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Chapter 921: Wolves in the Sky

The sudden airship brings death!

At the moment when the cluster bombs were dropped, the road was completely shrouded in smoke. Amidst the billowing black smoke, the soldiers who were marching on the ground were trapped in a steel purgatory.

Shrapnel flew across the sky, flames rose, and human bodies were thrown into the air like rag dolls and torn into pieces. Every explosion was like a giant carrying those poor people, tearing their limbs apart...

All this is completely invisible to people on the airship. As a reporter with the army, Wang Tengfei, in order to observe the situation on the ground as much as possible, he deliberately used a telescope to observe.

What's the situation on the ground?

There was a mess everywhere. Bombed artillery carriages and horse-drawn carriages were scattered everywhere. There were corpses of people and horses everywhere. In the black smoke, there was red everywhere - red blood, red earth, and even more.

What is unforgettable are the people struggling and twisting in the blood.

"Oh My God……"

He closed his eyes nervously, and Wang Tengfei felt a little palpitating in his heart. He had imagined war, but never thought that war would be like this.

This is not a war at all. A war should be the kind where you come and go. It should be the kind of passionate charging into battle. It should be... it should be the brave warriors fighting with their blood and lives.

But what about now?

What appeared before his eyes was a completely different war.

The Ming Dynasty air force, which has air superiority, is like the god of death, flying silently over the heads of the Brazilian army, and then quietly dropping bombs on their queues. Those people did not even know about these airships until they died.

How did it fly here?

This is the new tactic "Silent Attack" that the Ming Dynasty's aerial troops have been studying in the past few years. This tactic makes full use of the advantages of airships, using natural airflow to push the airship to contact the enemy, quietly approaching the enemy, and then


Then...victory and triumph!

Wang Tengfei didn't know that this kind of "silent attack" had always been the pursuit of major powers in another world. But in this era, Ming Dynasty had realized the attack method that all countries dream of in advance.

During an aerial bombing carried out by the floating troops, Wang Tengfei returned with the airship. Soon, his article "A good attacker moves above the nine heavens" was published in the "Da Ming Daily", and some

The exaggerated description not only set off an airship craze in the Ming Dynasty, but also allowed the whole world to see the powerful combat effectiveness of airships.

Of course, what shocked the world even more?

Naturally, it is the Ming Dynasty's flexible and changeable tactics, from "silent attack" to "air vigilance", the flexible tactics allow the Ming Dynasty's floating troops to fully demonstrate what "good attackers move above the nine heavens".

When the military around the world was surprised, they imitated the Ming Dynasty military through limited information, learning how to use their air fleet, turning the sky into a blue sea, and attacking the Brazilian army wantonly.

Almost overnight, those voices from all over the world who once doubted the airship disappeared. After all, the airship has now proven itself with its amazing achievements!

Emperor Zhu Da, who was the initiator of everything, was also paying attention to the performance of airships on the battlefield. Although airships were a weapon that was destined to be eliminated, Emperor Zhu Da was still shocked when he saw the report of the floating troops.


"... Under the attack of the cruising and safari troops, the Brazilian army is now in an unprecedented dilemma. When their troops are marching, they will always expose the marching column and then be attacked by the safari troops. Every bombing will cause

The casualties range from hundreds to thousands of people. This is because our troops who are hunting in the air basically fight on their own. There are only three airships and only ten tons of bombs. The casualties caused by

Nature is relatively limited!”

Listening to the rather regretful words of Li Du, the Viscount of Versailles of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Zhu Da couldn't help but grin!

This is still limited...

Emperor Zhu Da even sympathized with the Brazilian army for suffering such a dimensionality reduction blow. After all, for the army of this era, they had no way to resist attacks from the air.

This is simply a one-sided massacre!

"Actually, this "safari tactic" can be improved!"

With a proud smile on his face, Emperor Zhu Da said.

"The safari detachment can be equipped with a radio station, ensuring that each detachment has one. After discovering the ground target, do not rush to attack. The detachment first contacts the base camp, and then the base camp mobilizes several nearby safari detachments through telegraphs to target them.

The enemy's attack... well, it's a wolf pack tactic!"

When the "Wolf Pack Tactics" were mentioned, Emperor Zhu Da's eyes lit up. Isn't this just the "Wolf Pack Tactics" in the air?

"Wolf pack tactics?"

"Yes, it is the wolf pack tactic. What is our current tactic? It is basically an airship team with several airships fighting alone, but what if..."

Emperor Zhu Da took out a piece of paper and drew several squares.

"What we are currently implementing is this kind of independent fighting layout. If Team A discovers a target in their patrol area, and then the base camp orders the safari teams in the adjacent front, rear, left and right areas to form a formation and carry out a unified attack through a telegram, then

There are at least fifteen airships attacking at the same time, fifteen ships...that's forty or fifty tons of bombs! So many bombs, enough to severely damage a division of enemy troops!"

This is almost the so-called "wolf pack tactic". During World War II, the German submarine force sent a large number of submarines to cruise in the Atlantic. After a submarine discovered the target, it began to track and call for support from the submarines in the nearby sea area to gather. Then these submarines formed a small group.

Teams, like a pack of wolves, take turns launching underwater attacks on enemy warships and transport ships.

The Ming Dynasty’s airship troops can definitely use the same tactics!

"Your Majesty, the radio station...that is top secret!"

Li Du looked at His Majesty in surprise.

Radio stations have been among the top secrets of the Ming Dynasty since their invention until now. Even now, only battleships and a few cruisers are equipped with radio stations. As for the army... there are radio stations only between bases, but now His Majesty actually wants to

It is indeed a bit unexpected to use this national weapon on an airship.

"It's good that it's top secret, but you can't abandon the combat power multiplier just because it's top secret. This kind of thinking is unacceptable..."

After thinking for a while, Emperor Zhu continued.

"Just keep it confidential. If an accident occurs, the radio operator can destroy the radio station as soon as possible. Isn't that what the Navy does too? If the Navy can do it, so can the aerial troops."

Emperor Zhu Da made the decision with one sentence... equip the Ming Dynasty's floating troops with radio stations!

(End of chapter)

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