleon. As long as he has these two, he can not only gain the support of the people,

He can even make his wife, who is as cold as an iceberg, fall in love with him.

Who doesn't love heroes?

"Indeed, compared to North Africa, Mesopotamia is indeed very rich, and this is why I insisted on obtaining Greater Syria and Baghdad during the negotiations."

After thinking about it, Alexander said.

"However, Ming Dynasty only asked for land along the southwest coast of the Persian Gulf. From Kuwait City to the Qatar area, it is almost all desert."

"Yeah, compared to us, they got too little!"

Napoleon IV said with some sigh.

"But their target is Africa and the Americas, especially Brazil. He will definitely not suffer. Those deserts are just to express their position."

For the Ming Emperor, Napoleon IV had always not only admired, but also respected him extremely. Even when he guessed his mother's affair with him, instead of feeling angry, he even felt that this was a good thing for his mother, at least for her.

When he received his letter, his face was filled with happiness. "It is true, but, Your Majesty, although the Ming Dynasty's goal is Brazil, if we send troops, they should also follow suit. This is for the unification of the alliance's position."


Count Alexander said,

"Judging from the news currently available, the British are wooing the United States, Germany and Italy, and they are establishing an alliance belonging to the United Kingdom... Although I don't know what the British are tossing, what is certain is that once their alliance is established,

Our strength will be far inferior to theirs. Now, in order to deter the British as much as possible, I think it is better to act in unison!"

"United action, indeed, unified action can make the British take action! However, is it too much to ask Ming Dynasty to declare war on Turkey? After all, Ming Dynasty did not ask us to cite the alliance when it declared war on Brazil.

Article 3 of the Treaty.”

The so-called third clause of the Alliance Treaty is that if one country declares war on another country, the Allied Powers must declare war at the same time. However, the Ming Dynasty did not quote this clause, and this is the reason why France did not declare war on Brazil.

"The opponents are different. Moreover, the attention of the British has been attracted to us now. When the British are unable to take care of the Americas, Brazil does not need our intervention at all. Besides, after we intervene, what will be our return?"

While the two were talking, the Imperial Prime Minister Montauban had already walked in breathlessly, and he spoke as soon as he entered the door.

"Your Majesty, something happened, the British, the British sent their fleet to Istanbul!"

"What? The British sent a fleet?"

"How is this possible? What do the British want? Do they want to go to war with us?"

"Only God knows that!"

Montauban gasped and said,

"The British have transferred their Mediterranean fleet from Alexandria to Istanbul. The British Foreign Secretary said that Britain will never sit back and watch Turkey be occupied by other countries. Your Majesty, what should we do now?"

Now both Montauban and Alexander turned to look at Napoleon IV. The British were really in trouble!

Everything they did before this was based on one position, that is, Britain would maintain some kind of neutrality because it was afraid of the power of the "Four-Nation Alliance", at least they would not end up personally.

After all, the gap in strength between everyone is there. But now the British actually took the initiative to end the game, which was definitely beyond their expectations.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?"

Now the young emperor was faced with an unprecedented choice.

What should we do now?

Should we continue as planned or give in?

"Your Majesty, I feel that we must deal with this matter carefully now. After all, Britain, they must vigorously defend their interests..."

Faced with Montauban's persuasion, Eugene thought for a while. Although deep down in his heart he was worried, but after thinking for a while, he said.

"The interests of the British are interests. Are the interests of France not interests?"

When he said these words, a thought came to Ou Ren's mind - if it were him, what would he choose?

who is he?

Of course he was his cousin's husband, well, or his mother's lover - of course this was his guess. He was the emperor of the Ming Empire.

How will he choose when facing pressure from Britain?

What is certain is that he almost never compromised when facing the British, especially when faced with threats from the British, he often persisted until the end.

(End of chapter)

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