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Chapter 926 The Airship Is Destruction

"Long live the Sultan!"

"Long live the Caliph!"

"Long live the Ottoman Empire!"

As the spokesperson of the true God in the world, as soon as the Sultan's words fell, the square in front of the temple immediately boiled. Whether they heard the Sultan's voice or not, whether they heard the promise or not, they still cheered.

This is both the promise of the true God and the promise of the Sultan. It seems that everyone believes that after death, they will enter the "paradise" promised by God.

The cheers of the people were like a tsunami, rushing toward Sultan Abdul Aziz I. Listening to the cheers of the people, at this moment, his heart was also excited. This was the first time he enjoyed the joy of people.


At this moment, Abdul Aziz I seemed to have won. He believed that these people would fight to the end to defend Constantinople and his empire!

Just when the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire used the "reward from the true God" to unite hundreds of thousands of Turks who had no way to retreat, just when the shouts of mountains and tsunamis came oncoming.

No one noticed at all - in the sky, just above their heads, 167 airships, all of the Russian Empire, all the airships were flying in like a group of ghosts.

Not flying, but floating!

With the wind……

The airship painted in camouflage was like clouds in the sky, floating in the direction of the wind. The crew on the airship just kept adjusting its course to ensure that the airship could reach its target smoothly.

"That's the Blue Temple!"

As the largest mosque in Europe, the blue dome looks extremely spectacular, and the six prayer towers are extremely eye-catching. You can clearly spot it even from a distance of dozens of kilometers.

That's their target.

"Keep heading!"

Yang Tianci said to Colonel Ivan next to him.

"We must approach it quietly..."

As a major of the Ming Dynasty's aerospace force, according to the instructions of the Imperial Army Staff Department, Yang Tianci taught the "Silent Attack" tactics to the Russians a month ago. Under his training, the Russian spaceship troops have basically mastered it.

The secret to this tactic.

In fact, there is no secret formula at all, the core is just one word - Gone with the Wind!

Just turn off the power, follow the wind vane, and adjust the course in the middle to ensure that it can float above the destination.

This tactic seems very primitive, but it is technically difficult. However, once mastered, it can play an unexpected role in the war.

Just like now, as they continued to approach the Blue Temple, the Turkish air defense posts did not detect their presence at all.

Without the roar of the engine, it would be difficult for people on the ground to notice their existence. They are just floating clouds in the sky.

Finally, the floating clouds reached the sky above the Blue Temple. At this time, the square in front of the temple was filled with cheers. The cheers of hundreds of thousands of people could even reach thousands of meters in the sky.

it's time!

Staring at the target on the ground, almost as soon as the idea came to Yang Tianci's mind, the sound of the bomb aimer sounded in his ears.


The moment the sound fell, the bomb bay door opened, and bombs fell like raindrops. Although Russia did not have cluster bombs, they did have small bombs weighing 10 kilograms.

Hundreds of small bombs fell from the sky like raindrops. The tail fins of the bombs rubbed against the air and made a "chirp..." sound. The sounds in the sky connected in a string, like a symphony.

At this time, people on the ground were still cheering,

"Long live the Sultan!"

"Long live the Caliph!"

"Long live the Ottoman Empire!"

The excited people let out excited roars, and their roars overwhelmed everything in the world. It seems that at this time, what they were competing with was whose voice was louder. It seemed that as long as the voice was louder, they would get a response from the true God.

After they die, they can enter the paradise promised by God, where beautiful women and countless wealth are waiting for them.

Yes, not to mention that they have never doubted it. After all, God has made such a promise to them for thousands of years.

People cheered very loudly.

Amidst the roaring and tsunami-like shouts, they did not notice the sound coming from the air at all. Until the next moment, they felt it, and felt something strange coming from the air. The moment they raised their heads, there were bombs like raindrops.

It fell down.

Violent explosions continued to sound in the crowd, and the sound of explosions was like a continuous salute. In the violent explosion, everything around was blown up into the air, and the whistling shrapnel was like the scythe of death.

Life near the unscrupulous reaper.

In an instant, death swallowed up the entire square. The people cheering in the square were still shouting even at the moment when the bomb exploded. The next moment, death came.

This is what they hope for. All they hope for is death. After all, death can allow them to enter that "paradise".

The smoke raised by the explosion continued to explode in and around the square like raindrops. The bombs like raindrops shrouded everything in it. The dome of the blue temple was blown down, and the towering worship pagoda was destroyed.

Standing in the smoke of gunpowder, and in front of all this, the shouts in people's mouths turned into screams of terror. The people who were still there vowing to kill all the infidels were just kept in the smoke of explosions.

He was running, then was blown into the sky, and his body was torn apart by the roaring debris.

In the square filled with people, the power of the bomb was fully exerted. Although such a large number of people desperately wanted to escape, the narrow streets blocked their possibility of escape. People crowded together like crazy.

The group, they desperately pushed down the people in front of them, trying to escape, but the fallen people blocked their steps. Just when the people were crowded like sardine cans, the bomb fell in the crowd, directly destroying the surrounding people.

Everyone was blown up into the sky.

In the square filled with gunpowder smoke, there was blood everywhere, and flesh and blood that had been blown away everywhere. But for the people running around in the square, they couldn't see this at all. They just ran and fled in confusion and terror.

Then they huddled together and were hit by bombs again...

Amidst the billowing smoke and violent explosions, people continued to fall and die. Their blood was like rain, flowing along the stone slabs and towards the sewers that had been in disrepair for a long time.

At the same time, the Turkish Sultan who was still there vowing to fight back the invaders had been buried in the explosion along with the collapsed temple. Also buried were the generals around him.

This was a self-destructive pre-war speech. In the past, perhaps it would have been safe to give such a group speech, and it was also inspiring. Like those he inspired before, those people were full of excitement.

, ready to sacrifice his life for Turkey at any time.

But what now?

The appearance of fitting changed everything. There was no longer any difference between the front and the rear. Even when he was giving a speech, the airship dropped bombs into the crowd...

(End of chapter)

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