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Chapter 918 Inventor

What is war?

War is about maximizing one's own advantages. Lieutenant Colonel Desen Prior, who had originally vowed to inflict heavy damage on the Ming army, found himself in a strange situation in the next half day.

This "truck cavalry" appeared out of nowhere, like a ghost, constantly appearing in all directions.

They would suddenly open fire when they were thousands of meters apart. They would only fire machine guns for a minute or two, and then drive away without looking back.

Facing this truck cavalry, when they wanted to catch up, they couldn't catch up at all, because the truck was very fast. Even when shooting, the infantry on the vehicle could shoot from a distance while the vehicle was paused.

He fired a dozen or twenty shots and drove away quickly before the Brazilians could react.

Although the 23rd Regiment had sixteen mortars and four field guns, they were completely unable to fight back against these trucks. Even if they clenched their fists, their fists were like hitting cotton.

, there is no strength at all.

Although the 23rd Regiment seemed to have a large number of troops, facing these trucks, it was like a cat playing with a mouse, with no power to fight back.

When dusk fell, when he learned that the casualties on his side had exceeded a thousand people, Lieutenant Colonel Desen Prior, who originally wanted to teach the Ming army a profound lesson, almost without hesitation ordered the troops to escape under the cover of night.

area. Even while escaping, he and his troops were struck.

Early the next morning, when the rear troops arrived at the hills on this grassland, they found more than 800 corpses. Faced with such a result, everyone was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it...

Correspondingly, after the officers learned of this achievement, they all requested more six-year-old machine guns. After all, in this small-scale encounter, a six-year-old machine gun played a far greater role.

Far more than hundreds of rifles.

It has to be said that the emergence of the six-year-old machine gun completely subverted the concept of war, and its combination with trucks also produced a multiplier effect.

However, right now, it’s just the six-year-old machine gun that has just been put into the battlefield!

In addition to machine guns, the commanders of each unit have issued reports requesting more trucks. After all, in addition to machine guns,

There was also a special force in the Ming Dynasty - the bicycle force.

As early as eight years ago, Ming Dynasty had a bicycle army, and then began to use bicycles on a large scale in the army's reconnaissance and communication tasks. Just like cars, once the military used bicycles, they became true fans -

—This bicycle is great. It doesn’t need to eat feed or drink water, and it doesn’t need a specialized veterinary team to serve it. Moreover, many people can learn to ride a bicycle immediately. Many people have to learn to ride a horse on the spot.

It may not be possible to control it.

After the war against Argentina ended, the performance of bicycles on the battlefield led the military to require in the post-war plan that the first battalion of each infantry regiment must be equipped with a bicycle company, and each regiment must have a reconnaissance unit.

, either on horseback or on bicycles. From this moment on, the infantry regiments were allotted bicycles from the regiment headquarters to the grassroots companies.

Since the outbreak of the war, soldiers riding bicycles have appeared in the vast land. They either serve as vanguards, cover the flanks of the troops, or travel between troops to transport letters. In short, light and flexible bicycles,

It has always won the trust of the military.

However, compared to cars, bicycles still have big shortcomings. After all, they require people to use their legs to pedal.

"If I ride another ten kilometers, I feel like my legs are going to be useless..."

Zhang Dayang was lying on the camp bed. After delivering several letters to and from the army, he felt that his legs had become someone else's. As a communications soldier, he rode his bicycle everywhere to deliver letters every day. At the end of the day, Zhang Dayang felt that his legs had become someone else's.

It is said that one has to ride seventy or eighty kilometers, which is a challenge to the limit for any communications soldier.

"Hey, when do you think you can give us a car, just like the officers' cars..."

Before his comrade could finish what he said, Gu Hai shouted.

"What are you dreaming about? Even the regiment leader is still riding a horse. You kid wants to ride in a car. You are talking in your sleep!"

"If we don't have a car, we can just install an engine on our car! Then it will be a real bicycle!"

"It's a shame you kid can think of putting an engine on a bicycle..."

Although the brothers in the tent were chatting there, Zhang Dayang was lying on the bed, talking to himself as if he had received some inspiration.

"It's not impossible!"

"What? Dayang, can you tell me what you want?"

"I mean put an engine on a bicycle!"

"Haha, Dayang, what are you dreaming about? Install the engine. The car's engine is so big, can it carry it?"

Can you carry it?

It certainly can't carry the car engine, but what if it's replaced by another engine?

Zhang Dayang, whose tired legs were aching, suddenly sat up and rode his bicycle directly in front of the tent and left.

"Ocean, ocean..."

Gu Hai muttered.

"I don't know what hysteria is causing."


In the machine gun company's camp, amid the sound of engines running, the camp was filled with the smell of gasoline.

This is a gasoline generator charging the machine gun battery - the electric Gatling gun needs a lead-acid battery to drive, and the battery always needs to be charged. On the battlefield, they are charged by such a small gasoline generator.

As soon as he entered the machine gun camp, Zhang Dayang stared at a gasoline generator, thinking about something in his mind.

"I said, Dayang, if you don't deliver the letter to the company commander when you come here, why are you doing this?"

Zhang Zhongxing saw him and came over to ask.

"What's so good about this machine?"

"How much power is he?"


"I mean this engine."

"This, this is a generator..."

When Zhang Zhongxing was introducing the generator, Zhang Dayang looked at the engine, which was only the size of a schoolbag, and looked at the bicycle from time to time, thinking in his mind and talking to himself.

"It should be okay, it should be okay..."

"What are you thinking about?"

Zhang Zhongxing asked.

"I'm thinking about the engine!"

Zhang Dayang said without thinking.

"I'm thinking about using this engine to invent something."

"What? Invention?"

Zhang Zhongxing looked at Zhang Dayang, the communications soldier in the regiment headquarters, and suddenly grinned.

"You didn't even go to middle school, and yet you invented it? Are you hysterical?"

Zhang Dayang did not go to middle school. He just barely finished high school. However, this did not hinder his interest in machinery. In fact, he had been an apprentice for four years before joining the army.

"If you haven't gone to middle school, you can't invent. Who says that people who graduate from elementary school can stop inventing!"

As soon as Zhang Dayang finished speaking, a voice came from behind him.

"Yes, that's right. Who said inventors have to be middle school students or college students? Dayang, tell me what you want to invent."

The person who came over was none other than Hu Jiaye, the company commander of the machine gun company.

"Use him..."

Pointing to the motor on the wooden frame, Zhang Dayang said directly.

"Company commander, I want to use it to build a real bicycle, um, a two-wheeled automatic vehicle."

(End of chapter)

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